Panther Commando

Chapter 3104: pious faith

The horns are loud and fierce, and the drums are low and agitated! The peculiar sound reverberated in the mountain pass surrounded by high cliffs on three sides, as if thousands of troops were about to rush out of this small mountain pass.

At this moment, the faces of Wan Lin's group of Hua Leopard players looked very solemn, the muscles on their faces were shaking slightly in excitement, and the hearts of each of them were surging with passion in this passionate voice!

They slammed their feet together and straightened up, and the guns they had just put down were raised to their chests again. At this moment, they can only use their mighty military salutes to express their respect for these machetes and their admiration for these women who married machetes.

At this moment, the group of gorgeously dressed machete girls rushed to Wanlin's group like a deer. The girls smiled like flowers. They reached out and snatched the weapons and backpacks in Wanlin's hands and followed them intimately. He took their arms, wrapped his arms around his waist, and walked towards the col.

The faces of Wan Lin and the group of young men showed embarrassment. This group of men who had never been afraid on the battlefield looked extremely nervous when surrounded by girls, and their bodies seemed to be stiff. Surrounded by girls like flowers, he walked forward.

At this moment, the group of machete girls giggled when they saw Wan Lin's embarrassed appearance. They all playfully pushed their soft bodies against Wan Lin and the others. Come over, a pair of small hands caressed their cheeks mischievously, bursts of cheerful laughter and crisp calls resounded in the col.

Xiaoya, Lingling, Wen Meng, and Wu Xueying were also surrounded by a group of girls and children and walked towards the valley. The arms of several people were held tightly by the girls around them, and they were pulled forward by the girls. , while looking at the embarrassed look of Wan Lin going to a group of people in front of him, he snickered.

At this time, the sound of drums and horns in the mountain had disappeared, and a group of machete old men and those widows carrying war drums stood aside consciously, laughing and watching the leopard team members surrounded by girls from their side walk by. At this time, crisp laughter has filled this vast mountain, and this cheerful and crisp laughter seems to dispel the dark clouds that originally shrouded this indigenous tribe.

Wan Lin and the others were crowded by the machete girls to the front door. The girls suddenly stopped and their cheerful laughter stopped abruptly. The girls quickly released the arms of Wanlin's group, raised their feet and ran to both sides of the gate.

Wan Lin and a group of people looked at the door in surprise, and then they saw that Xiao Hua and Xiao Bai had already jumped to the high beam above the door.

At this moment, two leopards were lying on the beam with a red, a basket and two beams of light in their eyes, looking down at the crowd coming. The two leopards and the two leopard-like totems carved by the scimitars on both sides of the gate are like four door gods guarding this ancient tribe. They are really powerful like gods!

When the old patriarch saw the scene in front of him, his body trembled violently, and he walked quickly to the crowd with several elders in the clan. He strode to the door with a few gray-haired old men, then took out the machete from the animal skin scabbard around his waist and held it in his hands, then held the sword in both hands and held it high above his head.

He raised his head and looked reverently at the two leopards on the door beam, and then he let out a burst of passionate shouts, followed by holding the machete in his hands and knelt on the ground with a "pop", followed by bursts of bursts from his mouth. Low prayers.

With the shout of the old patriarch, all the machete people knelt on the ground, even the machete wounded who were seriously injured lying on the stretcher struggled to turn over and crawl to the ground. He picked up the scimitar at his waist, held his hands above his head and lay down on the ground, whispering prayers from his mouth.

A group of leopard team members stood quietly outside the gate, and they did not stop the pious actions of these machete people. They know that perhaps it is the devout beliefs of the Scimitars that allow the Scimitar tribe to bravely face all kinds of challenges in the centuries-long history, so that their indigenous tribe can survive in this barren land. , and is full of all kinds of sinister living environment to thrive.

Because in their hearts, they firmly believe that as long as they are indomitable to resist all kinds of invading enemies, as long as they persevere hard to the last moment, their gods will definitely come back to save them!

At this moment, Wan Lin suddenly saw the huge golden leopard of the old patriarch rushing out from the gate. Old Liu Zheng helped Xiao Li and limped over behind him. He hurriedly faced Xiao Hua and Xiao Hua above the gate. White waved his hand. The two leopards immediately let out a low roar when they saw Wan Lin's and immediately retracted the red and blue light pillars in their eyes, suddenly jumped down from the high door beam, and landed with a big smile. He ran towards the big leopard with his mouth and big tail erect, then jumped on the back of the big leopard and instructed it to run into the courtyard.

Wan Lin saw the two leopards leave, so he walked over to the old patriarch and bent over to help him up, then took his arm and strode toward the circular courtyard in front of him. The elders behind him He also stood up and strode into the tribal compound.

The surrounding machete clansmen heard the low roar of the leopard, raised their heads and saw that the old patriarch and Wan Lin had walked towards the door arm in arm, and a group of people followed from the ground and inserted the machete in their hands. scabbard. The girls on both sides of the gate saw that the patriarch and the others had entered the tribe, and their faces showed smiles again. They ran over again and hugged the leopard team members and walked towards the gate.

Wan Lin walked into the courtyard and let go of the old patriarch's arm, speeding up and walking towards Lao Liu and Xiao Li. He walked over to Lao Liu and the two to support the injured Xiao Li, looked down at the bandage wrapped around his left thigh and asked with concern, "Xiao Li, is the injury serious?" Xiao Li quickly replied: "It's okay, it's just a piece of meat cut off by a bullet. It's nothing serious. The old patriarch has ordered the doctors in the tribe to show me. By the way, did you kill Kunsha?"

Wan Lin shook his head and replied, "This kid slipped away with his guards. We have completely blown up the cave where drugs and weapons were hidden in the canyon, and even destroyed his drug processing factory. "

Old Liu was overjoyed when he heard Wan Lin's answer, he grabbed Wan Lin's right hand and said, "That's great, this time Deputy Director Wang specially instructed that he must try to destroy the foundation of this drug cartel, or he will be killed. Khun Sa, a drug lord, will also have other drug lords using these resources to re-establish new drug cartels."

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