Panther Commando

Chapter 3627: go to the roof

In the voice, Wan Lin raised his hand and shoved the long sniper rifle into the hand of Sun Bing, the leader of the anti-drug squad. He raised his right arrow over Sun Bing's shoulder, and then he and Xiaoya jumped out of the command car.

In the darkness, Wan Lin led Xiaoya to the front of the collapsed wall like the wind. He whispered to the microphone as he rushed through the wall: "Brigade Wang, cover! Captain of the First Squadron, take your actions with you. Squad with me!"

Wang Tiecheng was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Wan Lin to take Xiaoya out of the blue and rushed directly into the factory. But he reacted immediately and shouted loudly into the microphone: "Sniper, strictly seal all windows and roofs, and immediately snipe and kill when you find the figure of the drug dealer! Captain of the first squadron, bring someone to follow immediately! The rest of the team cover!"

Following his voice, the captain of the first squadron who had just withdrawn from the factory immediately rushed out with the action team, and went straight to the back of Wan Lin and Xiaoya who had already rushed into the fence. A few shadows went straight downstairs in the dark Rush sideways. At the same time, the muzzles of the three snipers immediately aimed at the dark window of the small building.

The two snipers who were lying on the fence quickly moved their guns and swept across the windows of the small building. They then pulled the trigger a few times against the two pitch-black windows. Obviously, they had noticed that there was a figure shaking in the window, so they immediately shot to deter the drug dealers in the room, preventing them from observing the action team approaching downstairs.

At this time, Wang Tiecheng already understood the meaning of Wan Lin's decisive rush. Now they have no hostages in the hands of the drug dealers, and just now Wan Lin and Ling Wei took advantage of the situation to kill several five drug dealers, and the remaining three drug dealers will definitely appear suddenly. Panicked amid the huge casualties, now is indeed the best time to strike while the iron is hot and get close to the small building.

At this time, he couldn't help but secretly praised: "Wan Lin is a special combat team member who has experienced hundreds of battles. His analysis and judgment of the situation on the battlefield is not only very accurate, but also decisive in his actions. This is definitely not something he can compare with!"

Thinking to himself, he raised the loudspeaker in his hand and shouted loudly at the dark building: "The drug dealers in the building listen, put down their weapons immediately, there is only one way to die if you resist! Surrender is your only way to survive. , immediately put down your weapons and come out!"

He then handed the loudspeaker to the negotiator next to him and ordered: "Order the drug dealer to lay down his arms." The negotiator immediately took the loudspeaker and issued a stern command to the windows downstairs.

The voice of the negotiator has become extremely severe, and the deafening voice echoes over and over in the empty abandoned factory area, which indeed has a great deterrent effect on the panicked drug dealers.

At this time, Deputy Director Qi raised his binoculars nervously and carefully observed Wan Lin and the others running away. At this moment, Wan Lin and Xiaoya had already rushed out more than 100 meters, and they separated the leaders of the first squadron who rushed out by a distance of 30 to 40 meters.

Deputy Director Qi looked at Wan Lin and Xiaoya who rushed out like lightning in astonishment, he turned his head and sighed to Wang Tiecheng beside him in a low voice: "Captain Wan, they are worthy of being the best special forces in China, no wonder those drug lords and mercenaries The soldiers are vulnerable in front of them!"

Wang Tiecheng also sighed and said: "Indeed, Captain Wan just before I could react, he already led people out, this accurate grasp of the fighter and the awareness of decisive action is far beyond our reach! "

He then said thoughtfully: "Captain Sun Bing said that there are eight drug dealers, plus these two fake hostages, there should be ten drug dealers in total." He then turned his eyes to Sun Bing, the captain of the anti-drug team. Bing quickly said: "When these drug dealers were forced here and rushed into the small building just now, we have clearly seen that they are these ten people."

Wang Tiecheng followed up: "Looking from the battle just now, the drug dealers on the roof have been killed by our female snipers, three of the four drug dealers who walked out of the door have been killed, and the gun barrels were just stretched out on the third and second floors. The two drug dealers should also be killed, and even if they were not killed, they should have lost their ability to move. Now, six of the ten drug dealers have been killed by our snipers, and there should be four drug dealers left in the building. "

Deputy Director Qi nodded. He turned his head and glanced at the tree behind which the snipers were hiding, and sighed: "Your armed police snipers are really powerful. They are in this dim vision and a range of about 700 meters. , It was a sniper rifle with an effective range of 800 meters, which killed so many gunmen in one fell swoop, which is really amazing."

When Wang Tiecheng heard the praise from Deputy Director Qi, he shook his head lightly and said, "You didn't see it clearly just now. In fact, my sniper only killed two drug dealers, and the rest were killed by Captain Wan. There is no comparison. , Captain Wan, the military's best sniper, shoots too fast, and his marksmanship is extremely accurate, which is indeed unmatched by us snipers."

As he spoke, he took the binoculars handed over by Staff Officer Wang next to him, and looked solemnly towards the dimly lit factory area on the side. At this time, Wan Lin, Xiaoya, and seven or eight members of the First Squadron had already rushed to the side of the small building. The two team members were following Wan Lin's order to distance themselves from the building, and aimed their guns at the two small windows for ventilation and lighting on the side of the small building.

Wang Tiecheng whispered into the microphone and ordered: "Ling Wei pay close attention to the roof and cover Captain Wan and the others!" "Yes! I have already climbed to the top of the tree, and I can just observe the roof." Ling Wei's voice immediately came from Wang Tiecheng's earphones.

Hearing Ling Wei's answer, Wang Tiecheng finally let go of his hanging heart. Now Wan Lin and the others have arrived at the side downstairs, and arranged two assault rifles to aim at the two small windows on the second and third floors of the side building, so the only threat can only come from the roof. Once there are drug dealers under surveillance on the top of the building, it is very likely that they will be condescending again, raising their guns and shooting down or throwing down*.

As night fell, the abandoned factory area was shrouded in thick darkness. A bright star had risen above the top of the mountain on the west side, and the abandoned factory area near the foot of the mountain was dim.

The factory area was very quiet, and the negotiator who had just made a stern voice has stopped shouting. In the whole dilapidated and abandoned factory area, there are only crickets chirping one after another.

At this time, Wan Lin's group of people had already raised their guns and aimed in the direction of the roof. Four or five meters behind a group of people, two soldiers raised a bow-shaped spear hook launcher, and then pulled the trigger decisively. Two low sounds of "bang" and "bang" were heard from the launcher, and the two spear hooks and two thin ropes flew towards the dark roof.

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