Panther Commando

Chapter 3346: rattle in the dark

When the old eight and three people ran out of breath to the halfway up the mountain, their feet had become staggered. They all leaned on the shotguns in their hands with difficulty, and the violent breathing sounded like pulling a bellows, and the "huchi" and "huchi" echoed on the dim and silent hillside.

While breathing, the old man raised his head and glanced at the hillside above. He then whispered to the two men who were leaning on the shotgun: "Grandma, I'm exhausted, hurry into the forest." , he bent over and grabbed a rock in front of him, leaned and ran towards the dark forest on the slope, and the two boys behind him quickly ran up the **** with shotguns.

Just when a few people ran into the dark forest, an old man's subordinate suddenly stumbled on a slippery rock and rushed forward, his shoulders slammed into a thigh. on thick tree trunks.

With the sound of a "bang", the boy groaned and grabbed the companion beside him. At this time, the trunk of the tree swayed a few times in the dark, and the dense branches and leaves on the top of the tree made a swaying sound of "rushing", followed by a panicked bird from the surrounding dim hillside. There was a chirping sound, and a cloud of black birds suddenly flew up from the surrounding hillsides and the dense foliage in the forest.

A group of panicked birds made a "chirping" scream and flew to the surrounding mountains. In the forest, there were also bursts of "thumping" running sounds of small animals, and several small black shadows quickly emerged from the grass in the forest, jumping into the surrounding forest, and in a blink of an eye. has disappeared.

Matsumoto and Kimura, who had already run into the forest, were shocked! The two turned their heads and glanced back, then ran towards the forest in front of them with guns in hand. The two ran to the edge of the forest, and they all hid behind the dark trees and quickly pulled the bolts of their guns. Then they raised their guns and aimed at the dim mountains, with a very nervous expression on their faces.

In the dimly lit mountains, no one could be seen, and the birds that had just woken up had fallen again into the grass and the branches and leaves of the trees in the surrounding mountains. The chaotic mountains suddenly became quiet again. .

Matsumoto and Kimura hid behind a dark tree, raised their guns nervously and observed the surrounding mountains. After the two found nothing unusual, they both turned their heads to look at the old eight who were walking on tiptoe with shotguns. There was an angry look in his eyes.

The old man cautiously ran to Matsumoto. He looked up at the dim mountain outside the forest and asked in a low voice, "Is there no police around?" Matsumoto did not directly answer the old man's question, but his face He turned his head gloomily and glanced at his two men. He followed the telescope with his left hand raised to the front, and stared intently at a mountain several kilometers away that was several hundred meters high.

The mountains in the distance are very steep, and there is not a single tree shadow on the top of the mountain, and blocks of ferocious boulders reveal black shadows in the night sky. Looking from the woods where Matsumoto was, he could only see the top half of the hill standing as steep as a knife in the night sky.

Matsumoto glanced at the mountains in the distance, he put down the telescope he was holding, turned his head and glared fiercely at the two boys standing behind the old man. He turned around and beckoned to Kimura, who was hiding behind a tree on the side, raising his gun and aiming at the surroundings.

Seeing Matsumoto's actions, Kimura immediately ran towards him with the assault rifle he held in the forest. He ran to a thick tree trunk on the side of Matsumoto and stopped, raised his hand and took out the locator from his body and glanced at it. He raised his finger and pointed to the steep mountain in the distance, and said to Matsumoto in a low voice: "You and Xing The place Tao agreed to is the mountain, and there is no abnormality found in the surrounding mountains. It seems that the police officers who rounded up Xing Tao have not yet appeared in this mountainous area. "

After he finished reporting to Matsumoto, he suddenly raised his assault rifle against his shoulder, aimed at the eighth and the three standing behind him in the dark and scolded angrily: "Bunny, if the situation just now happens again, I will kill you immediately! "

The sound just now really made the hairs on his whole body stand up. Now it is close to the area agreed with Xing Tao, and Huaxia police may appear here at any time. Any unusual noises in the mountains now may attract the attention of those police officers.

The old man and his two subordinates saw Kimura aimed at their black muzzle, a look of fear flashed in their eyes, and they all understood the powerful relationship in their hearts, making noise at such a critical moment, this is indeed true It's a taboo in this kind of action, and it's no wonder that this usually silent old Mu suddenly became murderous.

The old man glanced at the murderous old Mu, and quickly turned around and glared at his subordinates. He then explained to Matsumoto and Kimura in a low voice: "It was really too dark in the forest just my brother. My feet slipped a bit, but luckily there are no policemen around." He then looked up at the dimly lit mountains outside the forest, and quickly changed the subject: "Where are we meeting with the kid named Xing?"

When Matsumoto heard the question from the old eight, he stood behind the tree and put down the binoculars he was holding. He turned around and waved to Kimura, who was still aiming his gun at the old eight. He then raised his finger and pointed to the steep mountain not far away, and said to the old man in a low voice: "There is the meeting place we agreed with Xing Tao. I guess this kid is approaching there from the mountains in the north. Now, the surrounding At any time, there may be chasing police officers in the mountains. You must be extra careful in your actions, and you must not make a little noise at such a critical moment. Otherwise, don’t mention going back to collect the bounty, I’m afraid you will lose your life here.”

The old man glanced at the big mountain outside the forest, and quickly replied in a low voice: "Understood, we will all pay attention, and the situation just now will never happen again, you can rest assured."

Matsumoto heard the old man's answer, raised his finger and pointed to another mountain four or five hundred meters to the side and continued: "We will wait for Xing Tao on the halfway of the hill on the side, and once we find Xing Tao, we will immediately rush out to meet him. He rendezvous, and then protected him to retreat to the southwest mountain." After speaking, he turned around and pointed to the dim mountain southwest of the forest.

The old man glanced down his finger and asked in a low voice in surprise: "No, our villa is in the southeast, isn't it going further and further?" Matsumoto stared at him and said coldly: "You Do you really want to bring those police officers back to your boss?"

The old man suddenly understood. Now Xing Tao is followed by a large number of policemen who are following him. I am afraid that there are also a large number of armed police surrounding him in this direction. If they directly return to their villa after receiving Xing Tao, this will not lead the wolf into the house.

:. :

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