Panther Commando

Chapter 3519: Yin and Yang imbalance

Wan Lin quietly watched the change in Feng Dao's face. After watching for a while, he suddenly turned his head to look at Xiaoya and said in a low voice, "Pay attention to the aura coming from the top of Lao Feng's head."

Xiaoya gazed attentively, strands of dark brown mist were emerging from the transpiring white mist above Feng Dao's head. The top of the wind knife zigzags up and down. Her eyes lit up and she asked in a low voice, "Has Grandpa expelled the yang poison from Lao Feng's body?"

Wan Lin replied in a low voice, "Yes, Grandpa didn't have the embarrassment to directly evaluate the internal strength of the Feng family, so he didn't say it directly. But I understand from my grandfather's voice that the internal strength of the Feng family is more masculine and domineering, and infuriating mainly works. in the meridians."

"The advantage of this method of exercise is that it can rapidly improve one's own power during cultivation; the disadvantage is that as the power deepens, the yang qi in the body is excess, and the yin qi is squeezed into the collaterals, which is easy to cause the body to be damaged. The serious imbalance of yin and yang affects the health of practitioners. This phenomenon has already occurred in Lao Feng’s body. If it is not treated in time, there will be serious consequences.”

When Xiaoya heard Wan Lin's explanation, her long eyelashes flickered a few times, and she said in surprise: "No, when I gave Lao Feng a pulse, I didn't find that the yin and yang in his body were seriously unbalanced, what happened? thing?"

Wan Lin said with some regret: "Yes, his wrist veins are indeed not reflected, otherwise I should have discovered it long ago, and it would not have been delayed until now. This is indeed my carelessness, and I did not pay attention to the body after the old wind injury. and emotional changes. Recently, Lao Feng's mood has indeed been a little irritable, which is a sign of his yang poisoning. "

He said and looked at Feng Dao's face and continued: "I heard my grandfather's analysis and pondered it just now. The Feng family's internal skills are indeed very characteristic. The true qi in their bodies is very subtle. When they don't mention their skills, they will The true qi of the body is stored in the dantian and meridians, and it also completely suppresses the yang poison in the body in the meridians, so it is impossible to detect it from the appearance and the wrist meridians."

He followed with a sigh and said: "Simply speaking from internal skills, the kung fu of Fengdao has reached the level of being as quiet as a virgin and moving like a rabbit. This is a supreme state of martial arts. The flying sword in his hand is superb, This is the characteristic of the Feng family's internal strength. It is for this reason that my grandfather praised the internal strength of the Feng family just now."

Wan Lin shook his head when he said this, looked at Xiaoya and said, "It seems that I haven't inherited the Wan family's medical skills, so I can't compare with grandpa at all. By the way, grandpa gave you the medical book secrets, now you How's the research going?"

Xiaoya blushed when she heard Wan Lin's question, she shook her head and replied, "I have already remembered the precious prescriptions for various diseases in the secret book. But my diagnosis of the disease is too far away. This requires grandpa’s personal guidance and a large number of case accumulations, not just by reading medical books. Now, I can only say that I have a general understanding of Wanjia’s medical skills, and my skills are still shallow, so I don’t dare to use it in practice.”

When Wan Lin heard Xiaoya's answer, he sighed with some disappointment, "Oh, take your time." After speaking, he silently looked at his grandfather who was sitting cross-legged on the ground. He knew in his heart that Xiaoya was right, simply relying on the secrets of Wanjia's medical skills, Xiaoya would not be able to inherit Wanjia's profound medical skills. But neither he nor Xiaoya have time to study systematically with grandpa right now.

At this time, the old man sitting behind the wind knife suddenly said in a deep voice: "The wind knife, follow my true qi to run for another week, remember the trajectory of my true qi in your body's meridians, let's start!"

With the voice of the old man, the pink infuriating energy wrapped around the grandfather and the wind knife suddenly expanded outward. Xiang Wanlin and Xiaoya rushed forward.

Wan Lin quickly raised his inner strength and pulled Xiaoya back two steps. At this moment, excited smiles appeared on the faces of the two of them. They knew that Grandpa must have found the defect of Feng Family's internal strength based on the trajectory of the True Qi in Feng Dao's body.

Grandpa suddenly increased his power at this time, obviously he had already forced out the Yang Poison in Feng Dao's body, and then used his own pure True Qi to lead the rapid operation of the True Qi in Feng Dao's body, repairing the defects of their Feng family's internal strength. The old man asked Feng Dao to remember every meridian that the infuriating qi passed through, so that he would follow this route to practice exercises in the future, to ensure that he would maintain the balance of yin and yang in his body in the future exercise, and to break through the taboos set by their ancestors of the Feng family. .

After a while, the light pink air circle on the outside of the grandfather and Feng Dao suddenly rolled upward, and then like a light pink smoke, it quickly got into the Baihui point in the middle of the old man's head. The old man followed with his eyes slightly closed, raised his hands and slowly turned around his body, and pressed the palms of his palms down gently.

Wan Lin and Xiaoya saw Grandpa's actions and knew that the old man had finished his work and was ready to stand up. They hurried over, bent over and helped the old man up from the ground,

While supporting the old man, Xiaoya looked at the old man's pale face and asked with concern, "Grandpa, are you okay?" The old man smiled and shook his head, then lowered his head to the wind knife Shen who was still sitting cross-legged on the ground. He said: "You run for another If you have any questions, ask me later."

Wan Lin and Xiaoya supported the old man's arm and walked to the rattan chair on the side to sit down. Xiaoya handed the teacup to the old man and said, "Grandpa, take a break and drink some water first." Wan Lin also quickly held the old man I checked my wrist pulse on my left wrist. They knew in their hearts that the old man must have injected a lot of infuriating energy into the wind knife just now, and helped the wind knife to force out the yang poison accumulated in the body, so both of them were a little worried about the old man's body.

The old man stretched out his right hand to take the teacup handed by Xiaoya, then turned his head to look at Wan Lin who was giving his pulse and said, "Lin'er, I'm fine, it's my grandfather's job to see a doctor." He drew his left hand back, pointed to the rattan chair beside him and said, "You two should sit down too."

The old man drank two sips of tea, then put down the teacup and took the cigarette bag that Wan Lin handed over to take a sip. He then raised his head and exhaled a puff of green smoke, looking at the smoke hovering above his head and sighing: "The Feng family's internal strength is indeed very distinctive. , Feng Dao's skill is similar to that of Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa, it's too rare."

Wan Lin nodded with a smile. In their leopard commando team, apart from his leopard head, Wan Lin was indeed the most powerful of Cheng Ru, Zhang Wa and Feng Dao. Wan Lin asked in a low voice, "Grandpa, have you found the weakness of the Feng family's internal strength and planned a new line for them?"

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