Panther Commando

Chapter 3490: battle is over

As the two rolling black shadows disappeared into the dense forest outside, the deafening sound of machine gunfire suddenly disappeared. The strong wind blowing from the opposite canyon is like a rush, and the thick fog in the forest has completely dissipated in the whistling wind.

Tree trunks with different thicknesses are clearly displayed in the dense forest. The lush branches and leaves on the trees are shaking violently in the strong wind. The whole forest echoes with the sound of "rushing" Lin Tao.

Wan Lin was lying under the tree and turned his head to look to the side of the forest. The group of figures who had just rushed forward in the forest had already hidden behind the thick trunks, and the black muzzles of the guns were all over the place. Protruding forward from the side of the trunk, Cheng Ru and a group of people have rushed into the forest near the border at this moment.

With the sudden disappearance of the gunshots, the sound of "woo woo" in the forest and the sound of "rushing" Lin Tao sounded one after another, and the weeds on the forest floor swayed violently in the strong wind. Wan Lin's sniper rifle Shou Mian, with a burst of anger in his eyes, looked into the opposite forest through the scope.

At this time, three black shadows suddenly appeared in the dense forest opposite the border. One of them hid behind a tree and stuck out half of his head. He held a machine gun in his hand and stretched out into the forest on Wan Lin's side. The black muzzle was aimed at the forest where Wan Lin was.

The other two stooped and ran into the forest in front, dragging the injured two boys towards the dense forest. Obviously, these three boys who were hiding in the forest outside knew that Wan Lin and the others did not dare to cross the border easily or shoot outside the country, so they rushed to the front of the two injured accomplices and dragged them in. Deep in the jungle.

At this moment, a sharp roar suddenly sounded from the jungle outside the country: "Leopard...Leopard head, I...Black...Black snake will not avenge this revenge, never...will never rest your eyes, you wait for Laozi. !" The voice blowing in the wind was intermittent, it was a cry in a slightly stiff Chinese language.

Wan Lin heard this hoarse roar, and knew that this person must be the cry of the sniper who came to assassinate him. This kid has been bruised and scarred by him, and now he must be venting his anger after escaping with a near-death life.

He jumped up from under the tree, his eyes bursting with light, and he looked at the dense forest opposite. He raised his true energy and responded loudly: "Black snake, my leopard head heard it! This time I just give you a little bit. Punishment, go back and tell your boss, Heotian, that this land in Huaxia is not a place where you can do wrong, your current virtue and that dead Kunsha are the fate of you guys!"

In the whistling wind, Wan Lin's voice with inner strength resounded throughout the dense forest, shaking the surrounding branches and leaves violently, and Wan Lin's sonorous and powerful voice echoed over and over again in the canyon not far ahead.

Following Wan Lin's deafening sound, a blue light suddenly flashed in the dense branches and leaves above his head, and the little flowers nimbly emerged from the dense branches and leaves, jumping onto Wan Lin's shoulders with a gust of wind.

At this time, the faint voice of the black snake came from the wind again, "You wait for me, remember, my black snake will appear by your side at any time. If this revenge is not avenged, I will never be a human being!"

Wan Lin listened quietly to the sound of the wind. He raised his hand and pressed the little flower on his left shoulder to stand up to make a roar. At this time, he had already heard the other party's lack of qi, and it was obvious that the kid's injury was very serious.

A smile suddenly appeared on his face. He raised his eyes and looked at the dense forest swaying in the wind outside the country, and said in a cold tone: "Black snake, our special forces in China are not afraid of anyone! If your little **** is not afraid to come again, then you can come!"

As soon as Wan Lin's voice came out, there was a burst of hearty laughter in the forest on the side. Cheng Ru, who was hiding in the forest on the side, had already understood from Wan Lin's icy voice that he must have taught the other person's **** a hard lesson just now, and everyone couldn't help laughing.

Wan Lin heard the laughter of his comrades, and a smile appeared on his face. He looked up at the dense forest in front of him and laughed out loud. The rough and hearty laughter of a group of leopard players resounded in the dense forest with howling winds. The roaring laughter shook the entire jungle with a "humming" response.

At this time, several dark shadows on the opposite side had disappeared into the dense woods. A group of Cheng Ru in the side forest also carried guns and ran towards Wan Lin's location from behind the tree trunks.

Cheng Ru and the others ran behind the trees around Wan Lin, and quickly glanced at Wan Lin and the little flower on his shoulders. When everyone saw that they were safe and sound, they all raised their guns and aimed at the forest in front of them.

The muzzles of Cheng Ru and the others just stretched forward from the side of the tree trunk, when the little flower on Wan Lin's shoulder suddenly turned his head and looked into the side forest, and a blue light shot straight into the dense forest. Cheng Ru's group immediately turned their guns and aimed at the side of the forest, Bao Ya, Lin Zisheng, and Yuwen brothers rushed to the left side of the forest with their guns, followed by hiding behind a tree dozens of meters away from Wan Lin. The gun was aimed forward.

At this time, Wan Lin's earphone suddenly sounded a rushing voice: "Report, Yu Qing, the company commander of the third company of the Huaxia Frontier Defense Force, is leading a class here, please Colonel Wan to answer?"

Wan Lin turned his head to look at the shadows flickering in the forest on the left. He replied to the microphone beside his mouth, "I'm Wan We are right in front of you, come over here!" After he finished speaking, he shouted to Bao Ya who was holding a gun in front of him: "My own people, lift the alert."

He knew that the people who came were officers and soldiers of the frontier defense force. When they were chasing a group of people in Kunsha, Wang Tiecheng had asked the frontier defense force to strengthen the patrol of this border line, and strive to cooperate with Wanlin and the others to stop the group of drug dealers in Kunsha. Now this Yu Company Chang must have heard the sound of gunfire and rushed over with the soldiers.

It didn't take long for a group of fully armed border guards to run over from the forest on the side. Bao Ya led a captain to Wan Lin. He raised his finger and pointed at Wan Lin and said, "This is Colonel Wan!" After speaking, He raised his hand and picked up the little flower on Wan Lin's shoulder, turned and walked into the forest behind.

The captain immediately inserted the pistol in his right hand into the holster. He looked at Wan Lin and saluted, and said in a low voice, "Yu Qing has been ordered to report to you." As he spoke, he quickly glanced at Wan Lin who was covered in dirt Lin, then, looked at the face of this very young colonel with some astonishment.

Wan Lin raised his hand in return and said, "The battle is over, have you received any instructions from your superiors?" Yu Qing immediately replied, "I received an order a few days ago to send someone to clean up the battlefield, and I have already sent one The platoon went to the designated location to clear the battlefield. For the past few days, I have been patrolling this border line with a platoon section, and just now we heard the sound of gunfire. "

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