Panther Commando

Chapter 3099: nervous doorman

Wan Lin raised his gun and looked at the mountains on the north side. There were twenty or thirty enemy corpses lying in a row in the mountains not far from the foot of the mountain. Several black shadows were moving in the mountains. They were obviously injured and abandoned drug dealer soldiers.

Wan Lin frowned as he stared at the moving shadows, and then looked carefully at each other. Only then did he see a few drug dealer soldiers dragging their assault rifles on the move without putting down their weapons. A fierce murderous aura flashed in his eyes, and he gently pulled the bolt to aim at a shadowy figure. Just as he was about to pull the trigger, he immediately put down the gun body resting on his shoulder and turned his head to look up the hillside.

At this time, Yu Wenfeng and Yu Wenyu were still lying on the rock above, and the machine guns in front of them were vigilantly aiming at the dark shadows wriggling in the mountains below. It seems that they have also noticed these few drug dealers who still haven't put down their weapons. The soldiers were obviously worried that these boys would suddenly release cold guns.

Wan Lin followed and turned to look at Ah Bao who was beside him. Seeing that he was also staring at the boys in the mountains with a murderous face, he moved in his heart and immediately shouted in a low voice: "A Bao, clean the battlefield, prepare Retreat with the wounded brother!" These special forces really disdain to shoot at such a time, so he saw Ah Bao's angry look, and immediately asked him to take the machete to clean up the garbage.

When Ah Bao heard Wan Lin's order, he immediately replied with a murderous expression: "Yes!" After he finished speaking, he picked up his assault rifle, pulled out a machete from his waist, and shouted to the few machete warriors around him. : "Let's go! Kill those **** with Lao Tzu!"

Ah Bao had already seen the few drug dealer soldiers in the mountains below, and murderous aura appeared in his eyes. In this battle, many of their scimitar brothers were killed and injured by the guns of these drug dealer soldiers, and he could not wait to rush down and chop. Off the necks of these bastards.

The surrounding machete fighters heard Ah Bao's cry, and each of them immediately held an assault rifle in one hand, and the other hand pulled out the machete and ran towards the mountains ahead with murderous intent. It wasn't long before the screams like killing pigs rang out in the mountains.

Wan Lin saw Ah Bao lead people to clean up the battlefield, he followed into the microphone and asked, "Fengdao, is there any enemy rushing out of Taniguchi!" "There are no enemies rushing out of the valley at present, I guess these **** have been scared out of their courage. Now, Bao Ya, Zisheng and I are monitoring Taniguchi!" Feng Dao's voice followed.

At this time, Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa ran to the foot of the mountain with Wang Dali on their backs. Wan Lin immediately went up to him and hugged Wang Dali down, followed by carefully placing him on the ground, and asked anxiously, "Dali, where is the injury?" Wang Dali's collar and sleeve on his left shoulder had been dyed red with blood, and thick bandages were tied around his neck and shoulders.

Dali raised his head and looked at him weakly and said, "It's alright, the bullet gnawed off a piece of fat on my neck and shoulders. Just now, the doll and the old man insisted on taking me down. I'm fine, I can walk by myself, hehehehe." After he finished speaking, he smiled honestly, and then grinned again in severe pain.

At this time, Zhang Wa gasped and said, "Just now Xiaoya has re-treated his wound, and both Xiangmowan and Shebaowan have been eaten by him. It's not a big problem." At this time, Chengru had turned around and ran to Beside Lingling, he stared nervously at her right arm and asked, "Lingling, sit down quickly, how about you?" Then he bent down, picked up Lingling and placed her on a rock on the side.

Lingling looked at his nervous look, her big eyes blinked twice, and she said with a sad face: "Mother can't hang up, can you? I'm afraid this arm can't be saved. I guess you will marry a one-armed wife in the future!" After speaking, Her two big eyes were staring at Cheng Ru's face with tears in her eyes.

Cheng Ru was startled when he heard Lingling's answer, he sat behind Lingling and took her into his arms, turned his head and shouted in panic at Xiaoya who was treating the wounds of the machete wounded at the foot of the mountain: "Little... Ya, hurry up... come here, Lingling's arm is... gone!"

Xiao Yazheng, Wu Xueying, and Wen Meng knelt on one knee on the ground to treat the wounds of the three machete warriors. When they heard Cheng Ru's shout, they all looked up at the hillside in astonishment. The three of them turned their faces in panic when they saw Lingling winking at them with a smirk, Xiaoya immediately shouted at Cheng Ru angrily: "It's gone, it's like you are pulling a broken gong. What are you yelling in such a loud voice? Isn't it just an arm, you just need to have an arm."

She and Wu Xueying have always been by Lingling's side. They knew about Lingling's injury long ago, and Xiaoya had already re-treated her wound, so they knew that Lingling was making fun of this veteran. Wen Meng has been following Wang Dali outside the valley, so she doesn't know the severity of Lingling's injury. At this moment, she nervously bandaged the wound of the scimitar turned around and ran to Xiaoya's side to take the bandage in her hand, and said anxiously: "Sister Xiaoya, hurry up and give it to Sister Lingling. Treat the wound, leave it to me here."

Xiaoya smiled and whispered to her: "Hee hee, Lingling's wound is fine, it didn't hurt the vital point, I have dealt with her long ago." Only then did Wen Meng understand that Lingling was joking with Lao Cheng, she covered her mouth " Pfft." He laughed. Wu Xueying on the side also raised her head and shouted at Cheng Ru: "Instructor Cheng, you are stupid, Aunt Lingling is hurt so badly, why are you yelling? Why don't you take her down!"

At this time, Cheng Ru was completely panicked. He heard Wu Xueying's cry, picked up Lingling, got up and rushed down the hillside below. Lingling was suddenly held in his arms and ran down like clouds and fog, so she was so frightened that she hurriedly shouted: "Door god, door god, I'm not some monster, please slow down, slow down, now my aunt's arms are almost gone. Now, do you still want to break one of my legs?"

"Hahahaha..." The following Xiaoya people laughed when they heard Lingling's cry. Xiaoya and Wu Xueying quickly finished treating the wound of the scimitar warrior, and the three of them stood up and walked over to meet Cheng Ru.

Xiaoya looked up at Cheng Ru, who came running in panic with Lingling in her arms, and said with a smile: "Okay, okay, isn't your aunt's arm still on her shoulders, I've dealt with her a long time ago, and I won't let you marry one. Daughter-in-law with a broken arm, look you scared your kid!"

It was only then that Cheng Ru realized that Lingling, this ghost girl, was making fun of him. He grinned and put Lingling on the hillside carefully, raised his hand and tapped Lingling's helmet lightly, saying, "Stinky girl, you are going to scare me to death. Ya!" He followed and looked at Xiaoya who was running over and shouted: "Xiaoya, hurry up and check the wounds for Lingling, do you still have that fragrant magic pill or snake treasure pill? Hurry up and give it to our aunt Go up."

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