Panther Commando

Chapter 337: Seven hundred and seven depression

"Pfft", the two leopards moved too fast, not only the enemy didn't understand what was going on, but even Yu Wenyu and Kong Dazhuang who were the enemy didn't react.


They only saw a black shadow on the other side's head, and the other side's body suddenly became much shorter. When they looked closely, the other side's head had been torn apart, the neck had been deeply immersed in the chest cavity, and the body was slowly falling back, splashing everywhere. blood.


Dazhuang and Fengdao looked at the two leopards stunned and ran towards the opposite mountain ridge. Brother Feng Yu shouted at the same time: "My mother!" The two of them sat on the mountain ridge.


At this time, the twelve members of the 707 brigade rushed up the mountain ridges on both sides, looking at the scattered corpses and the blood everywhere, and looked at the leopard commandos in disbelief. A dozen people.


Park Guocheng walked up to Wan Lin, stared at him, and said in blunt Chinese, "Thank you!" He then raised his hands in a salute.


Wan Lin hurriedly returned the salute, then pulled down his arm and said with a smile, "What's the matter? Let's help each other in the same boat."


Park Guocheng smiled and stretched out his right hand, holding Wan Lin's hand tightly and repeating: "We are in the same boat, we are in the same boat".


Wan Lin squeezed the opponent's hand vigorously, and commanded into the microphone, "Check if there are any openings?"


Hearing Wan Lin's words, Pu Guocheng hurriedly shouted beside him: "Leave it to us, **** it, I'm so useless!" He waved his hands backwards, and the 707 team members on both sides of the mountain ridges kneeled on one knee unceremoniously, and didn't care. Whether the person on the ground is dead or dizzy, holding the neck directly is twisting hard.


When several team members walked up to the corpse killed by the two leopards, they all shook their heads when they saw the **** scene. They didn't need to do anything.


Wan Lin and the commandos watched the 707 members relieve their anger and knew that they were depressed just now.


Wan Lin looked at his teammates and waved his hands, then walked directly down the mountain. When he came to the car, Wan Lin looked at the team members one by one. Seeing that only two tall team members, Dali and Da Zhuang, had a few scratches on their faces, the rest of the team members were all intact. Inside, he called out, "Let's go!" Bao Ya put oil on his feet and drove out first. Park Guocheng watched the three cars of the commando drive out, nodded and gave a thumbs up to the front, and then greeted the team members to get in the car. They understood that Wan Lin was watching them get attacked in front of them, so he deliberately let them follow.


Wan Lin's car ran fast on the rugged mountain road. Through the confrontation just now, the new members of the commando team completely understood the methods of the leopard. Especially Bao Ya, he knew in his heart that if Wan Lin threw him just now, he wouldn't know where he was now.


After driving for several more hours, Wan Lin looked at the setting sun, and suddenly remembered that he was busy fighting just now, and he hadn't let the team members eat. Just finished, Lingling hugged her stomach and yelled, "I just remembered, I'm starving to death." Wan Lin laughed, took out two pieces of chocolate from his pocket, turned around and handed them over: "I use this to apologize. Okay?"


"Haha, that's great!" Xiaoya and Lingling were overjoyed and reached out to grab it.


This was when Zhang Wa was injured and was hospitalized, Zhang Wa asked Wan Lin to bring it back in order to please Xiao Hua. Wan Lin was afraid that eating too much of the two leopards would be bad for his health, so he kept a few pieces with him.


Bao Ya parked the car near a high mountain top. Wan Lin greeted everyone to get off the bus, ordered the twin brothers and Zhang Wa to go to the top of the mountain to be alert, arranged for Dali and Bao Ya to go hunting with two leopards, let Fengdao lead people to find some dry wood, and brought Xiaoya and Lingling around by himself. Find a water source.


The 707 brigade behind also caught up. Pu Guocheng saw Wan Lin and the others stopped. Knowing that they were looking for food, he also ordered to stop and walked around with a few team members. It has been more than ten hours since the morning. Without eating, everyone's stomach growled long ago.


An hour later, Bao Ya and Dali happily ran back with the ** rabbit on their backs with a tree vine.


Wan Lin also walked back with the washed female soldier. The members of the 707 brigade looked at the two beautiful female soldiers and stared at them both. Xiaoya and Lingling opened their mouths and smiled when they saw each other's eyes.


The two smiling faces, with a blush under the setting sun, made all the male soldiers with vigor and vitality stunned.


"Cough cough" Wan Lin saw everyone's eyes, coughed quickly, smiled at Fengdao and said, "I found a good place to cook, you can take the two of you and follow me with dry wood." Following Xiaoya and the others, they walked towards the place they were looking forward to just now.


Wan Lin looked for a place with a water source, relatively hidden, and far away from the place where the commandos parked. The main reason was to avoid being surrounded by the enemy if the fireworks attracted the enemy. At the same time, there was a water source to pack food.


Wan Lin took them to the ground of a cliff, surrounded by dense forests, along the bottom of the cliff, there is a small pool, and a small stream around it slowly flows into the Tan with clear spring water.


Xiaobai, who loves cleanliness, saw the water pool from a distance, and jumped into the water with a low roar, and Xiaohua quickly followed.


When everyone walked to the pool, Wan Lin waved at Cheng Ruhe vigorously: "Alert." He took Xiaoya and Lingling to set up a bonfire, and Feng Dao and the others hurriedly packed their prey by the pool.


Soon, the bonfire was roaring, and the wind knives quickly put the cleaned rabbits on the fire. Bao Ya ran to the side carrying two rabbits, then ran back with two **** wrapped in mud, and carefully stuffed the **** into the carbon under the bonfire.


Lingling and Xiaoya looked at Bao Ya with big teeth in puzzlement, and asked, "What kind of trick are you doing?" Bao Ya smiled and blinked his two goldfish eyes hard, and said, "Hehe~www.wuxiaspot. com~ The secret recipe, you will know in a while."


Soon, the aroma of barbecue wafted from the mountains, and two leopards also emerged from the pool. Wan Lin, Xiaoya, and Lingling hurriedly hid far away, only Bao Ya and Feng Dao were unknown new team members. He also smiled and looked at the two leopards. The two leopards bared their teeth at the Fengdao group, and their postures shook violently, and a large water splash hit the Fengdao group.


"Giggle giggle" Xiaoya and Lingling had already covered their mouths and laughed loudly. Feng Dao smiled and wiped the water droplets on their faces, pointed at Xiaoya and Lingling and shouted, "You two bad girls, don't tell us if you know."


Wan Lin walked up to the two leopards with a smile and said, "I'm full, wash up, go to work, go up and take care of Chengru and the others." The two leopards wagged their tails and ran up the mountain.


Seeing Chengru come down, Bao Ya carefully pulled out the two **** in the ham with a wooden stick, and then smashed it hard with a wooden stick. The fragrance of the stick immediately filled the air.


"It's so fragrant!" Lingling couldn't wait to pull out her dagger and jumped on it, Bao Ya stretched out her hand to block Lingling, stared at two goldfish eyes and said solemnly: "This first piece of meat is for the leopard head. Thank him for saving his life just now. !" He pulled out his dagger, cut a thigh and handed it to Wan Lin. ) Download Free Reader!!

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