Panther Commando

Chapter 3085: Shadow under the cliff

Wan Lin and Xiaoya just rushed to the entrance of the cave, clinging to the steep cliff, and a white figure had already jumped down from the high cliff. Like smoke, it rushed towards the rock where Wan Lin and Xiaoya were hiding.

Wan Lin and Xiaoya were overjoyed, knowing that Xiaobai must be carrying out a security mission outside the cave, which means that Zhang Wa had arrived at the cave in advance with the two leopards. Now Zhang Wa must have followed Xiaohua into the cave, and at the same time ordered Xiaobai to be vigilant at the entrance of the cave and greet the two of them. Now that they saw Xiaobai running, they knew that there must be no enemies around, so they immediately stood up from behind the rock and ran directly to meet Xiaobai.

The towering cliffs stood darkly beside Wan Lin and the two of them, and the fierce fighting in the direction of Taniguchi reflected the dark cliffs to flicker. There are strange rocks on the steep cliffs, and pieces of dust and gravel are rolling down in the sound of explosions from time to time in the canyon, and the whole rock wall seems to be collapsing at any time.

Wan Lin and Xiaoya ran along the jagged rocks under the cliff to Xiaobai. Xiaobai jumped from a dark rock and jumped directly onto Xiaoya's shoulders. It then stretched out its right claw towards Wan Lin and pointed to the cliff in front of it.

Wan Lin looked in the direction indicated by Xiaobai. A few dozen meters ahead was the hole they had just drilled. The dark hole on the cliff was like the mouth of a giant beast, which appeared in the darkness. Very hideous.

Wan Lin raised his gun and observed the woods on the side, then raised his feet and ran towards the hole. Seeing Wanlin running towards the entrance of the cave, Xiaobai immediately jumped down from Xiaoya's shoulder and rushed to the front, and immediately jumped up on the dim rock. Several ups and downs had already rushed to the entrance of the cave, and then he stood on a rock and turned to face him. Wan Lin and Xiaoya, who were following, looked over.

While running forward, Wan Lin called into the microphone in a low voice: "Zhang Wa, Zhang Wa..." He called several times in a row, but there was no response from the silent earphone. In the darkness, Wan Lin's face suddenly became tense, he quickened his pace and called out a few times.

Xiaoya on the side heard Wan Lin's hurried calling, and ran to him and whispered, "Zhang Wa and Xiao Hua are in the cave, so they may not be able to receive the signal."

It was only then that Wan Lin suddenly heard that Zhang Wa and the others were deep in the cave, and they might not be able to receive the signal he called at all. He bent down and quickly rushed to the entrance of the cave, hiding beside the rock outside the cave, raised his gun and looked into the cave, the cave was pitch black, and Zhang Wa and Xiao Bai could not be seen at all.

He raised his foot and stepped into the cave, turned his head to Xiaoya who was bending over to get in, and said in a low voice, "You take Xiaobai to guard outside, I'll go in and have a look." After saying that, he carried his sniper rifle, Pull out the pistol on the leg and drill into the hole.

At this moment, "da da da", "da da da", a burst of violent gunshots suddenly came from the hillside behind. Xiaoya and Wan Lin immediately hid themselves on the side of the rock at the entrance of the cave, raised their guns and aimed back.

Several hurried muzzle flashes were spraying from the tree canopy below the side, followed by Wan Lin and Xiaoya's earphones, the hurried voice of the wind knife: "Leopard head, there are more than a dozen enemies on the mountain road. Run, I'm blocking!" Before he finished speaking, there was a gunshot on the mountain road halfway up the mountain, and a spark shot by a bullet immediately appeared on the big branches and leaves near the roadside. Obviously, the enemy had discovered that the wind knife was hidden on the top of the tree, so he avoided his attack and immediately pulled the trigger towards the canopy on the side.

Wan Lin and Xiaoya heard Feng Dao's report, and only then did they understand that Feng Dao had predicted the danger on their side, so they followed in secret to prevent enemies from appearing at the entrance of the cave when they entered the cave. He immediately stared at the sparks flying on the tree canopy in the distance, and gave a hurried command to the microphone: "Fengdao, the forest below you is a minefield set up by the enemy, you immediately withdraw from the canopy to the cliff to meet with you. We will meet!"

He knew in his heart that although the canopy where the wind knife is now is very concealed, it can attack the enemy at close range from a commanding height, but once the enemy reacts from the panic and starts a counterattack, the canopy will become very dangerous, so the wind knife is suddenly unfolding. After the attack, be sure to evacuate in time.

Following Wan Lin's voice, the sound of the air knife's gunshots suddenly disappeared, followed by two grenade explosions from the mountainside. In the light of the two groups of fires suddenly rising from the dark halfway up the mountain, Wan Lin and Xiaoya saw a black shadow suddenly appear on the tree canopy below the side, rushing down the cliff where they were standing.

At this time, Wan Lin and Xiaoya already understood that the group of black figures they saw running from the other side under the mountain road just now did not run to Taniguchi to reinforce their comrades who were fighting over there. Running from the top of the It seems that there may be an enemy commander who knows this hidden cave and wants to run near the cave to protect this cave, which is hiding a lot of drugs and weapons.

Wan Lin looked up at the steep rock wall above his head. A huge rock suddenly protruded from the rock wall more than ten meters above his head. The black pressure rock hung high above the side of the cave, as if it was about to collapse at any time. He shouted to Xiaoya: "You stick to the entrance of the cave. I will go to the rock above the cliff and seal the passage under the cliff near the entrance of the cave."

As he spoke, he inserted the pistol he had just drawn into the holster on his leg, and then jumped up from the dark hole. There was a crack in the rock above the hole in his right hand, and then he curled up and kicked his left foot. A raised rock suddenly jumped up, and then several ups and downs jumped above the black rock like a monkey.

He quickly glanced at the rock hanging in the air below him, then leaned on it and took off the sniper rifle on his back and aimed forward. Below the cliff is a piece of jagged rock, a dozen or so meters away from the side is the dark woods that extend along the hillside to the foot of the mountain, and five or six hundred meters in front is the dirt road that winds down the hillside.

When Wanlin and the others went deep into this canyon for the first time, there were checkpoints all over the dirt road, and the road was wide enough to pass military transport vehicles. The dirt road is now much narrower, and the roadside is overgrown with trees. Obviously, since Ao Kun was shot to death, this drug trafficking group is indeed not what it used to be, and it is indeed different from its heyday.

Wan Lin was lying quietly behind the sniper rifle and aimed at the cliff, thinking back to the scene of entering this place back then, but his eyes were fixed on the scope. At this time, a faint shadow suddenly flashed out from the forest edge of the mountain road a hundred meters away, and then rushed towards a rock near the cliff.

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