Panther Commando

Chapter 3609: crisp roar

Wan Lin, Wang Tiecheng, and Xiaoya sent Li Dongsheng and Qi Zhijun away. Wang Tiecheng turned around and looked at Wan Lin and said, "If you are all right, come with me. Today we have a few new members of the Special Forces of the Armed Police, two of them. The first is that he has practiced martial arts since childhood and has won the first and second place in provincial Sanda. They are all champions of individual combat in the grassroots units, you can come and have a look with me?”

He then looked at Xiaoya and said with a smile: "By the way, our brigade has newly established a special female soldier squad, all of which are carefully selected female soldiers, and their skills are also very good. Now they are doing indoor fighting training, You go and guide them."

Xiaoya smiled and waved her hand: "I don't dare to give pointers. Watching you two masters, which round will you get my guidance, I'll go and see them. Wan Lin, let's go, let's go and see?" Wan Lin She smiled and said, "Okay, then you can call grandpa and say that we are going to the Special Forces of the Armed Police, and we won't go back for dinner at night." Xiaoya agreed, took out her cell phone and grandpa dialed it.

When Wang Tiecheng heard that Wan Lin and Xiaoya agreed to go back with him, he said excitedly, "Okay, your car should follow me." After speaking, he strode towards the off-road vehicle parked on the side.

Wan Lin and Xiaoya drove after Wang Tiecheng's car and came directly to the station of the Armed Police Special Brigade. The two cars parked at the entrance of a spacious indoor training ground one after another.

Wan Lin and Xiaoya jumped out of the car, and just followed Wang Tiecheng to push the door into the training ground, and bursts of crisp shouts, accompanied by the sound of "bang bang", came from the spacious hall in front. There were bursts of rough cheers from the male soldiers, and they sounded from time to time.

When Wan Lin heard this passionate cry, a smile appeared on his face immediately. He turned his head to look at Wang Tiecheng who was walking beside him and said with a smile: "Hahaha, this is exciting! I'm used to this kind of thing on the training ground. Loud shouts, I feel really lonely when I get home. Let's go, let's have a look."

Saying that, he took Xiaoya and Wang Tiecheng's arms and strode into the hall where the shouting was coming from the side, with a look of excitement on his face. Xiaoya and Wang Tiecheng both laughed when they saw his excited look.

When the three of Wan Lin walked into the side hall, they saw a group of male players wearing grass-green short-sleeves surrounding a field, shouting from their mouths. In the center of the arena, there was a violent beating sound, and a clear and delicate voice came one after another.

Wan Lin and Xiaoya had excited expressions on their faces. They followed Wang Tiecheng and walked out of the crowd in front. At this time, a team member turned his head and saw Wang Tiecheng walking with the two of them. He quickly turned around and stood at attention to shout. Wang Tiecheng hurriedly waved his hand at him, and then put his hand to his mouth and whispered "shh", so as not to let him make a sound to alarm the surrounding players.

The three of Wan Lin immediately looked inside through the seam. On the pads in the center of the field, three pairs of female players are training for hand-to-hand combat. Five or six female soldiers wearing grass-green short-sleeved and round-neck T-shirts are standing outside the field. They are staring intently at the players on the field. Teammates, a crisp cheering sound came out from time to time.

Wan Lin and Xiaoya followed intently and looked into the field. Their eyes quickly glanced at the three pairs of female soldiers who were fighting fiercely, and then they all nodded their heads lightly.

At this moment, there was a sudden scream on the field. A female player who was not tall was on one side and let the long leg kicked by the female soldier in front of her. She followed the situation and took a half step forward, holding the opponent up. The raised calf is lifted up vigorously. The female soldier in front of her exclaimed, her body flipped backwards with a squeak, and fell heavily on the mat with a slap.

At the same time, the other two pairs of female soldiers who were fighting on the field have also been divided into winners and losers. One of the team members turned sideways to let the opponent's punch, and her body rushed into the opponent's arms. She twisted with her body, grabbed the opponent's arm with her right hand, and vigorously threw the opponent out of her shoulder.

At this moment, another female soldier on the side was raising her leg and kicking the lower abdomen of the opponent in front of her. At the moment when the opponent was dodging sideways, her body suddenly squatted down, and her raised right foot fell quickly, but her left leg was at this moment. Swept out by the wind. The team member in front of her immediately lifted their feet off the ground and fell on the mat screaming.

The fight on the field has already been decided at this moment. The surrounding male team members let out a burst of applause, followed by everyone looking at the three female soldiers who fell to the ground and let out a burst of laughter.

The three female soldiers who had fallen to the ground had already turned over from the mat and sat up. All three of them were flushed and stretched out their hands to rub the injured part. At this moment, they heard the roaring laughter from the surrounding male soldiers, and several of them raised their heads at the same time, looking angrily at the group of roaring male soldiers.

A round-faced little girl sitting on the ground covered her sore **** with one hand and pointed at the laughing male soldiers around her. She cried out with tears in her eyes, "What are you laughing at? If you are not convinced, come up and compare with this girl, I will kick it. Damn you!" She then followed the two female soldiers next to her and got up from the ground, her big tearful eyes staring at the laughing male soldier with anger, and her left hand kept rubbing her **** which was hurt by the fall.

"Hahaha..." Everyone laughed when they saw this little girl's annoyed But they immediately saw the angry eyes of the female soldiers around them, and they quickly raised their hands to cover their own. mouth, snickered.

At this moment, a sneering laughter suddenly sounded from the crowd of onlookers on the side: "Hey, hey, what kind of female special forces is such a delicate girl? Why don't you go home and watch the child."

When everyone heard the sound, everyone noticed that there were five soldiers standing in a row on the sidelines, wearing camouflage training uniforms. Several soldiers held their heads high and their arms behind their backs, staring at the soldiers on the field. Several female soldiers had disdain in their eyes.

At this time, the faces of several female players had changed, and their pink and tender faces became gloomy. A small soldier on the field raised his finger to these people and shouted, "Who said that? Don't be a tortoise, come out!" The round-faced little soldier raised her head and screamed, "Who said that? Come out, I'll kick you to death!" With that, she raised her legs and kicked hard at the soldiers who were lined up.

Following the shrill screams of the two female soldiers, the soldier standing on the far left raised his foot and took a step forward. He looked at the female soldiers on the field and said coldly, "Hey, am I right? How good are you girls as signal soldiers and sanitation soldiers, why are you running here? This is a world where the strong are king."

Everyone looked at them intently. The soldier who stepped forward was about 1.8 meters tall and well-proportioned. There was a trace of disdain on his face, and his eyes were swept over the slender bodies of several female soldiers. ...


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