Panther Commando

Chapter 2998: fire on mountain top

At this time, in the dark mountains on the side of Wen Meng's location, Xiaoya and Lingling were taking advantage of the opportunity when the enemy focused their attention and firepower on Wen Meng, lying on the rugged mountains and quickly approaching the foot of the mountain ahead.

The two of them knew that their mission was not only to cover the leopard head and the wind knife to kill the enemy's mountaintop firepower, but also to shoulder the task that the scimitar team had not completed, that is, to lead the enemy's large troops into the minefield.

Therefore, they must try to get closer to the enemy to create a greater momentum, hurt the opponent, and anger the commanders such as Kunsha and the mercenaries, so that they will lead their subordinates to chase a few of them into the minefield in rage.

Just now, the two of them were at the moment when the machine gun on the top of the mountain turned to Wen Meng, and at the same time, they crawled out from behind the hidden rock with one hand holding the gun, and quickly climbed towards the dark foot of the mountain in front.

At this time, Xiaoya and Lingling had stopped shooting. They were both approaching the enemy at the foot of the mountain under the cover of darkness. It is a ghost fire that moves between the mountains, spraying out clusters of faint firelights from left to right, front and back, performing the arduous task of sniping at distant reinforcements while attracting the firepower of enemies near the hill and on the top of the mountain. .

It didn't take long, Xiaoya and Lingling had quietly climbed to the mountain about 100 meters away from the foot of the mountain under the cover of the thick night and Wen Meng. At this time, the two of them were hidden in a pile of rocks and slowly raised their heads and looked forward.

The two saw the fire from behind the rocks in the mountains in front and behind the trunks of trees, and saw that more than a dozen enemies on guard at the foot of the mountain were cooperating with the sound of machine guns on the top of the mountain behind, blindly sweeping towards the dim mountains in the dark. A string of bullets rained.

Xiaoya saw the distribution of the enemies clearly, and immediately tapped the wireless microphone beside her mouth a few times, and informed Lingling, who was not far away, that she was ready to attack.

She immediately looked at the surrounding terrain, and continued to lie on the ground and crawl behind a huge rock in front of her, moving very slowly and carefully, lest she would disturb the enemy not far away. Lingling, who was lying on her side in a low-lying grass, also climbed out of the grass with great care and crawled towards the back of a thick tree trunk in front of her.

Soon, Xiaoya's figure had hidden and crawled behind the rock in front of her. She knelt down on one knee from under the dark rock like a ghost, and then took out three grenades from her body and placed them on the ground, holding a grenade tightly in her right hand. Peeking out half his head from the side of the rock.

Through the monocular night vision goggles on her face, she could faintly see in the dust mist blown by the strong wind, the fire from the muzzle of the mountain was sprayed in clusters at the foot of the mountain at a distance of 40 to 50 meters. On the hillside above, the sound was intermittent, and more than a dozen enemies actually formed a skirmish line at the foot of the hill and on the hillside, and the gunshots came and went regularly.

Xiaoya looked at the distribution of the enemies in front of her, and suddenly there was a look of surprise in her eyes. These drug dealer soldiers, who were originally a rabble, actually formed a skirmish line that could support and cover each other during the battle, and they were all over the foot of the mountain. These people had obviously undergone more professional tactical training.

She then looked sideways attentively, and Lingling had already climbed behind the thick tree trunk twenty meters away. At this time, she was kneeling on one knee under the cover of the thick trunk, and her body was clinging to the back of the tree trunk, slender. The body has been integrated with the thick trunk. Obviously, Lingling is also ready for battle and is waiting for her side to take action.

Xiaoya saw that Lingling was already in place, she didn't say a word, she took a deep breath to lift her skills, followed by her right hand suddenly raised from behind the rock. "Whoosh", the round grenade in her hands let out a whistle and flew straight to the foot of the mountain tens of meters away in front of her.

Immediately after, her right hand quickly grabbed a grenade from the ground and threw it vigorously towards the foot of the mountain in front of her. At the same time, Lingling had seen Xiaoya's suddenly raised arm from the side, and her right hand was also thrown forward vigorously.

At this time, the wind was still whistling, and the thick clouds covered the stars in the sky. In the dust flying in the sky, there were ghost-like clusters of enemy gunfire. The entire dark mountain looked extremely terrifying in the wind and darkness.

At this moment, "Boom", "Boom", "Boom", several deafening explosions suddenly exploded from the foot of the dark mountain one after another, and a few bursts of fire suddenly illuminated the foot of the mountain red. .

In the fierce firelight, several figures suddenly rolled out from behind several rocks and tree trunks along with the blown up gravel in the firelight, followed by shrill screams, and panicked after the rocks close to the firelight. A few black shadows sprang out, turned around and rushed behind the rocks on the side.

"Da da da", "da da da", two series of violent gunshots followed with the burst of fire, and several boys who had just emerged from the cover immediately fell back with the gunshots, screaming. , Intense gunshots accompanied by the wind of "woo woo" suddenly spread throughout the mountains, making the originally dark mountains even more terrifying.

With the sudden burst of fire and loud explosions at the foot of the mountain, the sound of gunfire at the foot of the mountain suddenly disappeared, but after a while, the roar of an enemy suddenly came from the foot of the Intense gunshots Then it sounded from the foot of the surrounding mountain, and a string of firelight flew straight to the rock and tree where Xiaoya and Lingling were invisible.

At this moment, a dazzling red fire suddenly erupted on the top of the dark mountain, followed by an earth-shattering explosion. The last few shadows were rolling over the top of the mountain with the rising firelight.

With the huge flame that suddenly erupted from the top of the mountain, the originally dark mountain seemed to be suddenly sprinkled with a dark red blood, and the originally dark hill was suddenly enveloped in a thick blood!

At this moment, Wan Lin, who was halfway up the mountain, was kneeling under a rock on one knee, his left bow was facing the direction of the top of the mountain, his right hand was passing through the bowstring like lightning, and his murderous eyes were staring at the top of the mountain. Figures rolling in the firelight. He then turned around with a cold expression and looked towards the mountains on the west side. A group of enemies were rushing from the mountains on the west side. At this time, the group of enemies had hid behind the hills, avoiding the muzzles of the snipers in the distance.

Just now, he fired a bow and arrow bomb on the mountainside, clearing up the enemy's firepower on the top of the mountain in one fell swoop, and then pulled out another short black arrow from the tactical vest behind him. He bent his bow and set an arrow, and looked down at the group of reinforcements who had already rushed to the foot of the west side of the mountain. With a bang, he loosened the rounded bowstring.

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