Panther Commando

Chapter 3063: Emergency moment

At this time, the gunfire in the forest had stopped, the muzzle light that had just flickered had disappeared, and the forest was dark. In a clearing in the forest shrouded in dim starlight, Yu Wenfeng and Yu Wenyu were moving fast beside seven or eight enemies. The screams and scoldings of the middle and rear are one after another.

Now that the enemy and us are mixed together, the rushing drug dealers and soldiers are afraid to shoot for fear of accidentally hurting their own people, but the Yuwen brothers have no time to pull out the pistols on their legs. They were broken during the fight. At this time, both of them were holding a saber in one hand and fighting with the enemy with all their might.

At this time, Yuwen and the others flashed past the two guns that were smashed in front of them, and the woodland under their feet suddenly rushed to the enemy's side. "With two muffled sounds, the two enemies suddenly fell backwards with their hands raised.

With a wave of their right hands, Yuwen and Yuwen pulled out their sabres from the enemy's chest, then slammed on the ground with their feet and rushed towards the other two enemies on the side. At this moment, two dark shadows suddenly rushed through behind the two thick tree trunks behind them, and two cold streaks flashed in the starlight, and two "pop" and "pop" slammed into Yuwenfeng and Yuwen. The back of the rain.

"Bastard!" Yuwen and the two were suddenly attacked, and they scolded at the same time, and the body that had just been saved immediately fell to the woods under the strong blow of the enemy. But at the moment when they landed, their bodies twisted backwards at the same time, their right hand suddenly slammed backwards vigorously, and the two sabers that had just been pulled out of the enemy's body roared out and flew straight to the chests of the two boys behind them.

In the dim starlight, the cold light from the Yuwen brothers flashed away! The two boys in the back suddenly flashed from behind the invisible tree and stabbed each other in the back of the heart. The two were overjoyed! But they immediately felt that the dagger in their hands seemed to be stuck on a steel plate, and the two opponents in front of them had already fallen to the ground at this moment. Whistling appeared in front of them.

The two boys only felt a chill in their chests, and the sound of "poof" and "poof" had already sounded in the darkness. The two of them shouted in the dark and fell backwards, their heads lowered just to see that the cold light had penetrated through their chests, and only the knife handle was still exposed on their chests.

Feng and Yu threw out the saber in their hands, and then they fell to the forest floor. At this time, a few black shadows had rushed out from the front and both sides. The two boys in the front had already raised their guns and smashed them on the heads of Yuwen. Several people's mouths were angry and cursed.

At this time, Yu Wenfeng and Yu Wenyu had just thrown out the saber, and it was too late for them to take out the long whip around their waists and the pistols on their legs. There was a chill in the hearts of the two of them. At a critical juncture, the two of them shrunk into a ball, trying to reduce the attacked area as much as possible, trying to use the bulletproof vest and helmet on their bodies to resist the enemy's attack. The whip resists attacks from behind the enemy.

At this critical moment, two strong winds, "whoosh" and "whoosh" suddenly sounded from the air, and two cold lights suddenly flew out from the dark side canopy, and the condescending cold lights were like two lightning flashes suddenly in the air, " "Pfft" and "Pfft" were inserted into the chests of the two boys who were holding up the butts of their guns.

At the same time, a dark shadow suddenly rushed out from the forest on the side, and a shocking light and shadow suddenly passed over the two Yuwen brothers who were lying on the ground. On the side, a boy with a dagger inserted into Yuwenfeng's chest suddenly screamed. , the dagger in his hand fell down, and a round head suddenly flew from the boy's body!

"Ah..." The boy on the side who was holding a dagger and stabbed Yu Wenyu next to him, suddenly saw a cold light flashing in front of him, his companion's head was already flying into the sky with a slick of blood, and a turbulent column of blood was already facing him. He squirts. The scene in front of him made him scream in horror, and he turned around and fled into the forest behind.

At this moment, a strong wind of "woo" sounded from the air, and a slender whip whistled from the air, and the "snap" hit the boy's neck hard, and the soft tip of the whip followed. It was tightly wrapped around his neck, and then the long whip slammed to the side. With the crisp sound of a broken neck, the boy's terrified shouts stopped abruptly, and his body was spinning like a top. It flew out to the side, and then hit a thick tree trunk on the side with a "pop" in the dark, and then bounced back to the ground motionless.

Following the whip shadow, Zhang Wa's figure had already descended from the sky. He killed the boy beside Yu Wenyu with a single whip, and the long whip in his hand whistled to the side again. Several boys who were rushing from the surrounding fell to the side woods screaming in the whip shadow.

At this time, two more cold lights flew through the air, and the wind knife threw the two flying knives in his hand at the two boys below, and then pulled out the long whip around his waist and flew down from the air, the long whip in his hand whistled. He swept towards the other boys on the side.

In the dim forest, a crisp whip sound of "smack, slap" echoed, and the whip shadows flying from the enemy carried a stream of blood from the enemy. At this time, the soft sword in Bao Ya's hand was also rushing out from Feng Yu's side along with his ghostly figure. It was suddenly stabbed from bottom to top, and with a thud, it stabbed into the waist of a kid on the side.

With the arrival of Bao Ya, Feng Dao and Zhang Wa, the battle situation in the forest clearing immediately reversed! The Yuwen brothers, who were originally alone and who were already in danger, were overjoyed, and an ecstasy light burst out from the eyes of the two brothers. At the critical moment, their brothers finally arrived!

At this time, Yu Wenfeng had already landed on the forest ground. He grabbed the boy who was beheaded by Bao Ya's sword with his left hand, and threw it out between the two forests to the side, followed by a carp and jumped up from the ground. Like a long snake, it swept towards Yu Wenyu's side with a "squeak".

A kid who rushed with a dagger in his hand had already rushed to Yu Wenyu, and the dagger in his right hand slammed into Yu Wenyu who had just fallen to the ground with a gust of wind.

At this critical moment, he suddenly heard the sound of the wind on his side, and there was a sudden sharp pain in his waist. A long snake-like thing had hit his waist hard, followed by a blood column from him. Waist up. The boy screamed in agony, the dagger in his hand fell to the ground, and his feet staggered to the side.

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