Panther Commando

Chapter 3623: abandoned factory

At this time, the captain of the first squadron had already recognized Wan Lin and Xiaoya who were following Wang Tiecheng. He looked at Staff Officer Li who had just jumped out of the command car and asked in a low voice, "Captain Wan and the others are here too? All right!"

Following Wang Tiecheng and the others, the female soldier team also jumped out of the car, and the team leader Ling Wei whispered to the surrounding team members: "Alert!" After speaking, she ran to Wang Tiecheng's side with a sniper rifle. , followed the probe and looked forward.

Xiaoya turned her head to see Ling Wei, dragged her behind her, and said in a low voice sternly, "Observe the terrain immediately and look for a sniper position!"

Ling Wei was stunned for a moment, then raised her left hand and patted her head's helmet lightly. It was the first time for these female special forces to carry out this kind of actual combat mission, so she forgot in her nervousness that she should look for the sniper as soon as possible. Location. She quickly ran to the other side of the command car, raised the sniper rifle in her hand, and looked around carefully through the scope.

The sky has darkened. Wan Lin and the others were still hanging from the sunset on the top of the mountain in the west when they set off. At this time, they had fallen silently behind the mountain. The sky on the top of the mountain was a touch of pink, and the earth had become hazy in the evening.

In the haze, the abandoned factory in front of Wan Lin and the others looked very dilapidated. Sections of the surrounding walls had collapsed and turned into broken walls. Several large chimneys with a height of dozens of meters were erected on the west side of the factory. brilliant. Several tall factories with a large area under the chimney have collapsed. Clusters of dead grass swaying in the breeze were already growing on the roof of the remaining factory building.

Wan Lin and the others looked to the side, where a dark three-story building stood in the center of the abandoned factory. The glass on the windows of the building has been shattered, and some are simply an empty black hole. There are naturally crooked small trees growing in the factory area, and the ground is overgrown with weeds.

This abandoned factory looks very dilapidated in the dimness, giving a desolate feeling in the dimness and silence. From what has been observed, it has been abandoned for at least four or five years.

At this time, Wang Tiecheng had already taken the binoculars handed over by the staff to look at the small building. Wan Lin and Xiaoya raised their sniper rifles and automatic rifles respectively. Both of them carefully observed the small building more than 500 meters away through the scopes. window.

In the dim light of dusk, twisted black holes appeared on the broken glass windows of the small building, white cracks appeared on the remaining glass, and the interior could not be seen from the outside.

Wan Lin raised his gun and quickly scanned the pitch-black window, then moved the gun and looked to the side. Under the wall facing the small building, two snipers from the first squadron, hundreds of meters apart, were aiming their guns at the small building. Every 100 meters or so, a SWAT team member held an assault rifle and aimed in the direction of the factory area. The entire factory area was firmly surrounded by officers and soldiers of the first squadron, and the personnel of the anti-drug brigade had retreated to the police cars hundreds of meters away. .

Wan Lin put down his sniper rifle and turned his head to look back. At this time, he suddenly found that a group of reporters had appeared on the path behind, and were raising cameras and video cameras with telephoto lenses to aim at them. He frowned and quickly turned his head. He pulled Xiaoya, who was holding a gun to observe, to his side and whispered, "There are reporters, avoid their cameras."

Wang Tiecheng, who was looking at the front with his binoculars, heard Wan Lin's voice. He turned around angrily, and then whispered into the microphone next to his mouth: "Sun Bing, what are you doing? Immediately stop the reporter, Ask them to retreat to a safe area five kilometers away, and the use of flashing lights is strictly prohibited."

Drug dealers use powerful military-style rifles. Once fired, journalists who approach without authorization are likely to be hit by flying stray bullets, which is indeed very dangerous. Moreover, the officers and soldiers of their special brigade, like Wan Lin and other leopard players, are not suitable for appearing in the media at all.

"Yes." Sun Bing replied immediately upon hearing Wang Tiecheng's order. A group of policemen followed from the police car and ran towards the surrounding reporters, then pushed them back.

At this time, Staff Officer Wang, who was standing next to the command car, had already understood what Wan Lin said just now, and knew that they had a special status and were unwilling to show their faces in public. He hurriedly got into the command car, took out two black masks, and handed them to Wan Lin and Xiaoya.

Xiaoya and Wan Lin put on masks, Xiaoya looked at Ling Wei who was walking from the back of the car and asked in a low voice, "Have you found a suitable sniper position?" Ling Wei shook her head and said, "Within 500 meters from the small building, Except for the wall in front of us, we can't find a commanding height suitable for a sniper position."

As she said that, she raised her finger and pointed to the two snipers lying on the fence on the side and continued: "The snipers of the first squadron also set the sniper position on the fence, but there is a huge elevation angle to the windows on the third floor. It is difficult to observe the depth of the room."

When Wan Lin heard Ling Wei's answer, he turned around and pointed to a big tree that was as thick as one person behind him and whispered to Ling Wei, "Look at that tree, it's 700 meters away from the small building. Are you sure you can kill the enemy with one shot at a distance and sight?"

Ling Wei looked in the direction of Wan Lin's about 200 meters behind the side, there were indeed several big trees with thick branches and leaves. The branches and leaves on the treetops swayed slightly with the breeze blowing from the side of the mountain. . She turned her head and glanced at the outline of the small building that had been revealed in the dimness in front of her. She hesitated and replied, "It shouldn't be a big problem."

Wan Lin heard Ling Wei's answer, looked down at the sniper rifle she was holding, and knew that the gun in her hand was the same model as the sniper rifle she was holding, and its effective range was only 800 meters. In such dim light, it seemed that Ling Wei was really unsure.

At this moment, a hoarse roar suddenly came from inside the small building: "Fuck it all to me, get out of the way, or I'll kill this stinky bitch!" Wan Lin and the others quickly stuck their heads out of the car to look.

In the darkness, two shadows suddenly appeared in a windowless black hole on the third floor, and shouts were coming from there. Wan Lin raised his gun and aimed at the window. A woman with disheveled hair was standing in the empty window. Behind her stood another dark figure, a pistol was pointing at the woman's temple.

At this time, two black shadows also appeared at the window of another room on the side. A woman was also pushed to the window with her hair disheveled. The gangster behind her was holding an assault rifle with one hand and shouting out the window: "Give it all to you. I'll back off and get us two SUVs, or I'll kill this chick right away!"

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