Panther Commando

Chapter 3354: fog in the dark

Xing Tao hid under the dark rock. He stared in panic at the hidden rocks of Matsumoto and Kimura on the side. The sparks and two rocks hit by the sniper bullet caused a sudden chill on his body.

He suddenly realized that his current position must be within the effective range of the opponent's sniper rifle. At this time, he is already under the muzzle of the opponent's sniper rifle, and he may be headshot by the opponent's sniper bullet at any time. !

In panic, Xing Tao dashed under a towering rock on the side, and then looked at the position where Mr. Song and the two were on the side in panic.

In the dark night, clusters of sparks hit by sniper bullets were splashing from around the rocks where Mr. Song and his companions were, and the sparks were tightly surrounding the two rocks.

Xing Tao hid behind the rock and his eyes widened. At this moment, he thought to himself: "How can a sniper suddenly appear in the chasing troops? There was no sniper behind him while he was running away! Could it be that the officers and soldiers of the Armed Police Force have already Knowing in advance that he was going to flee here, wouldn't they just ambush here and wait for him?" He hurriedly hid in the darkness and turned his head to look around.

At this time, he had rushed to the pile of rocks more than 100 meters away from the rock wall. In the dim starlight, the steep cliff was pitch black, and the black cliff seemed to be pressing in front of him. Xing Tao looked at the dark cliff in front of him, and suddenly felt a heavy depression in his heart!

He raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his face, his teeth clenched together. He suddenly reached into the backpack behind him with his right hand, and then suddenly took out two cylinders from the bag. He turned to look at the hidden mountain between Mr. Song from the side, and then suddenly raised his right hand, and vigorously threw a cylinder in his hand towards the position of Matsumoto and Kimura, and then threw it to his side. out another cylinder.

"Bang", "Bang", the two cylinders made a dull sound in the night, followed by a white fog rising from the mountains and cliffs near the two of Matsumoto. The thick white fog had already shrouded in front of the dim cliff before the blink of an eye. In the diffuse smoke, Xing Tao took out two more *, and continued to throw them into the surrounding dim rubble.

At the moment when the white fog rose, "da da da", "da da da", two series of violent gunshots followed from the rock where Matsumoto and Kimura were located, and two series of bullets flew towards the mountains behind. go.

At this time, the hidden leopard team members were all startled by the white mist that suddenly rose in front of them. Chengru and Lin Zisheng, who were shooting at the two hidden rocks in Matsumoto and Kimura, quickly released the tightly fastened Trigger, lest the bullet kill the two boys who came to meet Xing Tao. No one would have imagined that this Xing Tao's mind was so meticulous that he actually carried several *.

The purpose of Cheng Ru's trip was to arrest Xing Tao and the men of the bald brother who came to meet him, so no one dared to shoot lightly in this white fog, lest the bullets not have long eyes and one shot to kill these important people. of people committing.

Just when Cheng Ru and the others stopped shooting, two series of violent gunshots suddenly sounded in the area where the two boys were, and the bullets shot out of the dense fog whistled and swept forward in a fan shape.

Obviously, these two boys who came to meet Xing Tao were preventing the pursuers from approaching in the permeating fog, covering them Xing Tao quickly rushed into the cave to take the hidden weapons and belongings, and at the same time also covering their own withdrawal from this area. surveillance area.

When Cheng Ru and the others were a little overwhelmed, a black figure suddenly rushed from the side of the mountain to behind Cheng Ru's hidden rock, Wan Lin's low voice followed Cheng Ru: "Zhang Wa, your team stop chasing, just The ground is hidden, what is the situation with the three boys on the hillside?" Zhang Wa replied immediately: "Report, one was killed, one committed suicide, and the other was captured alive by Yu Wenyu!"

Wan Lin's voice followed: "Okay! Attention everyone, the two enemies who found Xing Tao were killed immediately! Capture Xing Tao alive." As soon as he finished speaking, a low report from Wen Meng suddenly came from his earphones: "Leopard head, Xing Tao has rushed to the bottom of the cliff and is climbing towards the cave under the cover of fog." Wen Meng hid on the top of the cliff, and she had already discovered Xing Tao who had fled to the bottom of the cliff through the white fog.

Wan Lin immediately replied in a low voice to the microphone: "Let him enter the cave, we will wait for him on both sides of the cave entrance, and catch the turtle in the urn!" Before he finished speaking, two black shadows suddenly appeared at the foot of the thin white mist on the side of the cliff. A black figure was rushing towards the side of the mountain quickly under the cover of the white fog in the dim mountain.

"Da da da", "da da da"... A burst of violent gunshots suddenly sounded from the dim mountains behind the cliffs.

With the sudden sound of gunshots in the mountains behind, the shadow who rushed to the foot of the mountain first fell to the back of the side and the other shadow behind it stumbled towards the side slope.

Wan Lin turned his body and looked coldly at the foot of the mountain on the side. He knew in his heart that the gunshots that suddenly sounded in the mountain on the side must be the wind knife team who discovered the two boys who escaped through the thick fog.

At this time, he raised his gun and aimed coldly at the foot of the mountain beside the cliff. The figure who had fallen on the hill was motionless, and the rocks around the foot of the mountain stood, and there was no other figure. Just then, two round things were suddenly thrown from behind a rock at the foot of the mountain.

"Boom", "Boom", two loud explosions followed from the dark mountains on both sides of the foot of the mountain, and the two firelights suddenly illuminated the dark foot of the mountain red.

Wan Lin was lying on the back of the sniper rifle and suddenly put his finger on the trigger. He took advantage of the flames that exploded, just as he was about to pull the trigger at a blurry figure rushing out from under the rock at the foot of the mountain, when a red one suddenly flashed on the side of the mountain. The basket's two dazzling beams of light, followed by two deafening roars of "Ow" and "Ow" suddenly sounded, and two small black shadows jumped out of the side slopes like lightning and rushed straight to the foot of the mountain in front!

Wan Lin quickly released the trigger held by his right index finger, and shouted into the microphone beside his mouth, "Shooting is strictly prohibited! Leave this kid to Xiaohua and Xiaobai. Give Xing Tao, who entered the cave, to me!" The hurried voice In the middle, he had suddenly rushed out from behind the rock with a sniper rifle, and rushed straight to the foot of the mountain where the embers had not disappeared.

A few people around Cheng Ru were shocked, but Leopard Head suddenly rushed out at this time. Cheng Ru immediately shouted into the microphone: "Seal the openings on both sides of the cliff and cover the leopard's head!" After speaking, he followed Wan Lin with a gun and rushed out. At this time, a line of vigorous figures had already rushed out of the dimly lit mountains around. The vigorous figures of the leopard team members rushed towards the cliff and the hillside behind in the dimly lit mountains. nt

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