Panther Commando

Chapter 3482: it's dawn

Wan Lin looked at Xiao Hua who was searching in the forest, he moved in his heart, and immediately ran over with his gun in hand. He rushed to the back of the thick tree trunk where Xiaohua was, immediately stopped and knelt under the tree on one knee, then raised his gun and looked towards the forest in front of him, providing warning to Xiaohua who was searching around.

He looked forward through the night vision scope on the sniper rifle. The woods in front of him were very dark. Large trees were erected chaotically in the woods, and the trunks of different thicknesses had become blurred in the dark. His eyes could only observe the forest two or three hundred meters ahead through the gaps in the trees, and then they were blocked by thick tree trunks. He could not observe the surrounding forest carefully at all.

He frowned, turned his face and looked worriedly at the little flower beside him who was sniffing the ground. It is very dangerous in this dense forest. Behind the dark tree trunks, it is very likely that there is a killer lying behind a sniper rifle. And Xiaohua is searching the woodland next to the trunk, so it is most likely exposed to the enemy's mouth.

At this time, Xiaohua had already turned around under the tree, and it was lowering its body under the tree on the side to smell it, and a blue light appeared in its eyes. It piled up and twisted and got into a half-human-high grass on the side, and its petite body immediately disappeared in the tall grass.

Wan Lin breathed a sigh of relief and raised his gun to aim in the forest in front of him, but his ears were carefully listening to Xiao Hua's movements. At this moment, a sound of "puff puff" digging the ground suddenly came from the grass, followed by two faint blue light spots suddenly shot out from the tall grass, and went straight to Wan Lin's side.

Wan Lin held up his sniper rifle nervously. He quickly aimed at the dark trees around him to observe, then turned his head and made a gesture to the grass on the side. At this time, he already understood that Xiaohua must be on the side. What was found in this tall grass!

He retracted his sniper rifle from the side of the tree trunk, and then leaned on the back of the tree trunk and crawled towards the grass on the side. It was pitch black in the grass, and Xiaohua was quietly lying on the grass in front of him, looking at him, with a faint blue light in his big eyes, Wan Lin hurriedly crawled to Xiaohua's body, and then lowered his body and one knee. Kneeling up, slowly raised the sniper rifle and aimed out of the grass.

The surrounding woods are very quiet, only the sound of "rustling" reptiles moving and the sound of Lin Tao, and no abnormality was found around. Wan Lin put down his sniper rifle and lowered his body to look in front of Xiao Hua.

At this moment, Xiao Hua's eyes flashed with a faint blue light, and she stretched out her right claw towards him and pointed to a small dirt hole in front of her that was dug out by its sharp claws. Wan Lin looked down by the light in Xiao Hua's eyes, there was a piece of gauze stained with blood and a large lump of dirty cotton wool in the pit, and a pungent smell of blood and medicine rushed towards him.

His eyes lit up and he knew that he had indeed shot the opponent in the previous battle. He climbed to the side of the pit and took a closer look at the gauze and cotton wool in the pit, followed by sticking out his head and smelling the smell in the pit.

The gauze in the pit had a strong smell of blood, and there was also a faint smell of Chinese herbal medicine in it. Wan Lin looked at the gauze intently, and found a layer of black-brown medicinal powder on the bloodstain, and the medicinal smell was emitting from the dark-brown substance.

"Bunny, it's really a ninja from country R!" Wan Lin cursed inwardly. He had already judged from the medicine on the gauze that it was a trauma medicine secretly made with Chinese herbal medicine. Now only those martial arts practitioners from the martial arts family will use this ancestral secret powder or ointment.

Wan Lin knew that when they were injured on the battlefield, most of the wounded were treated with modern medicine, and no one would use this ancient herbal remedy for wounds. Therefore, this means that the killer who sneaked in from abroad must be a descendant of a samurai family or a ninja family in R country. Ordinary people will never have this kind of ancestral special trauma medicine.

The kung fu of those samurai families and ninja families in R country was passed down from China in ancient times, and some ancient Chinese medical skills are still circulated in these families, so the descendants of these families are the same as their Wan family. He uses his own family's unique trauma medicine, and these unique trauma medicines handed down from ancient times are indeed more effective than the medicines used in modern medicine.

Wan Lin looked at the gauze and medicine that the other party had used, and immediately judged that the other party was indeed injured by him and that he was a rare ninja. He immediately whispered to Xiaohua: "We have approached each other, you must To hide and approach the opponent, never attack without authorization!" He gestured towards Xiao Hua a few more times, and then pointed to the front.

The blue light in Xiaohua's eyes flickered immediately, and it turned around and ran forward in the tall grass. Wan Lin also quickly crawled behind a tree in front of him. Immediately after he climbed to the tree, he picked up his gun and stood up from behind the pitch-black tree. He then carried his sniper rifle to the side and rear of Xiaohua, and quickly drilled into the dark forest in front of him.

In the dark jungle, Wan Lin ran for several kilometers, following Xiao Hua's side and back. At this time, he suddenly discovered that the mottled starlight sprinkled on the forest suddenly disappeared, and the forest suddenly became hazy. Impulsively, he stopped behind a tree in front of him and raised his gun to look forward, then raised the muzzle and looked up.

Through the thick branches and leaves, he saw that the night sky of originally full of brilliant stars had become gray, and the stars originally embedded in the dark night sky seemed to have suddenly disappeared into dark gray. Behind the curtain, the night sky was hazy.

"It's about to dawn!" Wan Lin's face immediately showed joy. When chasing the enemy in this dark forest, even if he finds the other party, the other party can easily escape into the surrounding dark forest. But once the sky is bright, he can completely control the opponent within the border line with his flexible and agile skills and the sniper rifle in his hand.

He thought of this and immediately rushed out from behind the tree trunk, speeding up and running forward. The little flower in front of him saw that he was chasing him from the side and rear, and also accelerated and rushed forward. The petite figure rose and fell in the grass in the woodland, and went straight to the dark woods in front of him.

Wan Lin and Xiaohua accelerated and rushed forward for more than 2,000 meters. Xiaohua's rushing figure suddenly jumped up from the forest floor, and with a "whoosh" jumped up to a thick tree trunk in front of him.

At this moment, the sharp fingernails on its four claws were inserted into the tree trunk more than three meters high, and then it lay on the thick tree trunk, turned its head to the side and behind Wan Lin and flashed the blue light in his eyes, and then "swish swish swish" "The ground climbed up the trunk, and in the blink of an eye, it had already got into the thick branches and leaves above.

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