Panther Commando

Chapter 3071: heart touching

Abu suddenly heard the fierce wind coming from behind, and immediately realized that an enemy had appeared behind him. But just as he rushed forward, he suddenly felt a chill on his back, and a piercing pain instantly entered his mind. His face immediately turned pale, knowing that he was powerless to dodge the fatal knife behind him!

Just when he was desperate, a blue light suddenly flashed from behind him, a strong wind suddenly sounded from behind him with a sound of cutting flesh, the sharp blade that had been inserted into his back suddenly lost its strength, and a scream followed. sounded from behind him.

Abu jumped forward and suddenly saw a blue light flashing, then he heard screams coming from behind him, and the pressure on his back suddenly disappeared. When he came back, it must be the leopard **** worshipped by the machete people who suddenly appeared and saved his life!

He leaped to the tree in front of him, endured the severe pain from his back, knelt on the ground with his hands on the ground, and then turned around in a hurry, facing the little flower that was falling from the air behind him and said "bang bang bang. Bang" banged his head three times.

At this time, Fengdao had also seen the situation on Abu's side. He rushed to Abu's side like a gust of wind, and immediately raised his hand and threw a flying knife at the dim forest in front of him. The black shadow that rushed out of the forest fell on the hillside with a "pop", and then rolled down the hillside.

The wind knife threw out the flying knife, followed by swiping his left hand to his waist, and a cold light flashed between his fingers. He hid behind the big tree beside Abu, and shouted at Abu: "What are you doing? Hurry up and bandage the wound! "

He really didn't expect that Abu would kneel on the ground and kowtow to Xiaohua in this extremely dangerous battle. These machete people really made him laugh and cry. He said, reached out and pulled out a first aid kit from the backpack behind him and threw it at Abu's feet.

Just now he saw Xiaohua suddenly save, and then he heard the muffled groan from Abu. He knew that he was injured, so he raised his hand and threw the flying knife in his hand towards the falling shadow behind Abu, turned and rushed. When he came over, someone raised his hand and threw out a flying knife, killing a boy who was about to charge at Abu.

Now, he saw Abu's kowtow in the dark, knowing that he was not seriously injured, so he immediately took out the first aid kit and let him bandage the wound himself, while he looked nervously around to provide Abu with alertness to prevent anyone at this time sneak attack.

When Abu heard the roar of the wind knife, he quickly picked up the first aid kit and straightened up. Only then did he feel a biting pain in his back, but he knew that his life had been saved by the Leopard God and the Huaxia Brothers beside him! He raised his head and glanced gratefully at the air knife that was providing cover for him, his eyes suddenly turned red, and then he gritted his teeth and silently took out the bandage from the first aid kit, wrapping it around his back and chest a few times.

At this time, he really had a feeling like a spring breeze, and there was a warm feeling of gratitude in his heart. He is the person in charge of the external relations of the Scimitar Tribe, and he often deals with people of all shapes and sizes from the outside world. But those people are mercenary, and in the process of interacting with him, they tried every means to deceive them and squeeze every drop of oil from their machete people. Those people have always regarded their machete people as foolish savages, never They were upright people on the spot.

But these brave Chinese people have repeatedly rescued their machete people from the fire and water in critical moments, and they have never covetted their stitches. The risk of taking his life to save himself really touched his heart!

Abu Cao bandaged the wound, then stood up with the tree trunk beside him, raised his hand and took off the assault rifle on his back and held it in his hand. The wind knife standing behind the tree saw him stand up and knew that his injury was not life-threatening, he immediately whispered: "You pay attention to safety!" After that, he suddenly rushed out from the side of the thick trunk. .

Abuti stood up and looked at the dim forest around him. There was already a corpse of the enemy lying on the forest floor. The dark forest floor had become wet. It was rising from the woodland, and the sound of fierce fighting that had just echoed in the forest had disappeared.

He quickly turned around and looked up the hillside. Several figures were flickering between the thick tree trunks. Feng Dao, Zhang Wa and Wu Yingying were running towards the woods above the hillside. Go, there was hardly any sound from the feet of several people.

Abu knew that several brave Chinese warriors had killed the enemies in this and were running up the hillside. He quickly looked around, raised his foot and walked to the side of the boy who had been slashed in the ribs by himself.

He lifted his foot and stepped on the opponent's corpse, bent down and pulled out his machete from the enemy's rib with a "cha" sound. It wasn't until then that he could see clearly that the boy had a gleaming flying knife on his neck, and a pistol was tightly held in his hand, and the boy's muzzle was facing the tree where he was just now.

Abu immediately understood that the kid was slashed to the ground by himself just now, but he was not killed at the time, but with a machete stuck in his body, he took out his pistol and aimed at him to retaliate. Just when he was about to shoot, Brother Feng suddenly threw out a flying knife and killed the kid, saving his life at a critical moment.

With an excited look on his face, he looked towards the forest where Feng Dao was running, and then he pulled out the flying knife from the enemy's neck and inserted it into his waist, then straightened his waist, gritted his teeth and endured a pass from his back. Feeling severe pain, he staggered towards the forest above with his assault rifle in hand.

In the dark forest near the cliff, the sound of gunshots of "da-da-da", "da-da-da" and "pa-pa-pa" are echoing, the gunfire is very short, and clusters of fire from the muzzle are occasionally emerging from the dim forest. flashed.

In such a dark forest covered with thick tree trunks, neither the enemy nor the enemy dared to easily reveal their position. They just pulled the trigger as soon as they saw the silhouette of the opponent flashing out, and immediately disappeared into the thick trunk. Back or quickly change their position, so the gunshots are very short.

At this time, Fengdao and Lingling rushed to the dense forest above the hillside with Xiaohua and Xiaobai. Zhang Wa and Wu Xueying had already flanked the past, and several people raised their guns at the flashing in the forest on the way. Sombra fired the machine gun, and then silently hid behind a few thick trunk trees, and then stuck out the gun from the side of the trunk and looked around.

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