Panther Commando

Chapter 3036: machine gun fire

In the deafening explosion, "bang bang bang", "bang bang bang", three dazzling machine gun fire followed from the darkness behind, and a violent machine gun bullet whistled towards the side of the mountain and the enemy's tent. go. Wang Dali and the two machete machine gunners lay on the back of the machine gun and pulled the trigger. The ferocious machine gun bullets roared out from the muzzle, and went straight to the enemy's tent and the enemy in the fire on the side of the mountain like the autumn wind swept the leaves. fly away.

On the edge of the mountain near the dirt road where Zhang Wa and the others were, several enemies gathered on the edge of the mountain immediately rolled up in the firelight, and seven or eight figures around also rushed towards the surrounding rocks and grasses in panic with the firelight.

The sudden explosion of fire and the rain of bullets caught a group of enemies under the mountain by surprise. The group of enemies rushed towards the surrounding rocks while making bursts of panicked shouts.

With the shouts of the enemy, Cheng Ru and several people on the opposite side of the dark mountain in the direction of the canyon suddenly burst into a few dazzling firelights, and "da da da" and "da da da" were also heard around the enemy's tent in the middle of the mountain. "Da Da Da" assault rifle sound.

Clusters of firelight spewed out in the dark with a rain of bullets, roaring towards the location of Chengru and several others. The sound of machine guns following "bang bang bang" and "bang bang bang" also followed from the opposite mountain. Sparks splattered on the tree trunks, broken wood and gravel flew horizontally, and the hot bullets flew past the Chengru people with a sharp air-piercing sound.

Cheng Ru heard the violent gunfire from the enemy on the side, and immediately rolled out behind a big tree with a sniper rifle on the side, and shouted sharply: "Wen Meng, kill the enemy's machine gun!"

Following his roar, a hundred meters behind them, a cluster of faint flames suddenly appeared on the top of a rock that was being hit by the enemy's bullets. The machine gun sound of "bang bang bang" and "bang bang bang" in the dark on the opposite side of the mountain suddenly stopped abruptly, and the fire from the muzzle of the enemy's machine gun immediately disappeared in the darkness!

As the enemy's firepower suddenly weakened, a series of huge explosions sounded from the middle of the top of the mountain. Three or four huge flames suddenly erupted among several tents, and seven or eight tumbled out of the flames. A personal shadow, a shrill scream resounded on the top of the mountain.

At this time, the sound of gunfire was deafening and fire was blazing from the top of the pitch-black mountain. Cheng Ru rolled over to the tree in the rain of bullets by the enemy, and immediately lay down under several raised tree roots, surrounded by sawdust and blades of grass that were hit by the bullets of the enemy, and the rain of bullets flew past him.

Lying under the roots of the tree, he immediately raised his gun and glanced to the side. With the sudden burst of flames in the enemy tent on the top of the mountain, he immediately saw a black shadow rushing out from around the enemy tent like lightning, and then in a piece of flying debris tumbled behind a rock.

Cheng Ru immediately discerned from the agile figure that Lin Zisheng, under the cover of Wang Dali and Wen Meng's firepower, quietly approached the enemy's tent, and then threw three or four high-explosive grenades with all his might, killing Zheng. A group of enemies rushing out of the tent.

Cheng Ru's eyes swept across the middle of the top of the mountain quickly, and he raised his gun and aimed at the dark top of the mountain opposite. At this moment, the machine gun that had just been stunned by Wen Meng's shot burst into flames in the darkness, followed by a deafening machine gun sound in the darkness on the side. A rain of bullets rushed towards Chengru and Dali, and the violent rain of bullets immediately suppressed them behind their respective rock walls.

"Machine gun!" Cheng Ru roared from behind the tree trunk and turned his head to the side. At this time, the gunshots that should have been emitted by the two scimitar machine guns in the back have weakened. It should have been two machine guns spraying fire snakes, but at this time only one machine gun sprayed a fire in the gap between the two rocks. The machine gun sound of "bang bang bang" was still sounding intermittently, and the gunshots from Wang Dali's side had also stopped in the dense rain of bullets from the enemy.

Cheng Ru looked anxiously, only to find that a machete machine gunner was lying on the side in the looming firelight, and the machine gun that was originally mounted on the rock had fallen to the side.

Cheng Ru's heart sank. He had already understood from the machine gun that was slumped on the rock, that this machete warrior must have failed to find a favorable concealed position in such a fierce battle, so he shot rashly to expose the point of fire, so he was shot and lost. combat power.

He knows that the battle situation has become quite critical now. If there is no cover of machine guns at this time, several of them have been firmly suppressed in the dense rain of bullets from the enemy, and they can't raise the muzzle to counterattack from a hidden location. The enemy must use the cover of firepower to copy from all sides. Once the surrounding enemies rush over, a few people will not be able to stand on the top of this mountain, let alone support the second group below the mountain!

Just when Cheng Ru was anxious, on the top of the mountain where the sparks shot by the enemy on the side, suddenly there was another machine gun sound of "bang bang bang" and "bang bang bang", and the machine gun was swept past Cheng Ru. The bullet suddenly disappeared with the sound of the machine gun sounding from the Cheng Ru grabbed the moment when the enemy bullet disappeared from the side, and rolled back from the root of the tree with the gun in his hand, followed by his right hand. With a vigorous kick on the ground and under his feet, his body suddenly jumped up and flew towards the side of the rock of the scimitar gunner behind him in a flash of muzzle fire. When he landed, he rolled behind the rock and pulled it back from the top of the rock. Pretty crooked machine gun.

He pulled the bolt of the machine gun quickly in the dark, then pulled the trigger from the side of the rock. A ferocious rain of bullets spewed from his muzzle immediately, sweeping towards the enemy machine guns blazing on the opposite side of the mountain. At this time, he already knew that Wang Dali, who was on the side, must have realized the danger, so he risked being hit by the enemy's bullet and suddenly pulled out the gun and pulled the trigger, covering himself and a few people to fight back.

At this time, the two machine guns of him and Wang Dali immediately formed a crossfire with the machine gun bullets fired by the machete machine gunner, and the fierce firepower immediately suppressed the fire from the opposite side.

At the moment when the opponent's firepower weakened, a thick tree trunk on Chengru's side followed with a burst of fire, and a rocket roared into the opposite darkness, followed by a "bang" sound. A dazzling fire rose. Immediately following, the sniper muzzles of Lin Zisheng and Wen Meng on the side also burst into clusters of faint fire in the darkness, and the firepower of the enemy on the top of the mountain in the distance immediately weakened.

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