Panther Commando

Chapter 3573: Hidden weapon

The ronin suddenly saw the figure of the other party disappear from his eyes, and a look of astonishment flashed in his small eyes. He was about to swing the knife in both hands to the side and back, and there was a "smack" sound on his shoulder. There was a loud noise, and a piercing pain immediately came to his mind. The opponent's palm had been firmly patted on his shoulder, and his entire right shoulder collapsed under the opponent's palm.

The ronin screamed, opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, staggered to the side and rushed out, the long * in his hand dropped to the ground, and a red blood mist filled the air immediately!

The surrounding local villagers were fleeing in all directions, when they suddenly heard the screams coming from behind, and they all turned their heads to look in panic. At a glance, everyone saw that the arrogant Ronin was spouting blood and staggering to the side.

Everyone immediately stopped their running steps, turned around and shouted "Okay" loudly. Everyone followed and ran to the street, bent over and picked up the stones and sticks by the roadside, and swarmed towards Wan Qi, with angry shouts coming out of their mouths. These despicable and domineering ronin of R country on the coast of China have already aroused the anger of the local people, but these ordinary people cannot afford to provoke these vicious ronin at all.

Now everyone sees that someone has finally come out to clean up these bastards, and the anger accumulated in their chests burst out. Everyone immediately picked up the guys at hand and rushed over. Several street vendors also picked up the spoons in their hands, The kitchen knife, shouted and rushed over.

At this time, another ronin in the back saw the scene in front of him, he cursed angrily, put down his companion who was injured by Wan Qi first, and with a "cha" he pulled out the long * from his waist, and he lifted his foot and He rushed towards Wan Qi, shouting hoarsely in his mouth.

Wan Qi's palm seriously injured the little devil in front of him, and when he turned around, he saw the villagers rushing around, and he was shocked! These villagers who are not familiar with martial arts are completely vulnerable in front of these ronin with sharp weapons. Once they charge in anger, there are sure to be many wounded by these ronin's swords.

He didn't care to stop the crowd rushing in from a distance, and immediately rushed towards the ronin holding a knife on the side with a flick of his body, and murderous aura already appeared in his eyes!

He approached the ronin like lightning, avoiding the light of the knife on one side of his body, and his right hand suddenly stretched out a knife handle that grabbed the opponent's hand, and a ferocious True Qi slammed into the opponent's knife-wielding hand. go. Just now, he had already understood the basic routine of the opponent's swordsmanship from the light of the sword swung by the opponent, so he accurately grasped the opponent's sword handle when he shot.

The opponent's body trembled violently as he forced out his infuriating energy, his hands slammed away from the grip of the knife as if struck by thunder, and he stepped back screaming.

Wan Qi quickly grabbed the **** in the opponent's hand, he took a step forward with his left foot, and the knife in his right hand was about to slash at the opponent's retreating body.

At this moment, a vigorous voice suddenly sounded: "Be careful!" Wan Qi was shocked! He immediately heard the reminder sound from the elder standing outside the circle at this time. At the same time, "Whoosh", a sharp air-breaking sound had already sounded beside him.

Wan Qi's body slammed back like a willow, and the **** who was about to slash towards the ronin in front of him immediately lifted up. "Crack", a crisp metal collision sounded from in front of him, and a cluster of dazzling red sparks splashed from the sharp knife. A small black shadow flew obliquely into the air with the sound of the collision, and a foul smell was emitting from the passing hidden weapon.

"Bunny, dare to use a hidden weapon behind your back!" The elder's vigorous voice sounded again, his agile figure passed Wan Qi with a gust of wind, and rushed straight to the side street corner.

Wan Qi has also been furious! He didn't expect these little devils to be so vicious and vicious, and they didn't make a sound when they threw out their hidden weapons. He took a step forward in a rage, kicked his foot on the stomach of the retreating ronin, and chased in the direction where the hidden weapon flew with the knife.

At this time, the elder had already rushed to the street corner more than ten meters away in front of him like lightning. Wan Qi then saw the elder's body slammed back, and a cold "squeak" flew from the elder's side.

Just as the hidden weapon flew past the elder's side, the elder's right arm suddenly rose, and the wide sleeves rose with the sound of wind at this moment. His sleeve bulged like a steel plate, and his right arm was vigorously raised forward, and the hidden weapon just wrapped in the sleeve flew straight to the street in front of him like a meteor, and he shouted at the same time: "Give it back to you! "

At this time, Wan Qi had already rushed to the side of the street with a knife. He had already seen a man in black, tens of meters in front of the narrow street, twisting his body in a strange way, and rushing straight down the right fence, at a very fast speed. quick. The hidden weapon that the elder counterattacked back was shooting straight at the opponent's back with a sharp piercing sound.

But seeing the moment when the hidden weapon was about to hit the opponent's back, the figure rushing out from under the wall on the right side suddenly twisted strangely. Flying over, the sound of "cha" slammed into the wall in front of the little devil.

The hidden weapon reflected back by the elder already contained the internal strength of decades of The whistling hidden weapon was no less than a bullet fired from a gun, and the rock-built fence immediately splashed around the little devil's side. A cloud of rubble and dust.

The man in black who was fleeing saw that his hidden weapon actually came back with a great reflection, and he was obviously taken aback! He twisted a few times quickly, as if to continue rushing towards the wall beside him, but then he suddenly changed direction, twisted through the narrow street, and rushed towards the street wall on the other side. His body twisted a few times from left to right, then jumped up suddenly, and in a blink of an eye, he had already clawed on the wall with one hand and turned over.

At this moment, a gust of wind from Wan Qi turned from the street corner. He rushed past the elder who suddenly slowed down, and ran straight to the wall where the other party disappeared.

At this moment, there was a sudden shout of "creepy", and a group of Ronians in black kimonos and clogs suddenly rushed out from the side street. They raised a handful of fists, and charged towards Wan Qi and the elder with fierce expressions, screeching and screeching from their mouths.

As the group of ronin rushed out, the villagers on the street immediately turned around and ran around in panic. Several slow-moving old people and children had been kicked to the ground by the rushing group of ronin, and the street had already sounded. There were screams and screams of panic.

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