Panther Commando

Chapter 3588: scary face

Ikeda listened to Kuroda's shrill roar, his slender eyes suddenly widened, and a dazzling light suddenly appeared in his confused eyes. He looked at Kuroda and murmured and repeated. Said: "As long as we live, we have not failed, and I have not failed!"

In the voice, he suddenly stretched out his hand with a "snap", and firmly grasped the sniper rifle leaning against the tree trunk, he gritted his teeth hard and said: "Yes, death is the only criterion for judging the victory or defeat of us snipers. I didn't fail, this black snake, Lao Tzu, is still **** alive!"

He followed the sniper rifle in his hand and stood up, turned to look at the dark jungle on the side, and a flash of hatred suddenly flashed in his eyes. At this moment, a layer of pink suddenly appeared on his pale face, and he raised his neck and roared in the direction of Huaxia: "Leopard head, I'm still **** alive, you haven't defeated my black snake! Wait for your grandmother's for Lao Tzu, I must cut off your leopard head with my own hands!"

The sound of Ikeda's anger was like the crowing of a rooster being stepped on by a chicken's neck. The sharp sound waves were extremely harsh in the dark. The dense branches and leaves above his head trembled "crashing" in his sharp roar, and Kuroda, who was sitting opposite him, frowned unconsciously.

At this moment, "Squeak", a sharp cry suddenly sounded from the top of the black snake's head, accompanied by a "kaka" branch breaking, a fist-sized black shadow fell from the darkness with a wind noise!

Kuroda, who was sitting under the tree, was startled and leaned back suddenly. His right hand quickly pulled out the pistol, and his left hand was already raised at this moment, pulling the bolt with a "crash".

At this moment, a cold light flashed past Kuroda's eyes, and a thick **** smell penetrated into Kuroda's nostrils, and a hot liquid was sprayed on his face.

At this moment, Kuroda could see clearly that what fell from the tree was just a chick that was shaken by the sharp sound of the black snake. At this moment, the head of the chick had been cut off by the sharp blade raised by the black snake, and a column of blood was sprayed from the neck of the bird in the air!

The black snake quickly pulled out the sharp saber on his leg and swung it upward. He followed the right arm and inserted the general saber into the scabbard on his leg, and his right hand grabbed the chick that was falling towards Kuroda's chest like lightning.

He cursed angrily: "Bastard, you're courting death!" In the scolding, his right hand had already been raised to bring the chick to his mouth. A terrifying sound of snorting came from his mouth.

Looking upside down, Kuroda saw the brutal appearance of the black snake. He stuck out his tongue and licked the blood on his face, then straightened up and inserted the pistol into the holster.

At this time, there was a burst of hurried footsteps in the pitch-black forest, and several shadows rushed over from the forest behind the two of Kuroda, and there was a metallic sound of pulling the gun bolt.

A few mercenaries hiding in the surrounding forest had heard the abnormal noise from here, and they immediately charged over with their guns in the dark. Immediately after, a bright flashlight beam suddenly shot out from a thick tree trunk, and the dazzling beam shot straight on the blood-covered black snake's face!

A few mercenaries who were rushing from the surrounding forest with their guns, saw at a glance that the black snake was cruelly sucking the blood of birds. They all stopped in a hurry, with a look of astonishment in their eyes, and then they raised their guns and aimed at the **** face of the black snake.

At this time, Ikeda saw the beam of light shot in front of him, and he threw the chick in his hand vigorously in the direction of the beam of light in a rage, followed by a sharp roar from his mouth: "Go away!" His right hand followed. Grab the pistol grip in the holster on the leg.

In the dark, silent jungle, the sharp roar of the black snake echoed for a long time. At this time, Kuroda looked up and glanced at the black snake with a ferocious face. He frowned and turned his head to command the surrounding subordinates: "Turn off the electric light and continue to be alert!"

The bright flashlight flashed away, and the forest fell into darkness again. Kuroda turned his head to look at Ikeda and said sternly, "Sit down!" After speaking, he looked coldly towards the dense forest where Huaxia was located.

Just when the black snake looked in the direction of Huaxia and let out an angry roar, he walked side by side with Xiaoya to Wanlin in front of the Moon Gate of Wanjia Xiaoyuan. He suddenly stopped and turned to look out to the side of the country. A sneer followed, and an icy look burst out in his eyes at the same time.

Xiaoya, who was following Wan Lin, suddenly saw Wan Lin stop, she raised her eyes and looked into the courtyard. At this time, the grandfather, who had already brought a few children to the eaves, stopped and turned his face to look at the dark night sky in the distance, with a very solemn expression on his face.

The old man followed and turned his head to look at the Moon Gate behind him. He saw Wan Lin staring at the night sky in the distance with a grim face. He nodded lightly, and a gratifying smile suddenly appeared on his solemn face. The arm of Professor Chang beside him walked into the living room together!

Xiaoya knew from her grandfather's expression that her grandfather and Wan Lin must have felt a strong hostility from the night and grandpa saw that Wan Lin was already staring into the distance, knowing that His proud grandson has already sensed the hostility from a distance with his profound skills, so the old man took Professor Chang into the house with a gratified expression.

Xiaoya raised her eyes and glanced at the dimly lit fence on the side, then leaned over to Wan Lin, and asked in a low voice with a nervous expression, "What did you notice?"

When Wan Lin heard Xiaoya's nervous voice, a mocking expression flashed on his face and he sneered: "Someone is challenging me. Hehe, it seems that the black snake who was injured by me is not convinced. Well, I'm waiting for him to reappear, it seems that the wound on his **** should be better, and it's itchy again!" After that, he gently held Xiaoya's tender right hand and pulled her to the moon together. Go inside the door.

Xiaoya heard his witty voice, followed by a smile in her big eyes. She already understood that both Wan Lin and his grandfather, relying on their profound skills, had already felt the resentment from the black snake, and this poisonous snake was already Wan Lin's defeated general, and Wan Lin did not let him go. in the eyes.

Xiaoya leaned on Wan Lin's shoulder and whispered: "You must be careful, and never be careless." Wan Lin turned to look at the trembling eyelashes on Xiaoya's face, he whispered affectionately: "Miss Xiaoya , don't worry! I'm a hunter who can beat a poisonous snake that can't even protect its butt." He squeezed Xiaoya's hand hard as he spoke. ...


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