Panther Commando

Chapter 3038: as long as i'm still

Cheng Ru, Lin Zisheng, and Wen Meng, the three snipers in the three leopard commandos fired at the same time, and their powerful attack power was immediately revealed. It went out quickly, and the violent clusters of fire suddenly became sparse, and the surroundings of the mountain top where the enemy was suddenly became dim.

The surrounding enemies saw that the companions around them either fell down on their backs during the shooting, or fell on the gun body crookedly, and the pungent smell of gunpowder followed by a **** smell.

A few remaining enemies were shocked! Immediately aware of the sniper in their opponent's sniper, they quickly released their tightly squeezed triggers, turned around and threw down the surrounding rocks and behind the tree trunks, no one dared to show their heads again.

Cheng Ru's strategy immediately paid off. The three snipers were not only suppressed by the enemy's ferocious firepower, but also killed seven or eight opposing enemies one after another in the dark.

Several people saw that the top of the mountain in front had fallen into darkness, and the muzzles of several people immediately aimed at the side of the mountain ahead. In the crisis just now, several people just quickly took advantage of the condescending terrain and threw a few grenades towards the side hillside in time, temporarily preventing the reinforcements from reaching the top of the mountain.

But how many enemies are close to the top of the mountain? Are the enemies left in the flames of the grenade exploding toward the top of the mountain again? Several people knew nothing now, so after suppressing the enemy's firepower, they immediately moved their muzzles to aim at the dim top of the mountain to prevent the enemy's reinforcements from rushing to the top of the mountain.

In the darkness, several people immediately saw that Wang Dali was disappearing through the rain of bullets from the enemy in front of him, and suddenly jumped up from behind a rock, followed by a few ups and downs and rushed to the side of the mountain. He quickly lay on the side of a rock and faced The barrel sticks out. Immediately, the sound of "bang bang bang" and "bang bang bang" suddenly sounded, and a fire snake whistled and swept down the hillside below.

Cheng Ru and the others understood that Wang Dali had a lot of fighting experience. After he found reinforcements on the side of the hillside, he was aware of the danger, so he took advantage of the opportunity of Cheng Ru and his group to suppress the enemy's firepower in front of him, and quickly rushed to the side. Set up the machine gun and aim at the hill below. At this time, he pulled the trigger without paying attention to it, which means that an enemy has quietly approached the top of the mountain.

Amid the deafening gunshots from Wang Dali, Cheng Ru and the others did not bother to ask him about the situation of the enemy on the hillside. They quickly took out the grenades and threw them to the side hillside to support Wang Dali, who was fighting alone.

Cheng Ru just threw out the grenade from the darkness, when he suddenly saw two black shadows running from his side and behind, Cheng Ru was shocked, and suddenly rushed behind a thick tree trunk on the side, the sniper in his hand The rifle followed by staring at the side and rear to raise the gun, he immediately pulled the trigger of the sniper rifle in the air, and the muzzle of the gun was already aimed at the shadow running from Yi Zhegao in the air.

Just when he was about to pull the trigger, a slightly blunt Chinese voice suddenly sounded: "Brother Cheng, don't shoot, it's us." Cheng Ru suddenly remembered at this time that it was Abu's little brother and that Bend. Knife machine gunner. He hurriedly released the trigger, and at this moment he threw himself behind the tree trunk. He immediately lay down under the dark roots, and his body was soaked in cold sweat.

The two machete fighters who came suddenly had no experience in this kind of fierce battle, and they didn't know how to keep in touch with their comrades and fight together. . As long as the sound they made was a little late, Cheng Ru's finger would definitely pull the trigger, which almost caused a tragic accident!

Cheng Ru landed, turned his head and looked behind him and was about to swear angrily. But he closed his mouth immediately. The three scimitar warriors who followed them to the top of the mountain were all very brave in battle, but they really didn't know how to cooperate with their own special forces who had received strict military training, and they One of the machine gunners had fallen under the enemy's bullets, and at this time he really couldn't bear to blame them in the fierce battle.

At this time, the two machetes had already run behind Cheng Ru in the dark, the two were lying on the ground, Abu's little brother looked at Cheng Ru excitedly and asked in a low voice, "Brother Cheng, please let us stop shooting, What should we do now?"

Cheng Ru turned his head to look at the two brave scimitar warriors, and said with a gleam in his eyes: "Go, kill the enemy on the top of the mountain in front of you!" After speaking, he lowered his head to the microphone and ordered: "Vigorously , hold on! Never let the enemy rushing up with reinforcements from the hillside!"

Wang Dali's machine gun sounded "bang bang bang", and his rough voice followed: "Don't worry, as long as I'm still here, there will never be an enemy rushing up from here!"

Cheng Ru heard Wang Dali's sonorous and powerful voice, his eyes were hot, and the blood in his whole body seemed to be boiling, and he followed with a sharp command into the microphone: "Zisheng, you detour from the flank to the opposite mountain top, and I and the machete Soldiers inserted from the middle of the top of the mountain and quickly wiped out the remnants on the top of the mountain! Wen Meng, you are responsible for supporting and covering us!"

"Yes!" Lin Zisheng and Wen Meng's firm voices came through the earphones immediately, and then they saw Liang Ke grenade suddenly fly out from behind a rock towards the side hillside, and then a black shadow jumped out~www. went straight to the top of the mountain in front of the side and rushed out.

Cheng Ru saw the black shadow rushing out from the side, and knew that Lin Zisheng had already had a grenade to support Wang Dali, and then rushed from the side to the top of the mountain according to his order. He turned around and glanced at the various machete warriors in the chain behind him, and shouted in a low voice: "Follow me!" In his voice, he stood up from under the tree with his gun in hand, and went straight to the few in the middle of the mountain like a black smoke. Rush behind a big tree.

Abu's younger brother and another machete warrior didn't say a word, they raised their spears and stood up from the darkness behind the tree, scattered on both sides of Chengru and rushed out without hesitation.

At this moment, a cluster of faint flames followed in the darkness on the side. In the darkness in the distance, a boy who had just stuck out half of his head from behind the rock immediately fell backwards, and at this moment, Cheng Ru and the two A machete warrior, has rushed out dozens of meters in the ups and downs in the darkness ahead.

Just when Cheng Ru and his group were fighting **** battles on the top of the mountain, among the dark mountains on the side of the canyon, there were a few shadows running up and down among the jagged rocks. These people were Wan Lin. led the third group.

At this time, Wan Lin followed Xiaohua dozens of meters behind with a sniper rifle, and ran forward flickeringly under the boulders that rolled down from the side cliffs.

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