Panther Commando

Chapter 3236: gunshots in the rain

The furious Xing Er's eyes were blood red, and his swollen cheeks were shaking violently in the rainstorm. He held a pistol and looked at a group of boys rushing from the side. A group of subordinates who raised their weapons, roared and ran towards a group of boys rushing towards the street.

Xing Er's group of people have already killed their red eyes. There are bloodstains on these people's bodies. Some boys are running around Xing Er staggeringly with the murder weapon in one hand. The shotguns in their hands are also Facing the street "bang" and "bang", he pulled the trigger.

The sound of pistols and shotguns was dreary in the rain. The seven or eight boys who were rushing from the street with murder weapons immediately let out a scream, and the glass on the buildings on the street also made a shattering sound in the whistling iron sand.

A group of boys who had just rushed from the street saw that Xing Er was actually holding firearms. They were so frightened that they dragged their companion who was injured by the bullet, turned around and fled behind. The screams from the roadside were even louder.

Xing Er saw a group of boys from the side turned around and fled, he immediately shouted and rushed to Brother Xiang's bar in front of him with his men. At this time, there was already a group of boys holding swords and sticks on the other side of the street and behind them. This group of people caught up with Xing Er and the group, and immediately raised the guy in their hands and smashed it down.

"Bastard, kill me!" Xing Er roared, raised his hand and pulled the trigger at a boy who charged with a knife, but suddenly there was a light "click" from his gun. Xing Er's face changed, and he immediately understood that the bullets in the gun had been fired.

He didn't care to change the magazine, let one side of his body let the knife light from the other side, raised his foot and kicked the boy who rushed in front of him. He leaned sideways with his body, grabbed an iron rod that hit him above his head with his left hand, took a half-step forward with his thick thighs, and hit the boy in front of him with his right fist with a gust of wind. out. The other party let out a scream, and let go of the right hand holding the stick, hugged his chest, and flew backwards.

Xing Er grabbed the iron rod in the opponent's hand, lifted the iron rod, and rushed towards the other boys on the side. The manager of the karaoke hall beside him and the boys around him also bravely lifted the guy in their hands and rushed. past.

Don't look at Xing Er's group of people who are vulnerable under Wan Lin's hands, but they are not ambiguous in the face of Xiang Ge's group of ruffians. These people have some martial arts skills, either they have practiced martial arts for a few years, or later Trained in boxing and kickboxing.

When it comes to fighting between local ruffians and drug dealers, Xing Er and the others are indeed good players. Besides, these guys are all in the drug business. They not only have to guard against blackmail among drug dealers, but also fight for territory in order to obtain higher profits. With his skills, it is impossible for him to gain the attention of the bald brother and climb to this position.

At this time, Xing Er was really furious. He held the iron rod he grabbed in his hands with blood red eyes and rushed in front of the rushing boys, followed by the guy in his hand and greeted the other party vigorously. The sound of clubs, machetes intersecting and heavy blows hitting the flesh was particularly harsh in the rainy night, and screams echoed on this feasting street.

The group of dusty women who used to watch the lively on the street now turned pale with fright when they saw the chaotic fighting scene in front of them. The scolding sounded!

At this time, Xing Er, who had already been swept away by the anger, looked at the group of Brother Xiang's men who were rushing towards him, and his eyes were blood red, and he shouted at the few men who surrounded him: "Kill! Kill these bastards!" After he finished speaking, he suddenly threw the iron rod in his hand towards the group of boys rushing to the side, followed by a pistol from his waist and quickly replaced it with a new one, raised the gun and pulled the trigger at the group of boys rushing around. .

"Crack!" A boy who charged with a machete clutched his stomach and fell to the ground amid the gunshots. His companions were shocked! Then they let out a roar and rushed up with the swords and sticks in their hands without fear of death. This group of hooligans often participate in armed fights. They know that no matter how fast they run, they can't escape the bullets in the guns. At this time, rushing to kill each other in the chaos is their only option to avoid being hit by bullets.

"Bang bang bang", the boys around Xing Er heard Xing Er fired, and they immediately raised the muzzle and pulled the trigger around. The sound of the shotgun followed after a few silences, and a piece of iron sand spewed from the barrel of the shotgun whistled towards the surroundings.

The six or seven boys who were rushing to death were immediately shot by a piece of iron sand that flew towards them. A group of boys screamed and fell to the ground. The screams broke out immediately. Rolling The stagnant water on the roadside was dyed red. A group of boys who were not hit by bullets saw that Xing Er and his group were all carrying guns, so they turned around and fled around in fright.

When Xing Er saw the opponents around him turned and fled, he immediately shouted at the group of men who had rushed to their side: "Brothers, rush into the bar and find this **** Xiang brother to settle the account!" Wan Lin, who was showing off before, chased after him.

At this time, Wan Lin and the others had long known that some of the Xing Er group were carrying firearms, so they had long distanced themselves from the dangerous group of Xing Er group. Wan Lin's group of people who were rushing to the door of the bar heard the sound of gunshots coming from behind, Wan Lin turned his head and glanced, and then shouted to the group of Chengru beside him: "Damn, you dare to shoot, brothers. , smashed the bar of this brat, Brother Xiang!"

Cheng Ru and a group of people immediately understood what Wan Lin meant. The group of people fluttered the sticks in their hands and quickly repelled several surrounding Brother Xiang's men, then turned around and rushed towards the bar in front of them.

The dozen or so boys who were rushing towards Chengru’s group suddenly saw their opponent turn and run towards the bar in front. A group of people chased behind Chengru’s group with sticks and machetes.

A group of boys with sticks just poured out from the surrounding buildings, suddenly saw a group of people fighting on the street suddenly rushed towards their boss Xiang brother's bar, a group of boys also immediately made a roar, mentioning With the murder weapon, he rushed past the companions who were fighting fiercely with Xing Er and the others, and rushed straight to Brother Xiang's bar.

At this time, Xiaoya, Lingling, Wen Meng, and Wu Xueying, who had already been hiding in the shadows on the side of the bar, were raising their wrists to pay close attention to Wan Lin's group of people. The hidden weapon bracelets on their wrists kept moving towards the boys around them. , ready to launch hidden weapons at any time to support them in critical moments.

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