Panther Commando

Chapter 3059: enemy strategy

The wind knife looked up into the depths of the woods on the hillside. The enemies in the forest were still flickering in the woods near the mountainside. The firelight from the muzzle was like a ghost fire floating in the dark and dense forest. The sound of gunshots echoed in the forest with "da-da-da" and "da-da-da", but the figure of the enemy did not rush down the hillside.

Fengdao looked at the firelight of the enemy on the mountainside and thought for a moment, and suddenly realized in his heart that these enemies who constantly changed their positions and shot down the **** must be attracting the attention of several of them, trying to introduce them into the forest. traps and traps area. And other enemies must be moving in the direction of Taniguchi from the depths of the jungle, trying to occupy Taniguchi's back path!

He suddenly realized the enemy's conspiracy in the dark, and his whole body immediately broke out in cold sweat! Once the enemy silently appeared in the Taniguchi, they would immediately be surrounded by the enemy on this long and narrow forest and the road in the valley. Their right flank was a tens of meters wide river channel, and the left side was concealed by the enemy's hidden weapons. If they are surrounded by the enemy's heavy troops, then they will have great ability, and I am afraid it will be difficult to escape from here! And the lack of training machete warriors like Ah Bao has absolutely no chance of surviving.

Feng Dao realized the movement of the enemy, his face immediately became tense, and a light suddenly appeared in his two small eyes. He knew in his heart that it was impossible for these drug dealer soldiers to formulate such a complete action plan. These must be those mercenaries invited by Kunsha. Defeat the valley plan to wipe out all in one fell swoop.

According to the plan formulated by the enemy, once the top of the mountain and the mouth of the valley are lost, the drug dealers in the valley will immediately use the second and third lines of defense to lure the opponent's forces into the canyon with all their strength. At the same time, some of their defenders in the valley will use the thick woods on the side hillsides to round the mouth of the valley and suddenly seal the narrow mouth of the valley to cut off the opponents who have penetrated into the valley, and then use this long and narrow passage in the valley and superior firepower to wipe out all the Enter the opponent in the valley.

Feng Dao wanted to understand the enemy's strategy, immediately leaned his body on the thick tree trunk, lowered his head to the microphone and commanded: "All members of the second group pay attention, the enemy in front must be carrying out the task of containing us, and the large group of enemies must be From the depths of the forest, we are outflanking Taniguchi in an attempt to cut off our retreat."

"Now I order: Bao Ya is here to contain the firepower of the enemy in front. Wind and rain, the two of you immediately move from the edge of the forest to the Taniguchi. Be sure to prevent the enemy from approaching the Taniguchi from the forest! Zhang Wa and I will go straight from the canopy of the tree. Go to the front mountainside, cooperate with Bao Ya to kill the front group of enemies first, to prevent them from attacking Ah Bao and the others from the flank, and then the three of us will approach the Taniguchi from the top of the tree to support the wind and rain. Remember, there must be a densely-packed structure in the forest, Everyone should pay attention to the enemy's travel route, find a safe path, and must not blindly go deep into the jungle."

As soon as Feng Dao's voice fell, the low echoes of Bao Ya and several people came from his earphones: "Yes!" Immediately, he saw that Bao Ya's position immediately spewed out a fire, and a string of bullets whistled straight. Shoot into the forest on the slope. At the same time, the wind knife had already stood up and jumped up, grabbing a thick tree branch above his head, he swung up the tree branch, and quickly disappeared into the thick branches and leaves in the sound of Bao Ya's gunshots. .

The air knife drilled out of the canopy, and he squatted on a branch about the size of a wrist and looked forward. Under the dim new light, tree canopies like giant umbrellas are extending along the hillside to the faraway cliffs, and the forest in the middle of the hillside is flickering with fire from the muzzle.

He followed his gaze to the dark tree tops in front of him. A black figure was rising and falling on the thick canopy of each tree, rushing towards the place where the fire was on the mountainside. The vigorous figure was like a black Agile like a monkey. Obviously, Zhang Wa is rising and falling forward on the canopy like giant umbrellas, and the vigorous figure is rising and falling in the dark, almost rubbing the branches and leaves on the top of the canopy and rushing forward.

The air knife clearly saw Zhang Wa's path, immediately picked up his assault rifle, kicked a tree branch with the thickness of his wrist under his foot, and suddenly jumped forward by the elasticity of the flexible tree branch, and rushed to another large tree in front of him. The canopy of the tree jumped up again, its body ups and downs like a jumping frog, and in the blink of an eye, it had already leaped dozens of meters towards the mountainside in the dark.

At this moment, while jumping forward quickly, he stared at Zhang Wa's agile figure like a monkey, and couldn't help but praised in his heart: "Wanjia Kungfu is really good, I didn't expect Zhang Wa to have practiced to the point of being as light as a swallow~ It seems that he and Cheng Confucianism's internal skills have already developed a considerable degree of enthusiasm, otherwise it would be impossible to make such a light forward movement on such soft branches and leaves."

While admiring in his heart, he chased behind Zhang Wa up and down. At this moment, there was a sudden burst of fierce gunfire in the forest below, and the air-knife projectile jumped from one canopy to another dense canopy in front, and then leaned on the tall branches and leaves and looked sideways.

The sound of gunshots is ringing from the dense forest close to Taniguchi, and clusters of firelight are leaking through the gaps in the dense branches and leaves. flashing.

Feng Dao's face suddenly became tense, the enemy really sent troops from the jungle to Taniguchi, and now they are following the dense forest on the hillside to outflank Taniguchi. Now the sudden sound of gunshots must be that the Yuwenfeng brothers have rushed over and are shooting in the dark to prevent the enemy from approaching Taniguchi.

At this time, Zhang Wa also stopped the undulating figure on the canopy in front of him, and looked anxiously towards the crack. Fengdao followed and glanced at the enemy gunfire that was still flashing on the mountainside in front of him. He whispered into the microphone: "Zhangwa, kill these enemies on the mountainside first and relieve our worries!" "Yes!" Zhang The baby's voice followed, and the figures of the two jumped up the mountainside again.

Soon, the two had rushed to the dense canopy halfway up the mountain. Feng Dao and Zhang Wa immediately lay on the canopy and looked down. Feng Dao lowered his voice and said, "Bao Ya, increase the offensive to draw out the enemy's firepower!"

Following his voice, a series of shooting sounds followed in the forest under the hillside. The fire from the muzzle flickered from left to right, as if several assault rifles were firing at the same time, followed by the tree trunks on the mountainside. Clusters of sparks hit by bullets.

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