Panther Commando

Chapter 3323: suspicious boy

The thick night shrouded the rolling hills, and the mountain manor of the big drug dealer Li Xiong was very dark. In the huge villa, there were only dim street lamps on the corridors connecting several small courtyards, and the sound of running water echoed in the dim mountains.

In the living room of the small courtyard where drug lord Li Xiong lived, Li Xiong and Wang Qian listened intently to Matsumoto's assassination of Xing Er. At this time, they heard Matsumoto say that there was a chasing soldier suddenly behind them, and their expressions immediately became tense.

They already understood that the police must have followed Matsumoto and the others to the small mountain village. After they saw Xing Er was killed, they must have followed the trail to Matsumoto and the others. At this time, they were really worried that Matsumoto would lead the police here!

At this time, Matsumoto heard Li Xiong's hurried questioning, raised his eyes and stared at him and replied, "What are we doing, how could we bring the police here, you are too small for us!"

He followed and looked at Khun Sa, who was also nervous, and said: "When we came back, the rainstorm was rushing, and the mountains were covered with rainwater from the slopes. We will definitely not leave any traces behind us. And we heard After the gunshots, we circled for several kilometers in the stream to the east of the mountains, and it was impossible to leave any traces. If it weren't for the sake of avoiding leaving traces, we would have returned here long ago, how could we have come back now. "

When Kunsa heard Matsumoto's explanation, his nervous expression immediately relaxed. He knew very well the ability of these mercenaries to fight in the mountains, and knew that these people were very cautious in their actions, and they really shouldn't leave traces at the murder scene and in the mountains. Besides, the rainstorm just now was really heavy, and even if there are traces, it will be washed away by the rainstorm.

He turned his head to look at Li Xiong and Wang Qian who were still a little nervous beside him, and explained in a low voice, "Both my brothers came down from famous foreign special forces, and they are both experts in mountain and jungle combat. They said that the latter If there are no chasing troops, then there is definitely not, you don't have to worry! They have been by my side for several years, and I understand their strength."

Li Xiong and Wang Qian relaxed when they heard Kun Sha's explanation. At this time, the two heard Kun Sha say that both Matsumoto and Matsumoto were retired special forces from well-known foreign special forces, and their faces showed a look of astonishment.

Wang Qian glanced at Matsumoto and the two of them, and then complimented them: "No wonder Mr. Song and Lao Mu have such great skills. It turned out that they were both from special forces. They admire and admire!" He then pondered and said: "We really did not send People used to support you, so who is covering you in secret? This is really strange."

At this time, Li Xiong raised his hand and touched the string of beads hanging on his neck, frowned and said, "Could it be that Xing Tao doesn't trust us, so he sent someone to assassinate Xing Er privately?" Wang Qian rolled his eyes and said immediately. : "It is very possible that Xing Tao is very suspicious and has a strong sense of vigilance. He doesn't trust anyone at all. Moreover, Xing Er's life and death are directly related to his safety, so he is likely to go out in person."

Matsumoto nodded when he heard this. He looked at Wang Qian thoughtfully and asked, "Is this kid Xing Tao a policeman?" Wang Qian nodded. Matsumoto immediately affirmed: "The person who was covering our retreat must be this kid! He works in the police station, and he must be able to get all kinds of police materials used by the riot police, such as guns, tear gas bombs, detonation bombs and the like. He could definitely get it. At the time, the smoke I saw in the dim light was probably *or* something like that, which he used to escape."

When Wang Qian heard Matsumoto's analysis, he also said thoughtfully: "What you said is very reasonable. Xing Tao's character is cautious and suspicious, and it is impossible for him to tell anyone his shameful things. Moreover, Xing Er is People who know his details, so when he feels danger, he must silence Xing Er!"

When he said this, there was a wry smile on his dark face, and then he scolded in a low voice: "Grandma, it seems that he doesn't trust us. Since this kid asked us to kill Xing Er, he was still not at ease. He didn't see Xing Er's body with his own eyes, and I'm afraid he couldn't even sleep. Therefore, he must have come to Xiaoshan Village in person in the torrential rain just now, ready to kill Xing Er himself, and also to guard against your actions. "

Matsumoto nodded when he heard this. He followed his eyes and looked at Wang Qian and asked, "What did this Xing Tao do before? An ordinary policeman may not have the ability to stop the chasing soldiers behind us. From Taniguchi just now. Judging from the gunshots, there were at least four or five assault rifles firing, and the machine guns rang intermittently a few This shows that the people behind us should be special forces who are familiar with mountain warfare. It's not an ordinary police officer, otherwise they wouldn't be equipped with weapons like machine guns. If Xing Tao was just an ordinary police officer, he wouldn't be able to escape under the guns of these people!"

Wang Qian immediately replied: "Before I contacted Xing Tao, I specially asked someone to get to know this kid. I heard that he used to be a soldier, and he only entered the police station after he retired. It is said that this kid was very brave when he was fighting drugs. Marksmanship is also very accurate. He once took down four or five strong drug dealers by himself, and he has also made great contributions. Otherwise, he would not have become the deputy director."

When Matsumoto heard Wang Qian's explanation, he glanced at Kimura beside him, and then said: "No wonder this kid has such courage, he must have found the police after we left Xiaoshan Village and rushed to Xing Er. He followed us to Taniguchi. He was probably worried that we would be caught and exposed by the police, so when the police were chasing Taniguchi, he suddenly shot and stopped him, and reminded us that there was someone behind him. Chase."

At this time, Kimura said thoughtfully: "This kid should have been a sniper when he was in the army. If he intercepted the police at close range at Taniguchi, he would have little chance of escaping. So I think he may be hiding in the dark. Long-distance sniper interception, so that he can escape from the eyes of those special forces."

Matsumoto carefully recalled the scene at that time, he nodded his head and said: "Yes, the gunshots we heard at that time should be the counter-shots issued by those special forces. The person who was covering us should be secretly using a sniper rifle suddenly. Shooting from a long distance, all the opponents failed to rush into the canyon in time to continue tracking, otherwise we are likely to be secretly followed by our opponents. Grandma, although this kid Xing Tao has a suspicious personality, he did save our lives secretly. "

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