Panther Commando

Chapter 3380: remnants of the mountains

Hearing Wan Lin's suggestion, Wang Tiecheng immediately replied, "Okay! The Second Squadron happened to be carrying military dogs, and I asked them to search the mountains to the southwest!" He then issued an order to the microphone.

Wan Lin immediately picked up the map from the rock and handed it to Lingling, he followed and said to Wang Tiecheng: "Brigade Wang, please contact the border guards and ask them to strengthen border patrols and try to stop this group of drug dealers in our country! "

When Wang Tiecheng heard Wan Lin's voice, he issued an order to the second squadron captain into the microphone beside his mouth, and raised his hand to make an "OK" gesture at Wan Lin.

At this time, the mountains have become brighter, and a fish-maw-like white light has appeared in the distant eastern sky. The dark mountains that were originally shrouded in the thick night have now revealed the shadows of mountains and mountains, and the crisp birdsong is also faintly heard in the mountains in the distance.

Wan Lin looked up and glanced around, and then said to Wang Tiecheng, who had finished talking with the border guards: "Brigade Wang, you can send a few cars to the mountain road and wait for us. Let's go to the villa together to see!" He followed and shouted to the surrounding team members: "Speed ​​up, go!" Following his order, the surrounding people immediately trotted all the way to the foot of the mountain ahead.

A group of people had just run for six or seven kilometers in the rugged mountains, when Wang Tiecheng's earphones suddenly sounded the voice of the leader of the second squadron: "Report to the captain, the local police station reported that their police officers have carefully checked the three vehicles. In the video of the car, one of the film cops said that there were indeed staff in the target villa in the group!"

Wang Tiecheng replied immediately: "Okay, you immediately ask the local police station to track down the whereabouts of this group of people!" After speaking, he took out the phone and dialed it, then raised the phone and said, "Deputy Director Xu, we have already discovered the Bald Brother Villa. Some of the people from the gang escaped from the mountain in three vehicles along the mountain road at about 18:00 yesterday. I request the provincial department to immediately organize the police to arrest this group of people. I suspect that these people are important people around the bald brother. For details, please contact the Yamanaka Police Station, they have the image data left during the inspection at that time."

The voice of Deputy Director Xu immediately came from the arc: "Okay! I will immediately organize an investigation into the whereabouts of these people. By the way, Brother Bald and Kun Sha are among these people?"

Wang Tiecheng replied immediately: "No, Captain Wan and I guessed that these leaders have fled into the deep mountains, trying to escape from the mountains in the southwest. At present, Captain Wan and I are rushing to the villa of Bald Brother. I will contact you as soon as possible.”

Deputy Director Qi immediately said on the phone: "Okay, I will immediately organize the police to investigate the driving trajectories of the three vehicles, and we will contact us in time if there is any new situation."

Wang Tiecheng hung up the phone and immediately turned to Wan Lin who was beside him and said, "The twenty or thirty people who appeared on the road yesterday evening are indeed from the Bald Brothers Villa, and I have asked Deputy Director Xu to launch a comprehensive arrest of these people! "Okay, these people must be the people around the bald brother. These people should know the inside story of many drug cartels!" Wan Lin replied in the dimness while striding on the mountain.

The sky is getting brighter, and the mountains in the distance have revealed their towering peaks in the bright sunshine. The surrounding mountains are green and breezy. Flocks of birds flew through the air from time to time, and the crisp birdsong came one after another in the mountains, and the mountains were full of vitality.

When Wanlin's group came to the villa in a few grass-green jeeps, the leader of the Second Squadron of the Provincial Armed Police Special Brigade was already standing at the entrance of the villa, anxiously waiting for Wanlin and Wang Tiecheng.

When the off-road vehicle driven by Wan Lin was driving to the door, Wang Tiecheng, who was sitting in the passenger seat, stuck his head out of the car window and shouted to the outside, "Captain of the Second Squadron, get in the car." The Captain of the Second Squadron immediately ran to the already Next to the decelerating off-road vehicle, I pulled open the rear door and got in.

He sat firmly and immediately reported to Wang Tiecheng: "Captain, we have searched the mountains in the southwest direction according to your order. We found traces of someone climbing over the wall near the courtyard wall in the southwest direction. The third shift just reported that they were carrying The police dog was at the foot of a mountain 20 kilometers to the southwest and found several sheets of fresh bread and chocolate wrappers, and five or six footprints were found in the surrounding grass."

"These things should be traces left by a group of bald men who escaped. Judging from the traces left at the scene, there should be no more than ten people in this group. Now the second class has chased down with police dogs, and I have ordered them to be on the side of the mountain. The three searching squads moved closer to the direction they were traveling."

As he said that, he raised his eyes and glanced at the little cat that was crawling on the front of the cab, followed by a look of astonishment in his eyes, and then looked at Wan Lin who was His eyes already appeared A look of reverence. He has already realized from this ferocious kitten that the team leader must be accompanied by the legendary leopard special forces.

After listening to the report of the Second Squadron Leader, Wang Tiecheng immediately looked at Wan Lin and said, "These people should be left by Bald Brother and Kun Sha. Should we follow them directly?" Wan Lin replied immediately, "No busy. , let's take a look at this villa first."

Wan Lin drove the car slowly into the gate of the villa, his eyes quickly swept across the small Chinese courtyards scattered in the villa, and then his eyes fixed on a courtyard in the center of the courtyard surrounded by mountain springs, he raised his finger and pointed The small courtyard asked, "Captain of the Second Squadron, is that small courtyard the most luxurious one here?"

The captain of the second squadron replied immediately: "Yes, the interior decoration is very luxurious, it should be the place where the bald boy lives. The living facilities inside are very atmospheric, and there is a high-end bathroom and living room. The bar in the living room is placed on the bar. There are many expensive and fine wines, and when we went in, there was still smoke and alcohol in it."

Wan Lin immediately turned his head to look at Wang Tiecheng and said, "Brigade Wang, let's take Xiaohua and the others in to have a look first." "Okay!" Wang Tiecheng replied immediately, he already understood what Wan Lin meant, he knew Xiaohua and Xiaobai, yes Following Wan Lin and the others, they had been following Khun Sha from abroad to come here. Now Wan Lin must want these two leopards, whose sense of smell far exceeds that of military dogs, to go to the courtyard to smell the scent of Bald Brother and Kun Sha, in order to finally determine whether there is Kun Sha or the others in there.

Wan Lin accelerated to the small courtyard in the center of the villa, and then stopped at the entrance of the courtyard. The three off-road vehicles that were riding the rest of the Leopard team members quickly followed. With a sudden braking sound, Xiaohua and Xiaobai jumped out of the car window and ran straight to the gate of the small courtyard where two armed police officers stood.

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