Panther Commando

Chapter 3026: interim battle plan

Matsumoto glanced coldly at the group of drug dealer soldiers in front of him who had been scared to death, then turned his head to look at the two men standing in the dark and waved his hand, and hurriedly followed the Kunsha group of people to the west. Run away in the direction of the forest.

At this time, at the edge of the dense forest where Kunsha and a group of people had fled, eight or nine black shadows suddenly appeared in the darkness. behind the trunk of the tree, raised his gun and aimed at the jungle. A group of people wore monocular night vision goggles on their faces, and the black muzzles all pointed at the dark jungle.

Wan Lin quickly rushed to the edge of the forest, and immediately disappeared behind a thick tree trunk. He stopped to listen to the movement in the forest, then quickly raised his sniper rifle to aim deep in the jungle, and then whispered into the microphone. The order said: "Bao Ya, Feng Yu, the three of you immediately go into the forest for concealed reconnaissance, and the rest of the staff are on the spot alert!"

Following his voice, the Bao Ya and Yuwen brothers, who had already been invisible around him, immediately took their guns and drilled into the pitch-black Minlin. The surrounding Chengru and Xiaoya also immediately scattered around and raised their guns to aim around.

Wan Lin quickly observed the dark jungle, then turned to look behind him. The huge fire on the hillside opposite the Scimitar Tribe had already been extinguished, and the original gunshots and the screams of the enemy had also disappeared. The mountains shrouded in starlight are flying over twenty or thirty black figures, and the light of the swords flashing in the dark night is faintly flashing from the silhouettes of these people. Obviously, as soon as the war on the Scimitar tribe ends, Ah Hu They immediately sent someone to follow.

At this time, Cheng Ru walked to Wan Lin with a sniper rifle. He looked at the people running from the mountains behind and said in a low voice, "It is estimated that Ah Bao personally led people to chase after him. Leopard head, are we entering the forest now? Chase?"

Wan Lin didn't answer, but turned his head to look at the top of the towering cliff on the side of the mountain. At this time, he was really puzzled: Xiaohua and Xiaobai roared, and there was no sound. I really don't know these two Where did the little thing go?

Cheng Ru saw Wan Lin looking up at the top of the cliff in the distance, knowing that he was worried about the safety of the two leopards, he also looked up at the cliff that was faintly standing in the distance in the starlight, and said in a low voice: "Xiao Hua and Xiaobai should have entered the jungle to pursue Kunsha and the others! When Zisheng and I were on the top of the mountain just now, I faintly saw the red and blue dots in their eyes moving quickly in this direction."

Wan Lin nodded, turned and looked into the dark jungle again, a worried look suddenly appeared in his eyes, he secretly said in his heart: "If the two leopards entered the jungle alone to track, they should be close to the Kunsha group by now. If so, it would be too dangerous for them to attack alone! Kunsha must be with those mercenaries now, and he must be accompanied by a dozen or twenty bodyguards. These people's combat effectiveness should be higher than The drug dealer soldiers I met just now are much stronger."

Just as he was worried about the two leopards in his heart, a blue light suddenly shot out from the branches and leaves in the depths of the dense forest. The blue light beam suddenly streaked across the dim night sky like a lightning bolt. Immediately after, a red light flashed again, and two deafening roars came from the depths of the jungle at the same time.

Wan Lin and the others slammed their guns into the forest, and bursts of violent gunshots of "da-da-da", "da-da-da" and "bang-bang-bang" suddenly came from the depths of the dark jungle. There was also a shrill scream.

At this time, Xiaoya and the others at the edge of the forest followed and looked at Wan Lin with anxious expressions in their eyes. Xiaohua and Xiaobai were already fighting the enemy in the dark jungle, so they all looked at Wan Lin and waited for him to give the order to pursue the forest.

But this is, Wan Lin suddenly put down the sniper rifle aimed at the dense forest, his eyes flashed a few times, and then he looked up at the dim night sky and let out a deafening long whistle!

The surrounding Cheng Ru and Xiaoya were stunned when they heard Wan Lin's whistling. They had already heard that Leopard's head was not ordering the two leopards to continue the pursuit, but summoning the two leopards. Howling for a quick retreat!

Following Wan Lin's long howl, two fierce roars also came from the depths of the dense forest. Wan Lin looked at everyone's questioning eyes and said in a low voice, "Kunsha is now like a lost dog. It's too dangerous for us to chase in the forest in such a dark night. Even if we catch up with them, this kid will definitely be trapped and fight. We don't deserve to take such a big risk for him!"

When he said this, he suddenly turned around and pointed to the dim mountain on the side, and said in a firm tone: "Kunsha and the others used the dense forest route to escape back to their lair in order to escape, but this route should at least be detoured out. Dozens of kilometers, we are now just straight from the west side of the mountain to the canyon to rush in front of them, destroying his lair in one fell swoop!"

When he said this, a cold light suddenly shot out in his eyes, and his voice became extremely cold: "I estimate that Kunsha has brought most of the soldiers here in order to obtain the treasure in the Scimitar tribe. So in the canyon The defense force of our country is definitely weak, and this is a good time for us to completely destroy this drug This can also cut off the back road of this **** Kunsha!"

When everyone heard Wan Lin's temporary battle plan, a dazzling light appeared in their eyes in the darkness. Everyone suddenly retracted their weapons from the forest, turned around and ran in front of Wan Lin. They already knew in their hearts that Wan Lin wanted to take money from the bottom of the pot, directly enter the lair of this kid Kun Sha, and completely destroy the space where this big drug lord lives!

That canyon is a drug cave that Ao Kun and Kun Sha have been operating for decades. There must be warehouses that store a large amount of drugs, weapons and ammunition. Once these warehouses in the canyon are destroyed, the drug lord will be completely destroyed. The source of production and trafficking of drugs. At that time, Kun Sha was not killed. If he wanted to continue to do evil, I am afraid that he would not have the strength.

Otherwise, they are now taking a great risk to chase into the jungle and kill Kunsha, and there will be other drug lords who will use these drug processing equipment and a large amount of drug raw materials to harm our China. After Ao Kun's death, the re-emergence of Kunsha is an obvious example. Only by completely destroying this lair where drug lords depend for survival is the best way to destroy Kunsha as a drug cartel once and for all!

At this time, a dark group of machete warriors had already held seven or eight torches, and rushed over from the mountains in front of them like crazy. The dim forest edge was immediately illuminated by the blazing flames on the torches.

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