Panther Commando

Chapter 3600: see how far you can run

Xiaoya suddenly rushed out from her eldest sister's side. The eldest sister stared at Xiaoya's slender back with wide eyes, and shouted in astonishment: "My mother, how can this little girl run so fast!" She followed and shouted: "Girl, be careful, that kid has a murder weapon. "

The girl next to her heard the eldest sister's exclamation, she removed her hands from her face, and looked at the girl who was rushing out in front of her with tears in her eyes. She quickly stood up, raised her legs, and stepped on the bicycle next to her and shouted, "I too. chase!"

At this moment, a rush of sirens sounded, and the eldest sister on the side quickly grabbed the girl's arm and shouted, "The police are here, that kid has a knife, let's follow the police." The brakes sounded from behind them, and two police cars had stopped beside them.

A middle-aged policeman opened the door and jumped out of the police car. He looked at the eldest sister who was standing beside the road and the **** the bicycle, and asked loudly, "Who called the police?" The eldest sister quickly pointed to the girl beside him and said, " It was me who called the police. The girl's bag was snatched by a thief, and it contained cash checks and a lot of important stuff."

The policeman frowned and said, "Which direction did the thief go?" The eldest sister quickly raised her arm, pointed to the back of Xiaoya who was turning to a side alley in front of her, and replied, "Run over there, the girl in front of you. She and her companions have already caught up. My god, why did this girl run so far in such a short time, the thief must not be able to run away."

The girl next to her also anxiously turned her head to look at the policeman and said, "Uncle policeman, please help me chase quickly, or how can I go back and explain to the company!" After speaking, two lines of tears flowed out again.

When the middle-aged policeman saw the girl's tearful eyes, he quickly said, "Don't worry, girl, get in the car, and we will catch up together." After speaking, he turned to the police car behind and shouted: "Xiao Zheng, this The robber must be the habitual offender, you flank it from the side street, this time you must take down this bastard, he is too rampant!"

At this time, the girl had already jumped off the bicycle. She nervously grabbed the arm of the eldest sister beside her and pleaded, "Eldest sister, go with me, I'm afraid!" The eldest sister who was about to leave saw her nervous look and smiled. She said, "Okay, okay, I'll chase after you. What are you afraid of following the police?" Then, she followed the girl and opened the back door of the police car and got into the car. At this time, she already knew in her heart that this girl must have not worked long hours and had never encountered such a thing at all, so she was terrified.

The two police cars followed and drove forward. The other police car behind drove to the front intersection and turned to the right street with its siren on.

At this time, Wan Lin had followed the thief through several secluded alleys in a leisurely manner. He looked at the secluded streets around him, and suddenly speeded up to catch up.

The thief in front had already noticed a young man behind him. He turned around and watched the person behind him stop. He raised the dagger in his hand and shouted, "Go away, you are courting death!"

Wan Lin raised his foot when he saw his vicious appearance and was about to rush up, but he looked at the crowd around him, and suddenly stopped tens of meters behind him. "Little bastard, since you dare to do illegal things, don't be afraid to chase! I think you can run pretty well, so just run. I think where can you run to?" He really didn't want to be there. In front of many people, he showed his skill, and when dealing with such a little bastard, he really disdains to shoot at each other.

When the thief heard Wan Lin's voice, he roared angrily: "Bastard, I think you don't want to live!" After speaking, he charged at Wan Lin with a sharp dagger.

Wan Lin smiled when he saw his appearance, turned around and ran back. As he ran, he turned his head to look at the other party and smiled: "You bastard, you can chase me, let's see who can outrun who?"

When the people around saw the vicious boy with the knife, they were so frightened that they hurried to hide to both sides. At this time, when everyone heard the conversation between the two, they all hid to the side and laughed. After the thief chased for two steps, he suddenly realized that the person behind must have called the police, and the police would catch up from behind in a while. If he ran after the young man, he would definitely meet the chasing police.

He quickly stopped, held his dagger and swayed at the passers-by and shouted, "What are you laughing at? You are courting death!" He followed Wan Lin and sneered, "Little bastard, I used to be a provincial marathon runner. Even the police can't catch up with Lao Tzu, so I'm still afraid of you? Come on, don't lie on the ground crying and call your mother." After that, he slung the stolen backpack in his left hand on his chest. Before, twisting and running forward, he then drilled into a narrow alley to the left in front of him.

Wan Lin stared at the other person's figure coldly, and he also raised his foot and chased forward. At this time, several elderly people who were exercising in the morning shouted with concern: "lady, pay attention to safety", "that boy has a knife, you must be careful!"

Wan Lin smiled and looked at the concerned eyes of the people around him as he ran, and he shouted loudly: "Thank you, uncle, aunt, that kid can't hurt me yet, don't The police should be here in a while. , please wait here and tell them the direction we are running." After that, he accelerated and ran towards the alley on the left.

At this time, Wan Lin was indeed a little surprised. The boy in front was running very lightly, not only fast, but also very physically strong. He had already run four or five kilometers behind him, and the average person's feet were already hobbled and breathless, but this kid still maintains good physical strength.

He unhurriedly followed the opponent dozens of meters behind, watching the speeding pace of the opponent and smiled secretly in his heart: "Bunny, I'm just getting bored, then run with you, just to let you accompany me in the activities. Move your muscles and bones, how many kilometers can you run?"

He followed and glanced at the alley in front of him, and found that the alley was very narrow, only about two meters wide. He secretly said in his heart: "It seems that this thief is a habitual criminal, and he is so familiar with this terrain, this kind of alley police car. Definitely can't get in."

Wan Lin pondered in his heart, and still ran forward with his feet dozens of meters behind the opponent. The thief in front ran forward for a few kilometers, and this has reached a sparsely populated road outside the city.

At this moment, he turned his head and saw the young man chasing behind him. He gasped and was in a hurry, he stopped and turned around and cursed, "Bastard, are you still following me? You really don't want to live!" After speaking, Holding his dagger, he ran towards Wan Lin. ...


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