Panther Commando

Chapter 3625: withdraw immediately

In the dimness, everyone from the command car immediately probed to the side and looked forward attentively. In front of the gate on the first floor of the small building, one of the two drug dealers pointed a gun at a woman's head; one's left arm was tightly around the other's neck, and a sharp dagger was held in front of the woman's face in his left hand. The two women were hoarse at the pistols and daggers of the drug dealers, and shrill cries echoed through the dimly lit, abandoned factory district.

Wan Lin heard the shouts from the two women, he immediately raised his gun and aimed at several shadows through the scope. At this moment, "da da da" and "da da da", two series of rapid gunshots suddenly sounded from the roof of the side building, and a flash of fire immediately illuminated the roof of the building. A few hundred meters from the side of the small building is an open space overgrown with weeds. Then came clusters of sparks shot out by bullets.

A burst of shouts followed from the third floor: "All the policemen listen to Lao Tzu, all of you **** retreat to Lao Tzu, if you dare to approach the small building, we will kill the two hostages immediately!" With shouts, a string of fiery snakes suddenly roared out from the dim roof, and a string of bullets roared to the side of a squadron leader and swept away on the grass they were traveling!

Wang Tiecheng was shocked! Wan Lin raised his sniper rifle and pulled the bolt with a "crash" sound, and the muzzle was already aimed at the edge of the side roof at this moment. He glanced at the roof of the building and found that he could not observe the situation on the roof at all. He immediately picked up the gun and ran towards the big tree 200 meters behind.

The other party was far away on the side of the roof, and from under the wall facing the front of the small building, he could not see the figure of the drug dealer hidden on the roof at all. So he quickly picked up the gun and ran to the big tree behind, trying to jump up the high canopy to re-establish the sniper position.

Wan Lin and Wang Tiecheng already understood that these drug dealers quietly arranged observation posts on the roof of the building, apparently monitoring the movement around the small building. Now the boy on the roof suddenly shot at the dark side of the factory, which means that the boy has discovered that the captain of a squadron is creeping towards the small building, and the officers and soldiers of the squadron are very dangerous under the gun of the boy on the roof.

At this time, a squadron leader led a team of members, who were crawling forward in the dark with the help of uneven ground stones and small trees. At this time, they suddenly heard the sound of gunshots coming from the front, and a group of people hurried to lie down. on the ground.

The captain of a squadron quickly raised his gun and swept out a string of bullets towards the roof of the building, followed by a loud command in his mouth: "Fire!" Pulling the trigger, a string of bullets roared toward the roof.

On the cement fence on the edge of the roof, a piece of sparks was immediately hit by dense bullets. The fire from the opponent's muzzle disappeared immediately, but then two black **** flew out from the roof, two dazzling explosions, followed by the first squadron leader more than 200 meters in front of them. The grass exploded. The explosion sound of "Boom, Boom" shook the entire factory area violently in the violent explosion.

At this time, Wang Tiecheng has realized that the plan to hide and approach the small building has failed! He decisively shouted into the microphone anxiously: "Sniper, kill the kid on the roof! First squadron leader, withdraw immediately!"

With his voice, "poof", "poof", the two snipers of the first squadron lying on the side fence immediately pulled the trigger, and the bullets roared towards the roof of the building. The fence on the side of the roof Followed by a cluster of sparks shot by sniper bullets. At this moment, the captain of the first squadron immediately stopped shooting, turned and crawled back down.

At this moment, a string of dazzling flames suddenly erupted from the corner of the dim roof, and the whistling bullets once again descended and shot straight to the side of the factory where the first squadron leader and the others were. The two snipers of the 1st Squadron lying on the fence outside the factory area could not observe the activities of the drug dealers on the roof at all.

Just at the moment of crisis, "Pfft", Wang Tiecheng suddenly shot out a faint fire from the thick branches and leaves of a big tree 200 meters behind them. The muzzle fire that just spewed from the corner of the roof stopped abruptly! Immediately after that, I saw a black figure turned over from the guardrail at the corner of the roof.

The black image is a rag bag that generally draws an arc in the air, and slams into the weeds downstairs with a "slap", without making a single cry from beginning to end. Obviously, this kid was shot in the head by a sniper!

Wang Tiecheng, Deputy Director Qi, Wang Tiecheng hurriedly ordered into the microphone: "Leader of the First Squadron, withdraw immediately, snipers cover!" He turned his head and looked, he thought it was Wan Lin who shot and killed the drug dealer on the roof.

At this time, Wang Tiecheng noticed that Wan Lin, who was running out, had just approached a tree 200 meters away, and Ling Wei, the captain of the female soldier team who had been beside him, had disappeared. He suddenly realized that it must be this female sniper who killed the drug dealer on the roof just now!

Following Wang Tiecheng's order, the captain of the first squadron quickly sprang up in the grass on the side of the factory with seven or eight black shadows, and went straight to Wang Tiecheng and the others to withdraw. At this moment, two dark shadows suddenly flashed out of the two windows on the third and second floors, followed by two black gun barrels sticking At that time, Wan Lin, who had already rushed to the back of the tree, suddenly turned to his side, "Pfft", and a faint flame of fire immediately shot out from the muzzle of the sniper rifle he raised. On the second floor, a gun barrel that had just protruded from the shattered glass suddenly rose upward, and a burst of flame roared upward from the gun's muzzle. Amidst the sound of gunshots, a black shadow in the window slammed. fall backwards.

With the fire from the guns of the drug dealers on the second floor, a faint light also flashed from the dense branches and leaves of another big tree on the side of Wanlin. A sniper bullet roared out of the gap between the branches and leaves, and accurately drilled into the window on the third floor where the barrel had just protruded.

The barrel of the gun that had just protruded from the window on the third floor also slammed upwards and retracted. Obviously, the two drug dealers on the second and third floors who had just stretched out their gun barrels to shoot, had already been shot dead by Wan Lin and Ling Wei in the tree on the side!

"Captain of the First Squadron, speed up and retreat!" Wang Tiecheng shouted into the microphone in a low voice. At this time, he had already seen Wan Lin and Ling Wei on the tree shot in time, blocking the drug dealers in the windows of the small building. So he immediately ordered the captain of a squadron to quickly evacuate to a safe area.

At this time, the captain of the first squadron had already rushed back with the team members in the factory. They quickly climbed over the fence, and immediately turned around and leaned on the fence to raise their guns and aimed at the small building, with anger in their eyes.

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