Panther Commando

Chapter 3083: Defensive position in the woods

"Understood!" Xiaoya replied in a low voice when she heard Wan Lin's voice while running. At this time, the two of them have made no secret of their whereabouts, and ran forward ups and downs in the dim forest.

The dirt road in the canyon twists and turns beside the river. The left side of the dirt road is a river bank full of rubble, and the right side is the dense forest growing along the hillside. The dirt road twists and turns along the river, and thick woods appear at the bends of the dirt road from time to time.

It didn't take long, and the two had chased down the winding dirt road to a place more than 200 meters behind the group of enemies in front. At this time, the sound of gunfire resounding like fried beans was echoing in front. The hurried running of Wan Lin and the two did not attract the attention of the enemy in front. Occasionally, a few of them turned around and saw their boy during the running, but it was only in the dark. He shouted at them a few times, as if to greet them to speed up their pace, and then hurried forward.

At this time, Wan Lin, who was running in front of Xiaoya, suddenly stopped at the bend in front of him. He hid behind a tree and looked forward intently. Seeing Wan Lin stop, Xiaoya quickly ran behind another tree beside Wan Lin and stuck out half her head to look forward.

Intense gunfire still reverberated in front, and the explosions of rockets and grenades continued one after another, and the dim night sky flickered in the light of the explosion. In the darkness, there were more than a dozen enemies two or three hundred meters ahead, running up and down along the edge of the forest and the river bank on the side. The mountain road in front was winding, and the Taniguchi in front could not be seen from where Wan Lin and Xiaoya were.

Xiaoya turned her head and watched Wan Lin make a gesture to shoot. Wan Lin immediately waved his hand and said in a low voice, "Don't worry. Just now we saw a large group of enemies at the top of the **** for reinforcements. The dozen or so people in front of us. It's just the skirmishers behind. Judging from the gunshots coming from the front, you should be able to see the enemy's fortifications when you turn the corner. When we waited for them to gather near the fortifications, we made a sudden move and tried to kill them together! "

Wan Lin turned around and glanced behind him. The depths of the canyon were dark, and there were no other enemies behind him. He took a step to the side of the forest, stealthed in the forest, raised his gun and aimed forward. Xiaoya also took two steps, came to Wan Lin's side, raised her assault rifle and looked forward.

The dozen or so drug dealer soldiers in front were running from a distance of more than 200 meters to the road on the right along the edge of the forest. On the river bank opposite the curve was a pile of rocks. of rocks scattered among the rubble. Wan Lin felt a move in his heart when he saw the terrain on the river bank, and immediately raised his gun and stared at the rocks. Only then did he realize that behind a few half-human-high rocks, three shadowy shadows were lying on the back of the rocks. Two machine guns were erected in the crevices of the rock. In the flickering firelight, it is really difficult to find the enemy's figure if you don't pay attention.

Wan Lin coldly observed the rocky beach beside the enemy through the scope on the gun, then moved the gun and looked to the side of the forest. The forest edge was pitch black, and the reinforcements had already turned around and ran to the side road. Intense gunshots and explosions were coming from the front. The muzzle and the explosion's flames reflected a layer of red on the dim river bank and woods, and no enemy was found in the woods.

Xiaoya and Wan Lin carefully observed the front, while listening intently to the intense gunfire not far away. At this time, they had already judged from the deafening gunshots that the enemy's defensive position should be located after turning the front curve, and the enemy's defensive position would be no more than 200 meters away from the front curve.

At this moment, the sound of the gunshots in front suddenly became intense, and the fire from the muzzle illuminated the trees at the curve a bright red, and the calm river on the side reflected clusters of fire.

Wan Lin and Xiaoya frowned immediately. The enemy reinforcements had entered the enemy's defensive position. Fierce firepower was sweeping towards the direction of Taniguchi. The sound of stray bullets passing through the air from time to time had disappeared. Nearby Cheng Ru and A Bao have been suppressed by the fierce firepower of the enemy.

At this moment, the sound of gunfire suddenly became violent in front of the canyon, making the canyon "hum". The huge echo sounded as if thousands of weapons were shooting violently, and the explosion of rockets followed. In the river of the river there are not reflections of red glowing firelight.

Wan Lin heard the gunshots that suddenly became violent in front of him, and a gleam suddenly flashed in his eyes! He immediately turned his face to Xiaoya and pointed to the woods at the bend in front of him. He picked up his sniper rifle, reached back with his left hand and pulled out a small curved bow. Han Guang bent down and rushed towards the river bank in front of him. Seeing Wan Lin's actions, Xiaoya immediately picked up her gun and slid into the woods at the bend in front of her.

In the darkness, Xiaoya used the cover of thick tree trunks at the edge of the flickered at the edge of the forest and ran into the woods at the bend in front of her. She was about to raise her gun in the woods. Looking ahead at the enemy's position, which was blazing. Suddenly, a black shadow like a tree stump swayed a few meters away in the forest, and a dark face turned back, and two small eyes flashed a dim light in the dimness.

Xiaoya was shocked. Just now, he and Wan Lin carefully observed the front, but did not find that there were still enemies hidden in the forest! She stepped on the ground and suddenly accelerated to the side of a tree. Her eyes could see clearly in a glance. There were three black shadows lying in the forest a few meters in front of them. In the simple defensive position constructed, a machine gun is standing on the bunker facing the direction of Taniguchi, a bazooka is also erected on the side, and several ammunition boxes are stacked under the eyes. And one of the boys apparently suddenly felt someone behind him during the deafening gunfire, so he turned his head and looked back.

At this time, Xiaoya had already reacted quickly and jumped behind the tree on the side. The other party suddenly saw the figure flashing behind him, he screamed in shock, grabbed the assault rifle on the bunker and turned around suddenly, and the two boys lying next to the bunker behind the machine gun were also shocked. Hold the gun and turn back.

At this time, Xiaoya saw that the enemy had discovered her. She didn't care to hide the three enemies in front of her. She jumped to the tree and immediately raised the gun and pulled the trigger. The assault rifle clenched in her hand immediately spewed out a string of fiery snakes, and the sound of "da da da" gunshots suddenly sounded from behind the enemy.

At the sound of the gunshots, the three boys fell into the bunker trembling all over. Xiaoya stretched out a string of bullets and rushed out with an arrow. She rushed into the enemy's bunker and immediately knelt down on one knee, picked up the machine gun that was lying on the bunker, turned around and aimed the muzzle of the machine gun at the side. River bank.

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