Panther Commando

Chapter 328: air danger

Since the last time Wan Lin took a helicopter to chase down the East Turkistan rioters, he was attacked by a poisonous snake from the Flying Fox Mercenary Group with a portable stinger missile over the canyon, which almost wiped out the entire army of the Panther Commando. I am afraid that such an accident will happen again on the helicopter that cannot reach the sky or the ground.


The rest of the team were also ready for battle. Before he came, Wan Lin had already informed everyone about the chaos in Country A collected by the General District.


It was four o'clock in the afternoon, and the sun had already set in the west. The sun gradually lost its dazzling light with a touch of yellow, shining in the vast mountains, covering the endless rolling hills with a golden color.


Just as the team members were admiring the beautiful scenery in the mountains, the helicopter rushed diagonally upwards. "Report the situation?" Wan Lin hurriedly called into the intercom.


"Assaulted, someone shot at the lower left," the helicopter pilot shouted hurriedly. "Prepare to fight, open the hatches on both sides," Wan Lin ordered loudly.


Dali and Kong Dazhuang opened the hatches on both sides of the helicopter respectively. Wan Lin leaned over and stuck out his head to look down.


On the top of the mountain in front of the left, wisps of smoke are constantly rising, and it is obvious that someone in the mountain below is shooting at the helicopter.


"Quickly escape!" Wan Lin ordered the pilot. He doesn't want to fight back against the other party under unknown circumstances, who knows which faction it is? I came to participate in the competition, not to fight with these various local forces. Fortunately, there are special protective steel plates under the military helicopters, and they are not afraid of the attack of light weapons.


The helicopter climbed up diagonally, trying to bypass the firing area from the side. Right here, "Da Da Da..." The crisp sound of the domestic 95-type 5.8mm caliber machine gun suddenly came from the right hatch.


"Report, several rockets are hitting me." Da Zhuang reported the situation loudly while strafing outside. Wan Lin understood. Just now, Da Zhuang suddenly noticed that several rockets were attacking, and he fired to intercept it without asking for instructions. The helicopter pilot nervously adjusted his flight attitude, avoiding the rockets and machine gun bullets whistling from below.


The helicopter in the air is like a fallen leaf floating in the air, up and down, floating. All the team members were wearing seat belts and went up and down, left and right with the helicopter. Firelights flew past the helicopter.


"Da da da..." There was also a strong sound of machine guns coming from the left hatch. "Papapa..." The sound of being hit by a bullet suddenly came from the protective steel plate at the bottom of the helicopter.


All the team members had extremely serious faces. In the cramped cabin, everyone had no room to perform, so they could only sit quietly in their chairs and resign themselves to fate.


Beads of sweat gradually appeared on Wan Lin's face. If it goes on like this, if a rocket hits the helicopter, the entire commando will be buried in the air!


He suddenly scolded: "Damn, whoever is provoking. Vigorously, stop shooting, hold me." He raised his hand and threw the sniper rifle to Zhang Wa next to him, pulled down the goggles above his head and put it on his face, and pulled it out. Three timed arrows with incendiary bombs, blasting bombs and high-explosive C4 explosives on their waists, dodged to Dali's side.


Dali had already put away the machine gun at this time, and his body was fastened to the seat belt beside the hatch. When he saw Wan Lin approaching, he turned around and hugged Wan Lin's waist, sending him to the cabin of the plane.


Wan Lin leaned out of the helicopter, bent his bow and mounted an arrow, aiming at the mountain top that was constantly emitting fire below.


"Clap clap...", the bullets kept hitting the steel plate under the fuselage, and the whistling rain of bullets flashed on both sides of the helicopter; rockets flew past the helicopter with fiery flames.


Wan Lin closed his mouth tightly, facing the gust of wind in the air, estimating the distance to the mountain below.


Except for Kong Dazhuang, who kept shooting from the right hatch, the rest of the team members were all staring at Wan Lin's movements. In the cramped helicopter, they could only wait silently, and there were tiny beads of sweat on the faces of all the team members.


Wan Lin quickly calculated the altitude and speed of the helicopter and the range of his bow and arrow on the flat ground. He roughly estimated the range of the bow and arrow on the fast-moving helicopter.


Two thousand meters, one thousand five hundred meters... "Whoosh" Wan Lin's full bowstring suddenly loosened, and three short arrows flew towards the flaming hills ahead like lightning. Wan Lin put the small bow around his neck after shooting the arrow, raised the binoculars in front of his chest with his left hand, touched his waist with his right hand, and took out a remote control.


Wan Lin saw through the binoculars that there were more than 20 people standing on the top of the hill in front of him, some with machine guns, some with automatic rifles, and a few with bazookas, and were desperately shooting upwards. Several people pointed to the sky and laughed.


"Boom" and "Boom" suddenly burst into two flames on both sides of the hill opposite. It seems that the top of the mountain is shaking. The gunfire in front suddenly stopped. The people on the top of the mountain were surprised to see the sudden counterattack from the helicopter. Raised the guy in his hand again.


"Looking for death!" Wan Lin suddenly cursed, pressing his right hand hard.


"Boom..." Accompanied by the two firelights just now, there was an earth-shattering explosion from the top of the mountain, and a huge mushroom-like firelight rose from the top of the mountain with thick white smoke.


The huge shock wave pushed the helicopter up several dozen meters high. The players all turned and looked out.


"My god, what did you launch? The whole mountain is about to be chopped off." The pilot's surprise voice suddenly came from the earphones.


"Let's run, the missile will catch up in a while," Dali shouted anxiously. He remembered the dangerous situation when he was ambushed by the East Turkistan elements and the Flying Fox mercenary group in the mountains and valleys a few years ago, and was chased by the stinger missile on the helicopter. If Wan Lin didn't respond very quickly, he shot a bow and arrow bomb with a sniper. The rifle detonated, attracting the infrared-guided Stinger missile, and the entire commando was buried in the blue sky.


The pilot readily agreed, speeding up and flying towards the At this moment, the new team members all fixed their eyes on Wan Lin's little bow and arrow. Although they heard Zhang Wa introduce the bow and arrow bomb during training, they never thought that this little bow and arrow would have such a powerful force!


This time, they were sent to the competition with a military transport helicopter. At that time, they did not consider that they would encounter an attack overseas, so the plane was not equipped with protective weapons. Who would have known that they would encounter an attack not too far after crossing the national border. No one knew whether the opponent was a whim or a targeted attack, and Wan Lin and the others were confused.


"Lingling, inform your family about the attack just now." Wan Lin sat back in the chair and ordered Lingling. The situation just now must be reported to the country, because I don't know if it is the work of the hostile "East Turkistan terrorist organization". If it is, you need to make corresponding preparations in the country. These people are equipped with heavy weapons.


The helicopter flew along a big river in the mountains to Kunta City in country a, where the registration place for this special forces competition was.


Looking at the big river that winds like a silver belt in the mountains under the helicopter, Wan Lin can't help but think of the scene of killing a poisonous snake in the river, of Allende, a kind local guy who is a little greedy for money, and of his after seeing dollars. With the greedy expression on his face, Wan Lin's mouth showed a smile. )!!

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