Panther Commando

Chapter 3034: dark mountain top

At this time, the night was deep, the surrounding mountains were pitch black, and the sound of the wind in the mountains was as tight as a burst. The Taniguchi not far from Fengdao and the others faces mountains and cliffs on both sides. The mountains and the canyon just form a narrow tuyere. The mountain winds blowing in the darkness blow here, as if they were suddenly pushed. In the same way, the suddenly accelerated wind speed blew towards the interior of the canyon with bursts of sharp whistling noises. The sound of "woo woo" and the sound of the rapids passing through the entire canyon in the dark resounded through the dimly lit mountains.

At this moment, a faint red light suddenly flashed from the top of the mountain, and then two shrill screams suddenly sounded from the top of the mountain hundreds of meters high, followed by a burst of fire suddenly sprayed from the dark top of the mountain, " The sound of machine guns like bang bang bang" and "bang bang bang" came from the top of the mountain. The top of the mountain, which was just pitch black, suddenly burst into flames. The gunshots were deafening, followed by a huge roar like a thunderbolt From the top of the high mountain, a bright red beam of light shot directly into the dark sky!

The flashing red light and the loud gunshots on the top of the mountain were exactly what Cheng Ru's team members and Xiao Bai made. Just now, a few people followed closely behind Xiaobai, and were climbing towards the mountainside through the darkness and the lush trees and grasses on the hillside.

When the few people just climbed to the top of the mountain, Xiao Bai, who was running at the front, suddenly disappeared from the hillside. Cheng Ru, who was behind, hurriedly lay down in a grass, and Wang Dali and the others around him also quickly hid in the darkness. Then look up towards the top of the mountain.

Two dark figures were standing beside a rock on the side of the mountain. Both of them held up their binoculars and looked at the dimly lit mountains in the distance. The two of them looked into the distance for a while, and then put down their binoculars and leaned against the high mountains. What was suddenly whispered on the rock?

Cheng Ru and several people lay on the dark hillside and did not dare to move. All of them put their heads on the grass and the rocks and looked up, feeling agitated in their hearts. Now the guards of the enemy on the top of the mountain are unknown. How many people can't be on the mountainside or how many guards there are on the top of the mountain? At the same time, they don't know their guard positions on the top of the mountain.

Cheng Ru and several others were all lying in the darkness, looking at the two enemy sentinels leaning on the rock in the dim light on the top of the mountain, fire flashed in their eyes, and all of them were clenching their teeth, wishing they would go up to fight the two. A boy to pieces! .

But at this time, they all understand that it is easy to eliminate the two enemies in front of them now. As long as they gently raise the muzzle, they can immediately kill the two boys in front of them silently. But once they attack rashly, it is very likely that they will be discovered by the enemies around the top of the mountain, so they can only be forced to form a fire confrontation with the enemies on the top of the mountain, and they may not be able to win the commanding heights of the top of the mountain in a short time.

In this way, not only would they not be able to cover the second group under the mountain pretending to be the enemy's defeated troops, but they could also be trapped in a heavy siege, creating a passive situation where they couldn't escape. They just came in a hurry, and they didn't know the deployment of the surrounding enemies.

And here is the home of the drug lord's lair. Although Kunsha took a large number of troops to attack the Scimitar tribe, no matter how empty the troops are in the canyon, I am afraid they will be several times more than their own people, and the enemy still occupies the Taniguchi area. Terrain advantage. Once the actions of the first group lost their suddenness, it would be difficult for the second group of Feng Dao and Zhang Wa to enter the canyon smoothly.

At this time, Cheng Ru stared at the two shadowy shadows on the top of the mountain in anxiety, and he cursed in his heart: "Bastards, you are really ready to wait here to court death!" At this time, he also understood in his heart, The two enemy sentries on the top of the mountain must have been observing the mountains in the distance, and they must have been whispering in the dark about the battle of Khun Sha and the others against the Scimitar tribe.

Cheng Ru stared anxiously at the two enemies for a while in the center of the darkness. Seeing that the two above were leaning against the rock with no signs of leaving, and he was murmuring in the dark, the more he talked, the more lively he seemed to be here. Let this long night pass by.

Cheng Ru stared at the two boys above and bit his teeth, turned his head in anxiety to look at Lin Zisheng on the side, and then quietly stretched out his right hand towards him and slashed down, and then slowly extended his sniper rifle with his left hand, twisting it. The upper muffler sticks out along the hillside.

Lin Zisheng, who was lying under a rock on the side, saw Cheng Ru's gesture, and quietly took out the silencer and twisted it on the muzzle of the gun. Then he slowly extended the barrel from the side of the rock, and then he lay behind the gun and aimed at the enemy's above. brain. He knew in his heart that once he fired, he had to kill him with one shot, and he must not let the enemy sound the alarm before he was dying.

Just as Cheng Ru and Lin Zisheng's two sniper rifles were firmly locked on the heads of the two sentries on the top of the mountain and were about to pull the trigger, Zhang Wa's roar suddenly came from the foot of the side of the mountain, followed by Ah Bao's scolding. Then it rang out from the darkness.

The two boys who were leaning on the rock on the top of the mountain suddenly heard a roar from the foot of the side of the mountain. The two immediately stood up from the rock and ran towards the back of the top of the mountain with their guns in hand. At the same time, chaotic footsteps and inquiries could be heard from the dark top of the and then the sound of pulling the bolt followed. After a while, the dark top of the mountain suddenly became quiet again. Obviously, most of the enemies on the top of the mountain had already carried their guns and ran to the side of the mountain where the sound was heard.

Cheng Ru was overjoyed, he tapped the microphone on his mouth lightly, climbed out of the grass with his gun, and quickly crawled towards the top of the mountain. The surrounding Lin Zisheng, Wang Dali, and Wen Meng also followed Cheng Ru with their guns. Climb sideways towards the top of the mountain. Seeing the movements of Cheng Ru and the others, Abu's little brother quickly waved to the two machete warriors beside him, and then slowly climbed to the top of the mountain with a bazooka and an ammunition box.

At this time, several people carefully climbed up on the dark hillside, lest they would disturb the stones under them and roll down the slope. At this time in the darkness, there were only the scolding from the foot of the side of the mountain and the sound of torrents in the distance. Abnormal noises may attract the attention of the enemy.

Cheng Ru raised his head and climbed up the grass just a few meters away when he suddenly saw two red dots flashing out of the grass near the top of the mountain, followed by a small black shadow that jumped up to the top of the mountain. It disappeared immediately.

He was overjoyed when he saw this, and immediately understood that there were no enemies on the top of the mountain. Otherwise, Xiaobai would not have left after jumping to the top of the mountain. Now this clever beast must be hiding in the darkness, quietly warning the enemies around him. Drilled through.

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