Panther Commando

Chapter 3081: Excessive bleeding

Lingling was lying under the dim tree, biting on the first aid kit with a dizzy mind, and just about to take out the medicine and bandage with her left hand, she understood the reaction of excessive blood loss at this time, and she must stop the bleeding as soon as possible to prevent the blood in the body from further. churn.

At this moment, in a trance, she suddenly found three black shadows flashing in the side forest. She was shocked. She raised her left hand and grabbed the assault rifle in front of her, struggling to move the muzzle to aim sideways. go. At this time, a black figure had already rushed towards her with the sound of the wind, followed by Wu Xueying's hurried voice: "Sister Lingling, it's me!"

Lingling breathed a sigh of relief, the first aid kit she was biting on fell to the ground, and her nervous expression immediately relaxed. She opened her mouth and gasped violently and looked to the side, the first aid kit in her mouth immediately fell down. At this moment, the two black shadows on the side had already rushed behind the trees around her, and were raising their guns at the surroundings to warn her and Wu Xueying.

Wu Xueying ran over and knelt down beside Lingling on one knee. She caught the falling first aid kit and asked hurriedly, "Where is the wound?" Lingling replied weakly, "It's okay, it's the wound on her arm that was torn again. It's cracked." Saying that, her body slumped weakly to the forest floor. Wu Yingying grabbed the body armor in front of her and hugged her in her arms, and quickly looked at her right arm.

Zhang Wa on the side raised a gun and quickly observed the dim woods around, and ran over as well. He squatted down, picked up Lingling's right hand, quickly counted her wrist pulse, and said in a hurry to Wu Xueying, who was unraveling Lingling's wound bandage: "It's because of excessive blood loss, hurry up to stop the bleeding and give her a fragrant demon. pill!"

After speaking, he looked at Lingling hurriedly and asked, "Where's the incense magic pill that Grandpa gave you?" Lingling smiled and replied weakly in the dim light: "Abu's injury was too serious just now, I'm going to stop it. in his mouth."

Both Zhang Wa and Wu Xueying were stunned for a moment, and they both touched their bodies in unison. These Hua Leopard team members and Wan's children all have a fragrant magic pill on their bodies, which is a life-saving thing that Wan Lin's grandfather gave them in case of emergency. Neither of them thought that Lingling would actually put such a precious pill into Abu's mouth when she was injured.

Zhang Wa just stretched her hand to her waist, then raised her hand to hold the assault rifle in frustration, and Wu Xueying quickly took out her fragrant magic pill and stuffed it into Lingling's mouth.

Wan Lin was seriously injured some time ago, and Zhang Wa and several others handed over the fragrant magic pills to Xiaoya to treat Wan Lin. And Wu Xueying and Wen Meng came later with Lao Zhang, so they still kept a fragrant magic pill on their bodies.

Wu Xueying quickly cleaned the wound on Lingling's arm, then took out the special medicinal powder given to them by her grandfather and scattered it on her wound, and then wrapped it again with a new bandage.

Zhang Wa saw that Wu Xueying was treating Lingling's wound, and immediately raised her gun at the surrounding dark woods. It is very dangerous here, and the enemy may rush out of the dark at any time, so he saw that Lingling was not in danger, and immediately raised his gun and aimed at the jungle in front of him.

At this time, Fengdao ran over with a gun, she glanced at Lingling, and then leaned on the tree trunk beside Lingling and raised her gun to aim at the dense forest in front. Seeing the wind knife running over, Zhang Wa immediately put down the assault rifle in his hand and sat cross-legged on the ground, holding Lingling's right hand and quickly expelling a burst of infuriating energy that quickly circulated in the meridians in Lingling's body.

After a short time, Lingling's rapid breathing gradually calmed down, and her slightly closed eyes slowly opened. She glanced gratefully at Zhang Wa and the three beside her, and said in a low voice, "Okay! Yingying, help me stand up."

Wu Xueying quickly stood up beside her, helped her up with both hands, then bent over to pick up the assault rifle on the ground and stuffed it into Lingling's left hand, she asked worriedly, "Sister Lingling, are you alright? I am now I'll take you down!" As she spoke, she took off her backpack and threw it to Zhang Wa, she stepped in front of Lingling, and reached out to carry Lingling to her back.

Lingling took the assault rifle, pushed Yingying away and said, "Yingying, no need! We are not so delicate yet. Just now I lost too much blood and fainted. Now that I have taken the incense magic pill, it is much better, and it does not affect the battle. !"

Zhang Wa raised her head and glanced at Lingling's eyes. He also raised his gun and stood up from the forest floor. He put the backpack in his hand into Wu Xueying and said in a low voice, "You take care of Lingling, and I will take a look around with the wind knife." After falling, two groups of small black shadows suddenly emerged from the dark forest in front, Xiaohua and Xiaobai quickly ran to the tree where Lingling was, and wagged their tails at several people.

The two leopards sniffed and then looked down at the old bandages stained with Lingling's blood on the forest floor, their eyes suddenly showed a worried look, and then they looked up at Lingling's right arm Looking up.

The pale Lingling saw the concerned eyes of the two leopards. She was moved and stretched out her left hand and gently touched the heads of the two leopards, and said in a low voice, "I'm fine now, you don't have to worry!"

At this moment, "Boom", "Boom", two huge explosions suddenly rang from under the hillside, and two huge firelights followed from the river bank where the muzzle fire was under the slope. The hillside trembled violently with the loud explosion.

Zhang Wa and Fengdao heard the huge explosion from below. The two suddenly rushed from the forest floor, reached out and grabbed the tree branch above their heads and drilled into the thick branches and leaves. The two leopards also jumped up from the ground like a spring, directly jumping up the high canopy.

Feng Dao and Zhang Wa emerged from the dense branches and immediately looked down into the canyon. In the two huge flames, black figures were rolling. The broken branches and the rocks on the river bank were rolling on the dirt road of the canyon. The black branches and leaves on the hillside were shaking violently in the shock wave.

Zhang Wa and Fengdao immediately understood that Leopard Head and Xiaoya must have followed behind the enemy reinforcements in the valley, and quietly approached the enemy's line of defense close to Taniguchi. Now Leopard Head suddenly used his killer weapon to shoot his own bow and arrow bomb, which means that he must have seen a lot of reinforcements from the enemy, and he has already approached the enemy's fortifications, so he used this kind of powerful weapon that is not easily used. .

The flame of the explosion just fell, and in the darkness less than 200 meters behind the flame, two violent flames suddenly spewed out, followed by the sound of "bang bang bang" and "da da da" shooting from machine guns and assault rifles. The string of bullets whistled and swept to the position of the enemy's bunker in front.

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