Panther Commando

Chapter 3605: Those who are lucky get it

Wan Lin dialed his cell phone number, raised the phone and said, "Brigade Wang, where are you now?" Wang Tiecheng's voice immediately came from the phone: "I'm with my father at the Provincial First Hospital, and I'm about to go to the Military Region Hospital. Look at the monkeys and the others, and then return to the special team, is there anything?"

Wan Lin said quickly: "You are waiting for us in the first hospital of the province. Xiaoya and I are going to visit my uncle now, and we will go to the military hospital together later." Wang Tiecheng said on the phone: "My father is recovering very well after the operation, you don't need to. Come here, let's go directly to the military hospital, shall we?"

Wan Lin said with a smile: "Grandpa asked us to send some elixir to Uncle, you wait." After that, he hung up the phone and said to Xiaoya, "Brigade Wang is at the Provincial Hospital No. 1, let's go over now." He immediately greeted his grandfather and Professor Chang, and drove away from Wanjia Small Courtyard.

Wan Lin and Xiaoya drove to the parking lot of the First Provincial Hospital. Wang Tiecheng was already standing around waiting for them. Wan Lin parked the car and just jumped off with Xiaoya, Wang Tiecheng had already greeted him and said, "Didn't I tell you to come over? My father is recovering well. Grandpa didn't come? I'm really afraid of bothering his old man."

Wan Lin said with a smile: "Grandpa is dispensing the medicine and didn't come. He asked us to bring a fragrant magic pill to my uncle. Let's go, let's go to the ward to have a look." Wang Tiecheng was stunned for a moment, grabbed Wan Lin's arm and said: "The incense magic pill is too precious. It's what you saved your life on the battlefield. The last time my grandfather came here, I already ate one for my father. How can I ask for something as precious as yours? Take it back!"

Wan Lin looked at him and said with a smile: "It's time for us to be abroad. The old patriarch of the Scimitar tribe gave me a magic ball. Grandpa is preparing us with this miracle medicine, which is enough for us. The operation has hurt the vitality, and I need this elixir to make up for it. Let's go, let's go see Uncle!" After saying that, he took Wang Tiecheng and walked to the ward.

Wang Tiecheng took Wan Lin and Xiaoya into the ward, just as Dean Sun was standing in the ward looking at the medical records. He saw Wan Lin and Xiaoya walking in, and quickly put down the medical records and looked behind them. He smiled. He said, "You two are here, what about your grandfather?"

Wan Lin and Xiaoya heard Principal Sun address them as their young couple, their faces turned red, they looked at each other, and both of them shouted shyly, "President Sun." At this moment, Wang Tiecheng smiled. He said, "President Sun, they haven't gotten married yet, so it's too early for you to call me."

Dean Sun looked at Wan Lin and Xiaoya with a smile and said, "Men are talented and beautiful, such a young man and a girl should be a couple." Wan Lin looked at Dean Sun with a smile and said, "Is my grandpa doing anything today? Come, he asked us to come and help Uncle Wang recuperate."

Dean Sun looked at them in amazement and said, "Have you already learned the old man's medical skills?" Wang Tiecheng said, "Of course, Wanjia medical skills must be passed on to the two of them."

At this time, Wang Tiecheng's father had already sat up from the hospital bed and was struggling to get off the bed. Wan Lin and Xiaoya hurried over to support the old man, Xiaoya said with concern: "Uncle, don't move. Wan Lin, let Uncle lean on the head of the bed." Wan Lin quickly picked up the pillow and put it behind the old man, asking the old man to lean on him. on the head of the bed.

Xiaoya moved the chair next to her and sat down. She reached out and grabbed her uncle's left hand for a while. She looked up at Wan Lin and said, "It's recovering well, but the pulse is still a little weak." Wan Lin also reached out and grabbed his uncle's wrist. After hesitating for a while, he looked at Xiaoya and said, "Yes, it's a little weak, but it's not a big deal. Take the medicine that grandpa brought and give it to uncle."

After speaking, he straightened up and looked at Wang Tiecheng and said, "The recovery is really good after the operation." He then looked at Dean Sun and said, "President Sun, the operation was so successful, thank you so much." Dean Sun smiled. He waved his hand and said, "Thank you for what we are doing. If your grandfather hadn't come to adjust the patient's physiological indicators in time, I'm afraid we wouldn't be able to operate now."

At this moment, a strange fragrance suddenly filled the ward. Dean Sun looked at the small bamboo tube in Xiaoya's hand in astonishment and asked, "Is this still the kind of fragrant magic pill?" He followed after taking a few breaths and whispered, "It's really good medicine, smelling it makes me feel all over my body. comfortable."

He then looked at Wan Lin and said, "What kind of herbal medicine is this? How can it have such a miraculous effect." Wan Lin replied with a smile, "This is a pill made from the fruit of a tree, and the effect is really amazing." "What tree? Can we artificially cultivate some of these plants, so that we can get more of these fruits." Dean Sun said excitedly.

Wan Lin smiled. At this time, Xiaoya had already put the pills into her uncle's mouth and told him to adjust his breathing and not to speak. She immediately stood up and looked at Dean Sun and said with a smile: "President Sun, what you said is very light, let alone cultivate this kind of tree, we can't find it." Dean Sun said in a bit of surprise: "Why? Maybe? Didn't you get this kind of fruit?"

Xiaoya saw Dean Sun's disbelief, and immediately recounted in detail how they encountered the incense demon tree in the jungle. When President Sun heard that Wen Meng and the others were in danger among the crazy branches of the Fragrant Demon Tree, UU read www.uukanshu. com's face turned pale.

After Xiaoya finished talking about what happened at that time, she said with some sighs: "Afterwards, when we went to look for this magical tree, there was no trace of the tree. We people often perform tasks in the dense forest, but we can no longer find it. I have never encountered such a magical tree."

After hearing this, President Sun sighed and said, "I didn't expect such a miraculous thing to happen. No wonder Xiangmowan has such a miraculous effect. This is a treasure obtained by chance!"

Wan Lin looked at Dean Sun and smiled and said, "You are right, this is also a fate, otherwise our Wan family would not be so stingy." Dean Sun heard Wan Lin's explanation and said with emotion: "The world Qizhen was originally obtained by those who were destined, and this kind of rare incense and magic pills can only be eaten by those with virtue. Your uncle Wang has cultivated a man like Wang Brigade, and he is naturally destined to eat this kind of medicine that can cure all diseases. Rare medicinal herbs."

After President Sun finished speaking, he waved to Wan Lin and the others and walked out of the ward. Wan Lin and Xiaoya chatted with Wang Tiecheng's father for a while, then bid farewell to the old man and followed Wang Tiecheng out of the ward.

As Wang Tiecheng walked towards the parking lot, he gratefully said to Wan Lin and Xiaoya, "You guys saved my father's life." Wan Lin patted his shoulder with a smile and said, "You are here again, Didn't we say you're welcome? Let's go, let's go to the military hospital to see a few monkeys."...


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