Panther Commando

Chapter 3057: ever-changing

Ah Bao was shocked to see several of his companions being shot from the side! While holding the gun and shrinking under the rock-built bunker, he looked at his companions on the side and shouted loudly: "Hide! Quickly pull the injured brothers back!

"He followed through the crevices of the rock and looked forward. His eyes were blazing with flames, and he could see in a glance that several of his brothers were collapsing under cover in the rain of enemy bullets, and some of them were comrades. Lie down and tremble in the rain of enemy bullets.

Ah Bao roared loudly to his comrades on the side, and then he hid in the crevices of the rocks beside him and stretched his gun forward. He could clearly see the enemy fortifications hundreds of meters ahead by the fire from the enemy's gun. The flames of three machine guns are being sprayed from above.

The woods on the side and the two towering rocks on the opposite river bank also sprayed two fierce machine gun fires. The seven machine guns were spraying a rain of bullets in the dark, and the sound of several machine guns firing at the same time was deafening. The roar of the machine guns "bang" and "bang bang bang" produced a huge echo in the narrow canyon, as if thousands of troops were galloping in the canyon, and the momentum was very amazing.

Ah Bao was lying under the dark enemy's second bunker. He stared at the enemy's machine gun fire in horror. At this time, he could see clearly that there were three machine guns facing them on the road fortifications hundreds of meters ahead. The location was sprayed with bullet rain, and the other four machine guns were raising their muzzles and roaring at the distant hillside.

In the darkness, part of the enemy's bullet rain was sweeping towards their bunker, and the other part went straight to the hillside outside the valley. Several rockets also whistled towards the bunker on his side and the hillside in the distance, and the firepower was even fiercer than before!

Ah Bao looked at the dense rain of bullets that suddenly shot from the woods and the river bank. In his astonishment, he suddenly saw clusters of dazzling flames. Several clusters of dazzling flames were ejected from the side of a rock on the river bank, and a rocket went straight. He shot from his own side, and the other rockets roared and flew towards the hillside behind.

A Bao was shocked and quickly retracted his face from the crack in the rock, turned his head to look at his loud companion and shouted loudly: "Get down!" Then he hugged the assault rifle and lay down under the rock in the bunker.

"Boom..." A loud bang followed from the side bunker, the side bunker immediately collapsed with a deafening explosion, and the blown up rocks and sandbags rolled around immediately. The mud roared past Ah Bao and the others with the firelight, and then fell from the sky like a torrential rain. The Ah Bao and the others, who were lying under the side bunker, followed by a "crack, crackle, crackle" that was hit by the gravel. Voice.

Ah Bao's face changed immediately. At the moment when the explosion and flames went out, he immediately raised his head and shook his head vigorously. If he had issued the order to attack just now, I am afraid that he and his brothers would have fallen under the intensive firepower of the enemy. No one would be spared from this dense bullet and dazzling explosion! Thanks to Brother Zhang's special warning before leaving, otherwise he would have ordered to rush forward!

In horror, he pressed a man next to him who had just climbed up from the ground to the ground, and shouted loudly amid the fierce gunfire of the enemy: "Get down!" He then pressed his body tightly against the rock in front of him and turned to the side cover look.

At this time, more than a dozen scimitar brothers who had just been lying on the ground had already climbed up from the ground, and several brothers who were injured by bullets had also been pulled down from the bunker by their companions. At this time, the injured brothers were pressing their wounds with their hands, leaning against the rock and panting violently.

The uninjured brothers around have also woken up from the sound of the enemy's explosion. They hurriedly took off their camouflage uniforms, revealing the animal skin vests they were wearing. They tore the clothes they took off into strips of cloth, then took out the tribe's homemade wound medicine powder from the other's animal skin bag and sprinkled it on the wounds of their companions, and then tightly bandaged the wounds of the wounded with cloth strips.

Seeing that the injured brothers had been treated, Ah Bao immediately looked to the ground. A few motionless shadows lay quietly on the dim mud. Ah Bao stared at these machete warriors with fiery eyes. He knew in his heart that these brothers must be in the rain of bullets that the enemy suddenly appeared in just now. They were hit by a bullet, and now several of them lay motionless in the dark, apparently having been killed by the enemy's bullet!

He stared closely at a few sacrificed companions, his eyes were already full of blood. He gritted his teeth and clenched his assault rifle tightly in his hands as he was about to lean out from the bunker, but he squatted under the bunker again. down. He suddenly realized what those Huaxia brothers told him. He really didn't expect that the enemy was still hiding machine gun positions by the river and in the woods ahead.

"Huaxia's brothers saved the lives of these reckless scimitars!" He suddenly sighed in the dimness, and then gratefully turned his head and glanced at the woods on the side of the hillside, and then he lay under the bunker. Looking forward through the gap in the bunker that was loosened by the explosion.

In the dim canyon in front, the fire of the machine gun was frantically spraying, and clusters of fire were sweeping away at the bunker on his side and the hillside behind him. The bunker in front of him was splashed by the sparks hit by the enemy's bullets. , the ferocious machine gun bullets roared over their heads, and at this time they couldn't stick their heads out to fight back.

Abao turned his head anxiously and looked towards the hillside behind. The two machine guns that had just been sprayed on the mountainside had been extinguished. A flickering spark was swept out by the violent rain of bullets from the enemy.

Ah Bao's heart sank, and he knew in his heart that if he didn't have the firepower support of the brothers behind him, he wouldn't be able to stick his guns out from under the bunker to fight back, and I'm afraid there would be no chance to exit the canyon!

In the dark night, the battle situation in the canyon changed as fast as lightning. The firepower of the enemy who had just been suppressed became extremely fierce again at this moment, and the fire of the enemy's bunker in the middle of the road also burst out with a few clusters of machine guns, and the enemy was fierce. The bullet rain has completely suppressed the firepower of the A Bao group and the group on the hillside behind.

A Bao leaned under the bunker and raised his head, he stretched his gun forward through the gap in the bunker. Just when he was lying on the back of the gun and was about to pull the trigger against the fire in front of him, he suddenly found that the two machine gun fires sprayed on the enemy's bunker suddenly dimmed, and the enemy's machine gun on the side of the forest also stopped. shooting.

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