Panther Commando

Chapter 3351: 1 must be Xing Tao

In the thick night, Matsumoto and Kimura got out of the grove and ran directly down the hillside. They then took advantage of the cover of the dark and undulating hills, bent down and ran to the hill in front of them. They had just run more than 1,000 meters, and the gunshots suddenly and fiercely rang out as the huge roar stopped, and the night sky behind the mountain not far away was reflected in a dark red.

Matsumoto's face suddenly became solemn when he heard the fierce gunshots that sounded suddenly. He turned and ran a few steps towards Kimura, who was on the side, and then suddenly ran behind a boulder in front of him at a very fast speed. He ran to the rock and stopped abruptly, then knelt on one knee on the side of the rock and raised his gun to aim at the mountains on the north side.

Seeing Matsumoto's action, Kimura quickly ran behind the rock to stop, and then extended the gun body forward from the other side of the rock. He raised his gun and looked at the flickering fire in the mountains on the north side, and his expression suddenly became nervous.

As he moved the muzzle to observe the dim mountains, he whispered to Matsumoto, "No, why are there so many sounds of assault rifles in this shot? Could it be that the armed police have already caught up?"

Matsumoto's face was very gloomy. He lay under the rock and stared at the mountains to the north, and replied in a low voice: "It's broken, at least a dozen assault rifles were firing in the sound of the gunshots. Obviously, the armed police also arrived. Grandma Yes, I'm afraid Xing Tao will have a hard time escaping in this situation!" He followed and turned his head to look forward to the right, the eighth and the three were in the dark, running up and down in the direction of the gunshots.

When Kimura heard Matsumoto's voice, he quickly turned his head to look at the backs of the three old men. At this moment, he saw the eighth and the other three bravely rushing towards the place where the gunshots sounded, and said in a low voice in astonishment: "Grandma, these three **** under Bald Brother's are really desperate, this is not going to go. Courting death, do we call and tell them to hide in place?"

Hearing his question, Matsumoto said coldly: "These people are desperadoes, don't worry about them! Once they get close to the pursuers and shoot, they can really cover Xing Tao from rushing over. The goal of our operation is to take them away. Xing Tao, the life of the eighth and the others has nothing to do with us!" He said in a low voice, looking up at the foot of a small mountain standing in the mountains on the north side.

At this time, at the foot of a two- or three-hundred-meter-high hill two kilometers away, a black shadow suddenly emerged from the darkness. While the black shadow rushed towards the cliff, he turned his head in panic and looked behind him. The figure rose and fell on the rugged mountain.

His figure disappeared into the tall wormwood for a while, and then emerged from behind the dim rock on the side. Matsumoto's expression immediately became tense, and he raised the telescope and looked intently. At this time, he suddenly discovered that the black shadow suddenly rushing out from the foot of the mountain was running forward in the mountain, and the running movements were flexible and skillful, and it seemed that he had received strict military training.

Matsumoto's eyes narrowed immediately, he put down the binoculars, raised his arm and placed the assault rifle in a crack in the rock, then gently pulled the bolt. He whispered to Kimura on the side: "Xing Tao is here, get ready for battle! Remember, don't shoot unless you have to. Pay attention to the movement in the surrounding mountains to prevent police officers from appearing around." At that time, he had already seen from the movement of the shadow, that the shadow that suddenly ran out from the foot of the mountain in front must be Xing Tao, who fled in a hurry. Most people have not been so skilled in tactical movements!

At this time, Kimura, who was lying on the other side of the rock, had also seen a black shadow suddenly drilled out from a distance. Hearing Matsumoto's order, he immediately raised his gun from the side of the rock and quickly observed the surrounding dimly lit mountains. He then rushed to the side of a tall wormwood, and crawled under a rock a dozen meters away from the side.

In the darkness, Kimura quickly climbed to the side of a rock more than half a person high, and then stood up from behind the rock. He leaned on the rock and raised his gun to aim at the dark surrounding mountains, and then gently pulled the bolt with his right hand.

The surrounding mountains are still shrouded in the thick night, the dark shadows in the distance are madly ups and downs and run towards the cliffs in front of them. Rain was flying chaotically through the night sky.

At this moment, a black shadow suddenly appeared at the foot of the hill behind, "Da da da", a rush of assault rifles followed from the shadow, and a few bullets went straight to Xing Taosao who was fleeing in front of him. go. With the sudden sound of gunshots, a few sparks shot out by bullets immediately splashed around Xing Tao, who was fleeing three or four hundred meters away.

With the few sparks splashing around Xing Tao, Xing Tao's figure suddenly rushed to the side of a pile of Followed by a few short pistol shooting sounds of "papapapa", it disappeared from the chaos. There was a sound from the pile of stones, and the fire from the muzzle flickered in the darkness.

While Matsumoto was watching Xing Tao nervously, the satellite phone in his pocket suddenly vibrated. Matsumoto quickly took out the phone and held it to his ear, and Xing Tao's urgent voice came out on the phone: "Mr. Song, stop the pursuers behind me, I'll get the weapon near the cave in no time! Stop each other for me! "Matsumoto immediately whispered into the phone: "Run! We are already in place, you don't need to worry about what's behind you!"

Following Matsumoto's hurried answer, Xing Tao's figure immediately sprang from the dark rock pile and ran straight down the black cliff in front of him like a frightened rabbit.

At this moment, the black shadow at the foot of the mountain behind him that had just chased over suddenly changed direction and rushed behind a boulder on the side.

At the same time, "da-da-da" and "da-da-da", two bursts of rapid fire suddenly spewed out from the dark foot of the mountain behind, and the fire took two strings of bullets to a small building 60 to 70 meters in front of the foot of the mountain. Flying up the hillside, a piece of sparks shot by bullets immediately splashed on the dim hillside. Immediately following, two dark shadows suddenly flashed out from the foot of the mountain and the side slopes like ghosts.

As Xing Tao rushed out of the three figures at the foot of the mountain, it was Zhang Wa, Bao Ya and Yu Wenyu who were on guard in the mountains ahead. They were ordered by Wan Lin just now, and they did not speed up to intercept Xing Tao, but trailed behind him and drove the boy straight to the area where the rock wall was in front of him.

It was Bao Ya who rushed out from the foot of the mountain just now. He rushed out of the foot of the mountain and pulled the trigger on Xing Tao's side in front of him and shot a short burst to prevent the kid from shooting backwards suddenly.

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