Panther Commando

Chapter 3374: No capital profit

When Wang Qian heard Li Xiong's answer, he moved the mouse with his right hand and clicked the remittance button with trembling. He stared at the screen for a while with red eyes, then closed the computer and looked up at Kun Sha and said, "Boss Kun, the remittance has been successful!"

Kun Sha looked at Li Xiong and Wang Qian's distressed appearance, and sneered in his heart: "Little bastard, dare to play tricks with Lao Tzu, this time not only will you bleed, but I will have to pay Lao Tzu two million dollars for hard work!" He only asked him for 10 million US dollars, but Kunsha quoted a price of 2,000 to Li Xiong, which means that Li Xiong and the others paid all the life-saving money, and also paid an additional 2 million US dollars.

Once Kunsha escaped from Huaxia, the two million dollars that Wang Qian called Heotian, Kunsha will naturally ask Heotian to get it back. In this life-saving transaction, Kun Sha not only did not pay a penny, but also earned Li Xiong and the others two million dollars in vain. This is indeed a good deal without capital and huge profits.

At this time, Kun Sha heard Wang Qian say that the remittance was successful, he nodded to Wang Qian and said, "Okay, I will immediately let that Heitian prepare to rescue us!" The voice was heard by Wang Qian and Li Xiong, he urged loudly into the microphone: "Heitian, the fee has been transferred to you, why haven't you received it yet?"

Kuroda's voice sounded: "The transfer has been successful, and it has been shown on my account. By the way, how come there are two million more?" Kun Sha looked up at Li Xiong and Wang Qian opposite, and quickly answered by holding up the phone Said: "That was called from my friend's account. If you have anything to say later, you quickly arrange for me to retreat. There are ten of us in total."

He followed and looked at Li Xiong and said, "Quickly find someone who is familiar with the situation in this mountainous area to come with us! You also hurry up and prepare, we will leave in a while." He then looked at Su Ang and said, "Order the brothers to do Ready to go." Su Ang hurriedly called out the door.

At this time, Li Xiong and Wang Qian stood up quickly when they heard Kun Sha's order. They were about to reach for the pistol on the table when Su Ang, who was sitting across from them, suddenly said coldly, "What are you doing with the gun? What do you need? Let your subordinates bring it here." As he said that, his right hand had already grasped the pistol in front of him, and the muzzle had been raised slightly.

When Li Xiong and Wang Qian heard Su Ang's icy voice, they quickly retracted their outstretched right hand. They gave Su Ang a vicious look, but then sat down on the sofa helplessly. Wang Qian rubbed his red eyes vigorously, turned his head to the door and shouted loudly, "Liu Liu, come in!" At this time, Su Ang also turned to look at the guards at the door and shouted in their own language: "Let that old sixth come in."

Lao Liu heard the sound and ran in from outside, and his face was extremely ugly at this time. He just ran to the gate of the villa to deal with the approaching police car, and when he came back, he saw that his companion had been pointed at the head with a gun by Kun Sha's men. He realized at that time that his boss had been controlled by Kunsha and the others.

He ran into the room, and Wang Qian immediately said to him: "You will leave here with us in a while, and now you go to my room with the bald brother and bring our backpacks. Prepare yourself and ask the cafeteria to send more mineral springs. Water and food on the way, you bring the guy."

Lao Liu was stunned when he heard Wang Qian's order, and then he asked: "What about the rest of the brothers?" Wang Qian immediately said, "Let them stay in the villa, they will not be in danger if we are not here. The police are really here, just tell them to pretend to be people who are on vacation here and hide those murder weapons! By the way, if the police ask us, let them pretend they don’t know us. Wait for the wind Let them return to the city in the past, and we must protect our place."

"Okay!" Lao Liu replied immediately, he followed and looked down at the two pistols thrown on the coffee table, a look of anger suddenly appeared on his face, and then he turned around and hurried out. Obviously, he had already seen that they were the two pistols of Li Xiong and Wang Qian, and he knew in his heart that not only the companions in the courtyard were restrained by the guards of Kunsha, but also the two bosses in the house, Li Xiong and Wang Qian, had their pistols dropped by the other party. .

On the phone, Kuroda told Kun Sha the route of retreat in detail. At this time, Kun Sha had already brought the phone in front of him and Su Ang. While Su Ang listened carefully to what Kuroda said on the phone, he marked the satellite map with a red pen, and then he drew a curved red line on the map.

After listening to Kuroda's description of the retreat route and the connection point with the respondent, Kunsha said to the phone with some worry: "Headian, if you retreat according to the route you planned, will you encounter Sushan on the way? The police and armed police? What if I encounter it?"

Kuroda immediately replied: "I have already asked Matsumoto about the incident in The target of the Huaxia police is that Xing, not you. So the scope of their search should be in your villa. In the mountains on the north side, if you retreat from the mountains on the south side, you can completely avoid the large number of police forces in the mountains."

Kunsha's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he followed: "Yes, I was really panicked, how could I not have thought of this, there will definitely not be a large number of police and armed police in the mountains to the south."

Kuroda's voice followed: "The route I planned for you is an optimal retreat route selected according to the satellite map. Basically, it follows the foothills of the southwest to the meeting point, passing through many streams along the way. This will cover up your footsteps."

Heotian paused for a moment when he said this, and then he continued: "By the way, when you pass through the stream, you must follow the water to the west for a kilometer or two, and then follow the predetermined direction. The purpose is to prevent the special forces from chasing Come up. You ask Su Ang to answer the phone. Su Ang will be the commander-in-chief of this retreat. He has received mountain combat training from Matsumoto and others, and has a certain knowledge of mountain combat and retreat. You people must obey his command. "

Kun Sha immediately said to the phone: "Okay, I will let Su Ang talk to you." He immediately said to Su Ang, "Come and talk to Heitian." Su Ang quickly took the satellite phone in Kun Sha's hand and said: " Captain Kuroda, I'm Su Ang, you said."

Kuroda's voice sounded immediately: "Su Ang, Matsumoto and the others will definitely not be able to return safely now, so this retreat is up to you to execute the retreat plan I specified. Remember, you must try to avoid leaving traces in the middle. It is not the ordinary police and armed police, but the most elite special forces in China, so you must be careful on the way to retreat, and you must not delay in the middle."

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