Panther Commando

Chapter 3073: cooperating

Lingling knows in her heart that she has an arm injury now, although the injury is not in her eyes, and if she moves a little too slowly in this kind of close combat, it is very likely to bring extreme danger to herself, and it is very likely to involve the energy of her comrades-in-arms. Let them distract herself, so she hurriedly jumped behind the tree and raised her gun to aim at it, providing fire cover for the wind knives who had already rushed up.

She just jumped behind the tree and raised her assault rifle, and immediately saw Zhang Wa and Wu Xueying rushing forward in the forest above the side. Immediately, she moved her gun to the dim woods around them.

Lingling just moved the muzzle from Zhang Wa's body to the side and front, and suddenly found that a shadowy shadow suddenly appeared under the side of a thick tree trunk 40 to 50 meters in front of Zhang Wa's side. She was shocked, and immediately raised her gun to aim, and the fast-moving figures of Zhang Wa and Wu Xueying were in the center of her and the shadow, and surrounded by thick tree trunks, Lingling's guns could not be used at all. Aim at the opponent's position.

She screamed into the microphone in shock: "Zhang Wa, Yingying, hide! You are in front of you at five o'clock!" Following her cry, the two Zhang Wa, who were rushing in front of her, slammed towards the front. Jumped forward, fell under the tree, and quickly rolled out behind the trunk.

The two of Zhang Wa had just thrown out of the forest when a fiery snake spewed out from their side and front, followed by the sound of "da da da" gunshots, and several bullets flew past Zhang Wa and Wu Xueying behind them. A piece of sparks splashed out from the dark tree trunk beside the person.

While the enemy was shooting, Lingling saw Zhang Wa and Lingling save from her scope behind the scope, she immediately pulled the trigger, and a string of fire snakes spewed out from the muzzle. , the gunshots sounded almost at the same time as the opponent's gunshots.

She pulled the trigger and immediately rushed to the side under another dim tree, looking nervously at the direction of Zhang Wa and Wu Xueying from the corner of her eyes. The fire from the target gun just now disappeared, but the surrounding woods followed and flashed the fire again, and the gunshot of "da da da" was ringing from the dim woods ahead.

In the forest where Zhang Wa and Wu Xueying saved, and on the tree trunk where Lingling was just now, a piece of sparks and bark hit by bullets were flying.

Lingling rolled over behind a thick tree trunk on the side, and immediately stopped and lay down under the tree to raise her gun to aim at the enemy's location. In the dimness, two firelights were shooting out from Zhang Wa, who were invisible and where she was just now. From the flickering light of the enemy's muzzle, you could faintly see that the kid who shot at Zhang Wa and Wu Xueying just now was lying motionless beside the tree trunk. Obviously, the kid who tried to attack Zhang Wa was killed by the bullet she fired.

Lingling stared at the motionless figure of the other party, and a sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth. At such a distance of one or two hundred meters, no one could escape the bullets she fired! She lay down under the tree trunk to move the muzzle, and then aimed at the location where the enemy was shooting.

She aimed at the opponent's firepower and was about to pull the trigger, when the flames that were spewing out in the shadows of the trees in the distance suddenly disappeared, and the deafening gunshots stopped suddenly. Between has disappeared into the dark woods.

"You brat, you still have some combat experience!" Lingling cursed inwardly as she looked at the disappearing jungle. At this moment, she suddenly saw a red and a basket of two faint light and shadows flashing in the dark jungle in front of her. She was overjoyed, and hurriedly whispered into the microphone: "Zhang Wa, Yingying, don't shoot, Xiaohua and Xiaobai have passed!"

At this time, Zhang Wa and Wu Xueying heard Lingling's warning and rushed behind the two thick tree trunks on the side. The two were lying under the dim tree trunks and were raising their guns to aim at the forest in front of them, when the enemy suddenly stopped. After shooting, the figure disappeared into the darkness.

Zhang Wa scolded the enemy in the direction where the enemy disappeared, then raised his hand and made a "cover" gesture to Wu Yingying under another tree on the side. He then crawled out under the tree trunk, facing the enemy ahead He quickly crawled away from the disappearing forest. He wanted Wu Xueying to shoot to attract the enemy's firepower, so he detoured from the side. He heard Lingling's voice as soon as he climbed to a tree in front of him. He hurriedly lay down under the dim tree again, raised his gun and aimed sideways and forward.

One red, one basket and two faint light and shadows flashed away in the dense branches and leaves in front, and then two dazzling light beams suddenly lit up, and two black shadows with dazzling beams of light jumped down from the treetops like lightning. , followed by two screams in the dark jungle ahead.

As soon as the screams started, two beams of light had already sprung up from under the tree and slanted towards the other side of the tree. Following the two screams, the two dazzling beams suddenly disappeared. A burst of gunshots followed.

At this time, Lingling, Zhang Wa, Wu Xueying and Fengdao were already lying in different positions in the forest. A sneer appeared on the corners of their mouths when they heard the screams from the forest in front of them. They already understood that the two shot just now. The enemy has been killed by Xiaohua and Xiaobai who are like the sky! The screams and gunshots that followed showed that there were other enemies in the forest. And Xiaohua and Xiaobai are using lightning-like movements to shuttle back and forth in the hidden jungle of the enemy.

The assault rifles in the hands of Zhang Wa and the others immediately aimed at the position in front of the forest where the flames were spewing out, and then quickly pulled the trigger in front of them, and several black shadows jumping out of the tree in panic fell into the forest. .

"Da da da", "da da da"... The gunshots fired by Zhang Wa and Lingling were very short. As the shadows in front fell backwards, the forest fell into darkness.

At this time, Lingling and the others were very cautious when shooting. Now, after killing a few enemies, Xiaohua and Xiaobai must be hiding in the forest where the enemy is. They are always ready to emerge from the darkness to attack the enemy, so Zhang Wa and the others all aimed at the exposed enemy and fired a short burst.

Zhang Wa, Wu Xueying, and Fengdao in the forest above saw that several enemies had been shot and fell down. They immediately rolled sideways for a few weeks to avoid the exposed shooting position, and immediately stood up from under the tree. The cover of the tree trunks in the forest rushed towards the forest where the enemy was located like a fly.

Lingling, who was under the hillside, was about to get up, but then she glanced at the right arm that was spying, and she reluctantly lay under the tree and raised her gun to aim at the surrounding forest. She just lay down and raised her assault rifle when she suddenly felt a fierce murderous aura coming from the darkness on the side. She was shocked, and immediately rolled out under the dim hillside with the gun in her hands!

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