Panther Commando

Chapter 3296: dark canyon

While listening to Cheng Ru's report, Wan Lin raised his sniper rifle and looked towards the mountains to the north. The angry expression on his face just now calmed down.

At this time, Cheng Ru continued: "I was staring at the direction Xiaohua was following just now, and the other party was fleeing along the northern hillside and went straight to the distant mountains. I just looked at the map, and this direction can lead to the time when we came. the mountain road."

Wan Lin listened to Complete Ru's report, put down his gun and whispered, "These two killers must be mercenaries under Kun Sha. As long as we find their traces, we can find the hiding place of Kun Sha and Bald Brother."

He followed and glanced down at the dim hillside below, and continued: "At present, the Wang Brigade has ordered the armed police to block the road in and out of the mountain. It just provides us with the conditions for tracking in the mountains. Go, we will follow!"

Cheng Ru immediately replied in a low voice, "Yes!" He immediately waved his hand under the surrounding dark rocks, raised his feet and ran down the hillside. Lin Zisheng, Yu Wenfeng, and Yu Wenyu immediately stood under a few rocks on the side. They immediately dispersed on the hillside and ran down the muddy hillside. The surrounding team members also immediately stood up from the invisible top of the mountain, and rushed to the hillside below with Wan Lin's ups and downs.

At this time, the dark clouds in the sky had not completely dissipated. Pieces of dark clouds drifted in the air with the wind, and clusters of stars flickered in and out of the gaps in the clouds.

Wan Lin's group of people spread out on the dimly lit northern hillside, followed by the two leopards that were running ahead and rushed to the foot of the mountain, and then rushed straight to the northern mountain.

At this time, the sound of running water reverberated in the surrounding mountains, and the rushing rainwater on the distant hillside reflected the starlight in the sky, like silver beads hanging diagonally on a dimly lit hillside. , the rushing rain rushed along the rugged and steep hillside, jumping and rushing towards the foot of the mountain, the crisp sound of running water resounded through the mountains, and the air in the mountains after the rain was exceptionally fresh.

Wan Lin's group quickly rushed down the hillside, and immediately stepped on the muddy mountain and ran straight to the north mountain. At this time, Wan Lin had already quickly surpassed Chengru, Zisheng and Fengyu brothers in front of him, and his eyes were fixed on the two leopards running in front of him.

After everyone ran for six or seven kilometers in the muddy and rolling mountains, a sudden sound of torrents came from the dim mountains in front, and the two leopards running in front also slowed down, and then stopped at the foot of a hill. live. The two leopards lowered their heads and sniffed the ground, ran and circled around quickly, and then jumped up to a boulder next to the foot of the mountain to look forward.

Wan Lin hurriedly ran to the foot of the mountain in front of him. He crouched under the rock where Xiaohua and Xiaobai were standing, raised his sniper rifle and aimed at the dimly lit mountains ahead.

In the dim starlight, in front of it was a canyon sandwiched between two mountains. The inside of the canyon was pitch-dark, and it was impossible to see the situation in the valley at all. A dozen meters away, a rushing river was lying in front of them, waves were splashing in the narrow channel, and pieces of black rocks appeared and disappeared in the channel.

At this time, Cheng Ru, Feng Dao, and Zhang Wa followed one after another from the dim mountain behind.

Everyone had seen the two leopards and Wan Lin stopped in front of them, knowing that something unexpected must have happened ahead, so everyone quickly hid behind the surrounding rocks and tree trunks, and aimed their guns at the dimly lit mountains.

It was very dark in the mountains, and the three of Cheng Ru ran to Wan Lin's side, and immediately raised their guns and looked through the scope to the river and canyon ahead. At this time, Wan Lin lowered his muzzle, frowned, and said in a low voice, "Xiaohua and Xiaobai suddenly stopped here, indicating that the other party has crossed the river ahead and entered the canyon."

Cheng Ru glanced at the dark canyon in front of him and said in a low voice, "This small river looks turbulent, but the river is not deep, so you can walk across it. It's just that the canyon in front is very narrow and surrounded by two steep rocks. Wall, this is a terrain where one man is in control and ten thousand people are indifferent, once the enemy is hidden inside, it will be difficult for us to pass safely."

At this time, Zhang Wa and Feng Dao were raising their guns to observe the terrain on the side of the river, Zhang Wa said in a low voice, "This terrain is very steep, not only is it difficult to track covertly in the canyon, but also the two hills on both sides of the valley are close to each other. The door **** usually stands at the mouth of the valley, and if there are hidden enemies on it, it is difficult for us to safely cross the river through the open front and rush into the canyon."

Wan Lin and Cheng Ru are also turning their heads to look at the two sides of the valley. There are indeed two hills more than 100 meters high on both sides of the valley. The hills are covered with lush woods and The top of the mountain There is a jagged boulder erected separately, and it really looks like a patron saint standing outside the canyon.

At this time, several people heard Zhang Wa say that the hills on both sides of the canyon were like door gods, and they all grinned and laughed silently, then turned their heads and looked at Cheng Ru, who was called "door god" by Wu Xueying and the others. At this time, Cheng Ru also grinned in the dark. He raised his hand and pushed Zhang Wa and scolded in a low voice: "Stinky boy, this is called a patron saint, what kind of door god? It's so ugly!"

Zhang Wa smiled and took a half step back in the dark, and he whispered: "Leopard head, you watch the surrounding, I will cross the river alone to scout the Mizoguchi." After speaking, he straightened up and was about to rush from the rock. go out.

At this time, Wan Lin suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed him and said in a low voice: "It's too dangerous, it's dark in the valley now. The situation in the valley is unknown, and the terrain around the mouth of the valley is so dangerous. !"

Cheng Ru, Zhang Wa and Feng Dao who were next to him were about to raise their hands to stop him when Wan Lin jumped out from the side of the dark rock like an arrow from a string.

On the top of the rock, Xiaohua and Xiaobai, who were observing the surroundings, saw Wanlin suddenly rushing out. The eyes of the two leopards immediately flashed a red and a basket of two rays of light. It jumped out directly, followed by two sounds of "pop" and "pop", and fell directly into the rushing river in front, and then it jumped up like a spring, and rushed straight to the dark Taniguchi in front.

Cheng Ru and several people were shocked! They didn't expect Wan Lin to suddenly rush out at this moment. They whispered into the microphone near their mouths at almost the same time: "cover the leopard head!" Hills on both sides. The team members hiding in the surrounding mountains also raised their guns nervously and aimed at the dark Taniguchi and the two dim hills on both sides of the Taniguchi.

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