Panther Commando

Chapter 3615: Unbreakable

Zheng Qiang and Sha Hu saw the right feet of the female soldiers in front of them that were about to fly at any time.

They had just been beaten up by that pretty female major, and now if they were kicked by the little feet of this group of pretty female soldiers, the two of them would be really embarrassed, so they hurriedly hugged their heads and rolled over again. In the center of the field, she just rolled in front of Xiaoya who was standing in the field.

When a few female soldiers saw these two boys in a state of embarrassment, a group of people immediately put their arms around the arms of their comrades in arms, and laughed "giggling", and the crisp laughter was extraordinarily happy.

Standing in the dark crowd around, seeing the playful appearance of a few girls and Zheng Qiang, who was scared away, everyone also "coaxed" and laughed. The laughter seemed to lift the roof of the entire training hall. .

At this moment, Zheng Qiang and Sha Hu rolled over and sat up on the grass-green cushions. They raised their heads and looked at the female major standing in front of them. A look of frustration appeared on their flushed faces. The two jumped up from the ground with their hands on the ground, and then faced the female major in front of them and stood up straight and raised their hands to salute. At the same time, the two of them straightened their necks and shouted loudly: "Thank you for your guidance, we lost, we were wrong. !"

Xiaoya heard the two boys openly admit defeat and admit their mistakes amid the surrounding laughter, she smiled and raised her hand in return, then put down her arms and nodded in satisfaction, she secretly praised in her heart: Although the two boys are arrogant, their skills are really good . Judging from the skills shown by the female soldiers Ling Wei and Yanzi just now, they are indeed not the opponents of these two boys. Now, the two men are frankly admitting their failures and mistakes in front of the public, which shows that these two warriors have a manly spirit.

At this moment, Zheng Qiang put down his arm, he turned his head to look at the male soldiers who were laughing around him, and shouted with fiery eyes: "What are you laughing at? Come up if you don't agree!"

When the surrounding male soldiers saw his frantic look, their laughter grew even louder. A male special forces member shouted loudly, "Boy, we obey the female instructor in front of you, but we won't obey you. You are far from good boy." Another member of the team also shouted: "Yes, if you are playing your life, your pretentiousness is useless!"

Zheng Qiang heard the shouting outside the court, and he straightened his neck and shouted: "I don't believe it anymore, you come up and make a gesture, don't stand outside and say nasty things." Several players outside the court heard the boy's calling sound, a few The people stared wide-eyed, separated the crowd and strode toward the field, looking very sturdy.

At this time, Wang Tiecheng took Wan Lin to the court together. The surrounding team members saw the captain and Wan Lin walking out, and quickly reached out and grabbed the few teammates who were going to go up to fight with Zheng Qiang.

Wang Tiecheng and Wan Lin walked to Xiaoya's side, Wang Tiecheng looked at Zheng Qiang and Sha Hu who were blushing and nodded and said, "It's okay, we have the strength to not admit defeat! We soldiers should be so open and upright, we must admit when we lose and make mistakes. , to admit your own gap, but you must have this unyielding energy in your heart."

"Yes!" Zheng Qiang and Sha Hu answered loudly, Zheng Qiang raised his hand and scratched his head, looked at Xiaoya and asked with a puzzled face, "Report, I really don't understand how you threw us out twice in a row. Yes, I didn't see how you made your move at all. We both practice Sanda, and logically we have a lot of experience in battle, but we fell to the ground one after another before we could exert our energy. What the **** is going on? When we played against others before, we never encountered such a situation, and we couldn't find anyone at all!"

Wang Tiecheng, Wan Lin and Xiaoya all laughed when they heard the boy's complaints, Wang Tiecheng looked at him and said loudly: "Boy, don't think that you have won any rankings and feel incredible! You are worse than the real masters. It's far. Major Xiaoya told you just now that the army's training ground is the battlefield, not the venue for your competition!"

He glanced at the surrounding special forces with a serious expression, and continued with a raised voice: "This is where you train your skills to kill the enemy, and this is your current battlefield! There is no victory or defeat on the battlefield, only life and death!"

Wang Tiecheng's voice was sonorous and powerful, and the rough and powerful voice shook the training ground with a "buzz" echo! The training ground was silent. All the members of the Armed Police Special Brigade had serious expressions. They stared at Wang Tiecheng, Wan Lin and Xiaoya who were standing upright on the field.

Wang Tiecheng immediately looked at Zheng Qiang and Sha Hu who were standing in front of him and ordered loudly: "Zheng Qiang, Sha Hu, turn back and return to the team!" "Yes!" Zheng Qiang and Sha Hu shouted, and immediately turned back and strode over Standing next to the three players on the sidelines.

Wang Tiecheng followed and said loudly: "Now, Colonel Wan, please comment on the battle just now." As soon as he finished speaking, a group of female soldiers standing on the sidelines were already staring at Wan Lin, and Xiao Yanzi exclaimed in astonishment: "My Oh my god, this handsome guy is a colonel!"

Wang Tiecheng heard the voice from behind, turned his head and glared at the little girl. Yanzi saw Wang Tiecheng's sharp eyes, so scared that she quickly raised her hand to cover her mouth. At this time, there was a lot of laughter Wan Lin waved to Wang Tiecheng with a smile, turned his head to look at a group of female soldiers and said with a smile: "Hehehe, I'm really young, but this colonel is Really, it's just that the handsome guys are not really handsome, the comrades around you are the handsome guys." He raised his finger and pointed to a group of male soldiers standing around.

Wan Lin put away the smile on his face and glanced sharply at the crowded crowd around him. He said loudly, "Captain Wang and Major Xiaoya are right! The army's training ground is the battlefield. It should be a deadly killing stunt! If you don't practice this stunt, you will be the one who will fall on the battlefield in the future, and it will be the price of blood and life!"

Wan Lin's voice seemed extremely powerful! He continued: "The contest just now was very simple. Major Xiaoya used the word 'fast' to knock down two opponents whose height and strength were far greater than hers twice. You should all be able to see that if This is on a real battlefield, Zheng Qiang and Sha Hu have both fallen to the ground at this moment!"

He followed and stared at Zheng Qiang and Sha Hu who were standing opposite him and said, "Judging from the moves you used just now, you should be people who have been practicing martial arts since childhood and then learned Sanda skills. In martial arts, the only way to be fast is to be fast. "Fast" is the magic weapon for victory. If a bullet has no speed, then it has no lethality."

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