Panther Commando

Chapter 3028: Soldiers are very fast

After listening to Wan Lin's detailed description of the battle plan, Ah Bao immediately said in a low voice, "This plan is very good, I will lead someone to the front to pretend to be Kun Sha's subordinates, and now we are wearing similar clothes to Kun Sha's people. It's hard for them to tell them apart in the dark, and since we all speak the same language, it's definitely fine to pretend to be their rout accomplices."

Wan Lin looked at the excited Ah Bao and nodded, then hurriedly looked at Cheng Ru, Zhang Wa and Feng Dao beside him and said in a low voice: "The success or failure of this operation depends on our speed of action and whether we can confuse Zhugu. Therefore, we must rush to the canyon and try to break into the canyon by surprise before Khun Sa returns to the canyon to organize a tight defense.”

He bowed his head in the dimness, pointed to the diagram he drew on the ground, and continued: "This mountain outside the canyon is a strategic point that we must seize. Gunner Dali, sniper Wen Meng, and Lin Zisheng formed a team, and immediately took cover and got close to the top of the mountain to gain this commanding height.

He glanced at the machete fighters around him, then pointed to two machete fighters with machine guns and Abu's younger brother, and said to Abao: "Give you two machine gunners and Abu's younger brother to Lao Cheng. , obey his command. Abu's younger brother is familiar with the Chinese language, so that he can better communicate with our people and let him bring a bazooka to strengthen the attack firepower on the top of the mountain."

"Yes!" A Bao replied in a low voice, raised his hand and called Abu's little brother and two other men with machine guns over, and then explained a few words to them in a low voice.

The three scimitar warriors nodded after listening to Ah Bao's instructions, and stood excitedly behind Cheng Ru with their weapons in hand. , followed by another ammunition box, and then stood behind Cheng Ru with glowing eyes. These machete warriors all admire these brave Chinese people very much, and now they can fight side by side with these brave Chinese people, which makes them all very excited and proud.

Wan Lin followed and looked at Cheng Ru and said, "Once Ah Bao and the others confuse the enemy's defenders, you immediately approach the mountain outside the canyon in secret, sneak up on the top of the mountain to kill the defenders and lookout posts above, and quickly occupy a favorable position. Remember, you must be prepared for Kunsha and the others to return at this time, and report to me immediately once you find their traces, and never let them return to the canyon."

"Yes!" Cheng Ru replied with a serious expression. He knew in his heart that once Leopard Head led people into the canyon, they would be tasked with fire support at the commanding heights outside the valley, and at the same time shouldered the arduous task of covering Leopard Head and their safe withdrawal from the canyon. And they really have to pay close attention to the movements of the Kunsha group. Once the Kunsha group suddenly returns to the canyon at this time, the Leopard Head and the others are likely to fall into the dangerous situation of being attacked by the enemy before and after the canyon, so they must be closely positioned at the mouth of the valley. Monitor Khun Sa and their return route.

Wan Lin told the completion of Confucianism, and then looked at Zhang Wa in the dark and said: "Zhang Wa, after entering the valley, your task is to blow up the warehouse where weapons, ammunition and drugs are stored, and at the same time destroy the drug processing factory in the canyon. Yuwen Brother, carry a bazooka to help you complete the mission." In the darkness, Zhang Wa, Yu Wenfeng and Yu Wenyu immediately took a half step forward and replied in a low voice, "Yes, resolutely complete the mission!"

Wan Lin pondered for a while, then looked at Feng Dao and Bao Ya and said, "Feng Dao, Bao Ya, you are the second group with Ah Hu. The goal of the battle is to confuse the enemy guarded by Taniguchi into the canyon, and at the same time in the valley. Do your best to expand the actions of the group and cover their safe withdrawal. This time, we must completely destroy this canyon and cut off the weapons and drug sources of the drug lord Kunsha!" Feng Dao and Bao Ya immediately replied in a low voice :"Yes!"

Wan Lin immediately looked at Xiaoya, Lingling, and Wu Xueying and ordered, "You guys, Xiaohua and Xiaobai will follow me to form three groups. In order to prevent the enemy from being heavily guarded at Taniguchi, you should follow me and Abu from the cave under the cliff on the side of the canyon. Attack the canyon. When we came last time, Xiaohua had already discovered the cave there. We concealed and approached the cave, and killed the enemy guarding the entrance of the cave as quietly as possible, and quietly entered the canyon.”

"If it goes well, after we secretly enter the canyon from the cave, we can form a situation of internal and external attack, and quickly seize the powerful terrain in the canyon to cover Zhang Wa's actions. At the same time, in the event of a critical situation, the cave is also our retreat in emergency situations. a safe passage."

He looked at Lingling and ordered, "Lingling, when you get close to the canyon, immediately implement radio shielding to prevent Kunsha from reporting their failure to the defenders in the canyon." Xiaoya, Lingling, and Wu Xueying immediately replied excitedly: "Yes!"

Wan Lin neatly issued a series of and quickly explained the combat tasks of each combat team. At this moment, there was a gust of wind in the forest, and immediately saw Xiaohua and Xiaobai flashing red and blue light in their eyes, suddenly jumping out of the dark jungle, two leopards rushed out of the forest and jumped after them. When they reached the shoulders of Wan Lin and Xiaoya, excitement flashed in their eyes.

Wan Lin turned his head and glanced at the little flower on his shoulder, and saw that its whole body had turned dark red, and Xiaobai's originally white body had also been soaked with red blood. Obviously, they had unexpectedly emerged from the darkness in the forest just now, killing several enemies, and their bodies must be stained with the blood of the enemies.

Wan Lin raised his hand and patted Xiao Hua's **** lightly, then gave a thumbs up to Xiao Bai who was on Xiao Ya's shoulder on the side, then stood up from the forest and commanded in a low voice: "Bing you are very fast! The action of Sha Lao's Nest depends on whether we can sneak into the canyon smoothly. Therefore, we must get there before Kunsha and the others return to the canyon. Xiaohua and Xiaobai have attacked Kunsha in the forest just now, and they are for us I bought some more time. I ordered: start now, be sure to take down the canyon before Kunsha and the others return, and blow up Kunsha, the drug lord's lair!"

"Yes!" Cheng Ru and the others immediately stood up and replied in a low voice. Abu turned around and greeted a group of machete warriors to run towards the dimly lit mountains on the west side. Cheng Ru also called for machine gunners and snipers to follow closely. go up.

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