Panther Commando

Chapter 3348: Knife Light in the Forest

At this time, Matsumoto had already run down the hillside above. He came to the hidden position where Kimura had just been, raised his binoculars and stared at the figure that Kimura ran to, while nervously observing the surrounding mountains.

With the rising and falling figure of Kimura, the surrounding mountains were still silent. Matsumoto could see that there was no abnormality in the surroundings. He turned around and waved at the old eight and three people who were lying in the grass behind. He followed him with his gun and stood up from the hillside, and quickly chased behind Kimura. Lao Ba and the other three also stood up and chased after them with the shotguns in their hands.

Kimura and Matsumoto lightly ran to the foot of the hill in front of him. Kimura was lying on the back of a rock and raised his gun to glance at a dense forest on the slope. At first glance, the eighth and three people who followed in the dark immediately took their guns and cautiously got into the forest.

The old man ran to the foot of the mountain with his two men out of breath. He turned around and glanced at the two men, and the three of them lifted their feet and drilled into the woods on the hillside. The three of them just got into the forest, "Flickering", the sound of a bird flapping its wings and flying suddenly sounded from the surrounding forest.

The eighth and the other three were startled when they heard the sudden sound above their heads. Knowing that the heavy footsteps of the three of them had awakened the birds perched in the forest, the three of them quickly stopped. At this moment, a cold light and a cold wind suddenly inserted from the old man's chest!

The old man looked up in astonishment, and only then did he see clearly that the cold-looking old Mu was standing beside a dark tree trunk, and at this moment, he was holding a knife in his chest with a furious expression! The old man stared blankly at the whistling sword light, dumbfounded and did not move, but there was a look of extreme fear in his eyes.

The moment Kimura's dagger was inserted into the old man's chest, "Pa" Kimura's knife-wielding wrist was suddenly grasped by a large hand stretched out from the side. Matsumoto reached out and grabbed Kimura's wrist in time. He roared angrily at the old man in a low voice: "You **** seek death, you won't move lightly!"

The old man's face was pale, and his forehead was covered with a layer of cold sweat. At this moment, he already felt an aura of death, the dagger flashing in the dim starlight was like a **** of death that suddenly appeared in front of him, making him feel a sense of suffocation that he had never felt before. , as if the muscles and bones of the whole body were suddenly pulled out.

At this time, he saw Matsumoto grab the dagger stuck in his chest, he let out a long breath, and slumped down on the forest floor, his face as pale as white paper. The two companions behind him saw what he looked like, and quickly reached out to grab his arms and lifted him up.

Kimura took back the dagger he was holding, and stared at Lao Ba and the other three and whispered, "Bastard, I reminded you! If something like this happens again, Lao Tzu will kill you immediately!" Now they are close to In the area where Xing Tao fled, there may be a large number of police here at any time. The old eight and the others made a noise at this time. This may indeed put him and Matsumoto in danger, so he immediately drew his sword and killed him. Eight and three!

Matsumoto stretched out his hand and pulled Kimura behind him, stared at the pale face of the old man and warned in a low voice: "This place is already close to the dangerous area, if this happens again, don't blame me for being ruthless! It's all my **** for me. Disperse, you will monitor the movement outside at the edge of the forest to see if there are any figures outside?" After speaking, he nervously pulled Kimura into the dark forest ahead.

The groves on the hillside are very dense, and the silver-white starlight shines into the forest through the gaps in the branches and leaves.

At this time, Matsumoto and Kimura were indeed very nervous. They both wanted to observe the mountains on the north side as soon as possible. If Xing Tao and the policemen who followed did not show up, they would have time to enter the hidden cave and take a look at Xing Tao. How much is hidden in it?

But the movement made by the eighth and the others just now really filled their hearts with tension. If there are police officers around, and within a short period of time, the phenomenon of birds being agitated has already occurred twice, which will definitely attract the attention of the other party, and the hillside they are on will definitely be monitored. If this is the case, their actions have lost their concealment, and I am afraid it will be difficult to rescue Xing Tao, let alone go to the cave to check the hidden things inside.

At this time, Matsumoto and Kimura quickly ran to the edge of the forest near the steep mountain in the dark forest, Kimura whispered while running, "Captain, there must be Xing Tao's sniper rifle hidden in that small cave. And money, do we take it out first? As long as Xing Tao, the sniper, has a sniper rifle in his hand, he can block the chasing police from a long distance, which can also help us get rid of the chasing soldiers as soon as possible. In addition we You can also get Xing Tao's valuable things first."

Matsumoto quickly ran to the forest in front of him, and whispered angrily: "You must not go out now, Xing Tao is the one who committed a major crime, and the police will definitely not let him go. Sound, going out at this time is very likely to be discovered by opponents."

He slowed down, turned his head and glanced behind him, then continued to whisper: "Remember, if we can't rescue Xing Tao for a while, we will set up an ambush to get rid of him and the old eight together, and we must not let them fall into the hands of the police alive. ."

He followed and took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and whispered: "Grandma, I thought it would be safer to come to Huaxia, but now it seems that it is difficult for us and Kunsha to settle here. Just kill Xing Tao and Lao Lao. Eight of them, we can buy more time, and go back and take the rich man Kunsha out of here as soon as possible. This kid Kunsha has money in his hands, and we can definitely get more money by following him.”

Before he could finish his sentence, dim starlight was already showing in the dim forest ahead. Matsumoto and Kimura quickly rushed behind the trees by the forest with their guns, and raised their guns to aim at the surrounding mountains.

The mountains outside were quiet, the stars in the sky were leaking from the gaps in the white clouds, and there was not a single person in the mountains covered with dim starlight.

Matsumoto and Kimura moved their guns and swept across the silent mountains. Both of them breathed a sigh of relief. They followed with their guns and looked towards the mountains where Xing Tao might appear on the north side. The nervous expressions on their faces were relieved.

At this time, Matsumoto and the others did not notice that, just three kilometers away, between the steep top of the mountain and the surrounding mountains, the muzzles of the sniper rifles of Wan Lin and sniper Wen Meng were already aimed at their dim hill. . And their every move has also been reflected in the eyes of Yu Wenfeng and Hua Leopard Xiaobai, who are hiding in the mountains.

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