Panther Commando

Chapter 3303: desolate rocky beach

Wan Lin and Fengdao climbed to the top of the mountain and immediately raised their eyes to look around. Brothers Bao Ya, Wang Dali, Kong Dazhuang and Yuwen were scattered behind the shelters around the top of the mountain, raising their guns to monitor the surrounding mountains.

The three female team members, Lingling, Wen Meng, and Wu Xueying, were resting under a few big trees on the top of the mountain, with their assault rifles and sniper rifles standing on the tree trunks around them. Xiaoya, Zhang Wa and Cheng Ru were standing beside a rock in the middle of the top of the mountain. They were looking at a map on the rock and discussing what? Xiaobai was lying on the edge of the rock, looking towards Wan Lin and the others with glowing eyes.

At this time, Xiaoya and the others had heard the report from Wang Dali, who was guarding the mountainside, and knew that Wan Lin and Feng Dao had returned. Just as they turned their heads, Xiaohua, Wanlin and Fengdao had already appeared on the top of the mountain. When Xiaobai saw Xiaohua who ran over first, he immediately jumped down from the rock excitedly, and ran towards Xiaohua with his thick tail shaking.

Wan Lin and Fengdao walked to the top of the mountain. Wan Lin waved to Lingling, Wen Meng, and Wu Xueying who were about to stand up, and then He Fengdao strode to Chengru's side.

Wan Lin looked up at the mountain in front of him, and then informed several people about Xing Tao's situation. He followed up: "Now the two killers have gone missing, we will let them go for the time being and focus on finding Xing Tao's. Find this kid as soon as possible. I suspect that once Xing Tao learns that the police are looking for him at this time, he is likely to be alert and make a decision to flee. Therefore, we must act fast and find his crime tools as soon as possible. Evidence of his crime, bring him to justice as soon as possible!"

He looked around and asked, "Where did Xiaobai lose his goal just now?" Cheng Ru immediately raised his finger and pointed to the foothills of the mountain with streams all over the place and replied, "Xiaobai lost his opponent at the foothills of the mountain. We searched for another kilometer in the dark, and we found no trace of the other party."

Wan Lin stared at the foothills at the foot of the mountain, where there were streams flowing down from the surrounding hillsides, and springs were spewing "co-dong" and "co-dong" from the undulating mountains. A sparkling water light.

Wan Lin frowned as he looked at this watery world. He raised his finger and pointed to the mountains on the right, and said, "Since Xing Tao had discovered that we were here last night, he would have expected the mountain road. It will definitely be blocked by the police. So, I think he will definitely flee from the mountain to the southeast of the city."

After he finished speaking, he looked up at Xiaoya and Zhang Wa and said, "Xiaoya, Zhang Wa, you take Wu Xueying, Bao Ya and Xiaobai to the right side of the mountain to search, and Fengdao and I take Yuwenfeng, Yuwenyu, Xiaohua by the way. Search in the mountains on the left. As long as we search in this direction, I believe that Xing Tao's trace can be found!"

He then turned to look at Cheng Ru and ordered: "You lead the others to scatter behind us, and order all team members to be vigilant and be ready to fight at any time! Let's go."

After he finished speaking, he lightly patted Xiaohua who was lying on the rock in front of him, and ordered in a low voice, "Xiaohua, come with me!" Xiaohua immediately jumped off the rock when she heard the sound, and followed Wanlin to the hillside below. run away. Fengdao hurriedly greeted Yuwenfeng and Yuwenyu and followed them.

At this time, Xiaoya also pointed to Xiaobai on the rock down the mountain, and immediately ran down the mountain with Zhang Wa with Wu Xueying and Bao Ya carrying guns.

Cheng Ru saw Wan Lin and Xiaoya rushing down the hillside, he immediately glanced at the mountains in the distance, and then made a "scatter action" gesture to Wang Dali, Lin Zisheng and Lingling who were running over. Several people immediately dispersed and ran behind Wan Lin and Xiaoya.

At this time, the sun has risen high above the top of the mountain in the east, and the figures of a group of people in Wanlin are dancing up and down in the bright mountains. the sound of running water.

The sudden torrential rain last night washed the dusty mountains clean. There are still little water droplets on the grass and leaves all over the mountains, and the droplets are refracting the crystal light in the morning light. There are white streams flowing on the hillside in the distance, and the whole mountain is full of vitality. .

Wan Lin's group followed behind Xiaohua and Xiaobai, searching and running forward in ups and downs in the mountains. At this moment, the faces of Wan Lin and Xiaoya, who were following behind the two leopards, already showed anxious expressions.

They have searched for three or four kilometers to the southeast near the city, but the two leopards with their heads lowered and running forward suddenly left and right, still haven't found any trace of the sniper, which really made Wan Lin and the others Feeling anxious.

At this time the Chengru people who were following Wanlin and the other two groups, ran to the surrounding mounds and rocks from time to time, raised their guns and looked at the mountains ahead, and their eyes were full of expressions. An anxious look.

According to Wan Lin's speculation just now, after Xing Tao discovered their group of special forces, he would definitely realize that the police had found Xing Er's residence and were launching an arrest operation against Xing Er. When they found out that Xing Er was killed, they would definitely notify the police to seal the road in and out of the mountain to prevent the two killers from escaping.

Therefore, if Xing Tao wanted to return to the city without making a sound, he had to climb over the stacked mountains in front of him and sneak back into the city from the side of the mountain to escape the blockade of the police. But now they have searched for several kilometers along this line of thought, and have not found any trace of Xing Tao, which really makes everyone feel a sense of doubt and anxiety.

After more than an hour, Wan Lin's group followed Xiaohua and Xiaobai to turn over the foot of a mountain in front. The two leopards suddenly ran to the front of the mountain and stopped. He ran back and forth, staring at the clues on the mountain. Seeing the movements of the two leopards, everyone quickly raised their heads and looked towards the mountains ahead.

At this time, everyone suddenly discovered that the lush mountains had suddenly changed color, a wet, black rubble spread all over the mountain in front, and a muddy water with loess washed down from the hillside was rushing from the dark gray chaos in front of it. Flow out from the crevices of the stone. The left side of the rocky beach is a steep hillside covered with pieces of gravel and loess, and the right side is a towering cliff, and the green mountains suddenly became a little desolate.

Wan Lin and Xiaoya, who were walking in front, ran towards the towering rocks around them, and then raised their guns to show off and aim at the mountains. Looking ahead, the side slopes were a dark gray, with large rocks scattered across the steep slopes.

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