Panther Commando

Chapter 3512: Unavailable elixir

Suddenly, a strange fragrance filled the ward. Everyone looked up and saw Xiaoya taking a pill from a small dark brown gourd. The refreshing fragrance was overflowing from the pill and the small gourd.

Director Zhang looked at Xiaoya in astonishment and asked, "What kind of medicine is this? Why does it smell so good." Xiaoya put the pill into Uncle Wang's mouth, and said with a smile, "Uncle Wang, press the pill on the base of your tongue. Just below." She quickly sealed the bottle of the small gourd, turned to look at Director Zhang and replied with a smile: "Director Zhang, this is my grandfather's housekeeper, I dare not tell you."

Director Zhang smiled when he saw the mysterious appearance of this beautiful military doctor. He turned his head to look at an old doctor behind him and said, "Director Xiao, you are the director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine. You should know what kind of medicine this is, right? The smell is so refreshing. Ah!"

At this time, Director Xiao was sniffing his nose in surprise. He heard Director Zhang's question and replied a little embarrassedly: "I have been practicing medicine for more than 30 years, and I can smell common Chinese herbal medicine with my eyes closed and it will be accurate. Name it and its medicinal properties, but this is the first time I've ever smelled this amazing smell."

He followed the old Wanjia and asked, "Mr. Wan, please forgive my ignorance. What kind of miracle drug is this? What is the effect of this drug? Where can I buy it?"

The old man heard his series of questions, looked at him and replied with a smile: "Hehehehe, don't say you haven't seen this medicine, even if we called all the Chinese medicine practitioners in China, none of them could talk about it. I won't tell you the source of this aroma, but I won't tell you the source of this medicine. However, you can't buy it no matter how much money you spend. I named this medicine Xiangmowan."

Director Xiao looked at the old man and asked in astonishment: "What is the main medicine of this medicine, how can I not buy it?" Xiaoya smiled and stood up from the patient and said, "Director Xiao, my grandfather is not joking, this is No amount of money can buy the holy medicine that brings back the dead!"

At this moment, Dean Sun's eyes suddenly lit up, he looked at the old man and asked, "Mr. Wan, when you rescued the seriously wounded man, I seemed to have asked about this aroma, and now do you give the patient something to eat? The same medicine?"

The old man looked at him and nodded and said, "Yes, it's this kind of elixir. Unfortunately, this kind of medicine is too few, I dare not use it easily, otherwise I can use it to save a lot of people!"

Wang Tiecheng, who was standing by the side, already understood. He had heard Wan Lin talk about this magical drug in the past, and he knew that it was Wan Lin and his special forces who carried the life-saving elixir with him. He didn't expect the old man to save his father. He actually used this priceless elixir! He grabbed the old man's arm and said moved: "Thank you so much, you saved my father's life!"

The old man looked at him and said, "When I checked my pulse just now, I realized that your father's condition is very dangerous and his life may be in danger at any time. Although President Sun and the others can use surgery to treat this kind of disease, your father's physique is already extremely high. Exhaustion, the long-term lack of blood supply has made his whole body function decline, and he can't operate at all. Once he is on the operating table, I am afraid he will never be able to get off again."

"So, I can only guarantee your father's safety first, force out the accumulation in his body, and use this precious medicine to quickly restore his body function, and then perform surgery to solve the fundamental problem."

He followed the patient who was moving and was about to get out of bed and said, "Don't move now, we just forced out the sludge in your body, and it will be fine to get out of bed at this time tomorrow."

The old man said and walked to the bedside, he kindly held the patient's hand and said, "I know you want to thank me, hehe, don't thank me, it should be us thanking you for raising a good son. With my grandson and you Soldiers like sons protect our common people to live and work in peace and contentment. We old guys have to live for a few more years and enjoy themselves. Is it difficult to leave them now? Don’t worry, I will help you after the surgery, and the good days are waiting. And you."

The old man said and straightened up. He walked up to Dean Sun and said, "I'll leave some medicine for you to restore the patient's strength. You can have the surgery in a week, no problem!"

Dean Sun said with great joy: "Thank you so much, we didn't dare to operate the operation for a long time, just because we were worried that the patient would not be able to cope with this major operation. I didn't expect that the problem would be solved when you were older. Well, this way I can also The old friend Wang Brigade has an explanation, otherwise I would be really worried." He followed Wang Tiecheng and asked, "By the way, where does Mr. Wan live? I will visit often in the future."

Just as Wang Tiecheng was about to answer, he suddenly saw Wan Lin shaking his head gently at him, he suddenly came to his senses, and quickly pointed at Wan Lin and said to Dean Sun: "My comrade-in-arms and I are not in the same army, he this time I brought my grandfather here temporarily, and you can contact me directly if you have anything in the future."

He knew that Wan Lin and the others had become the thorns in the eyes of the security guards in Yamaguchi, and there were many evil forces that they had cleaned up staring at them, so the identities and addresses of the elderly Wan family and the children around them must not be revealed to outsiders. Avoid danger.

The old Wan family saw Wang Tiecheng's He was about to speak when Xiaoya, who was standing beside him, quickly said, "Grandpa, we have to stay here for a few days. We can come over anytime if we have something to do."

Dean Sun reminded Wang Tiecheng's answer, he looked at the old man with some regret and said, "Alas, today you came to our hospital in person and helped us save the life of a patient, showing us such exquisite and miraculous medical skills, On behalf of our Provincial First Hospital, I thank you! Come on, I'll invite you to our cafeteria for a light meal."

Wan Lin came over and said with a smile: "President Sun, you and Wang Brigade are friends, we are not outsiders. We do have other things today. When Uncle Wang's surgery is finished, we and grandpa will come over to have a look. We're going back today!"

Knowing that Wan Lin and the old man didn't like socializing, Wang Tiecheng quickly said, "President Sun, you're welcome, they are not outsiders, and they will come again in the future."

At this time, Xiaoya had already asked for a medicine bag from a nurse, she poured out a bunch of small pills from a small bamboo tube and put it into the medicine bag, then handed the medicine bag to Director Zhang and said, "My grandfather made this himself. The elixir of Peiyuan Guben can quickly restore the patient's physical strength. You instruct the nurse to give the patient three pills every morning and evening, which is a seven-day dose, and then you can conduct routine pre-operative examinations for Uncle Wang and arrange the operation. "

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