Panther Commando

Chapter 3651: has been targeted

Scorpion calmly watched Xie Chao treat Xu Liang's wound. At this moment, he suddenly took a breath and asked, "What kind of medicine are you using?" Xu Liang turned his head to look at him and replied, "Xie Chao is a hunter in the mountains. , this is their ancestral trauma medicine, which is very effective in treating trauma, and several of us often use it when we are injured in training."

Scorpion nodded, looked at Xie Chao and said, "No wonder I smelled some grass roots in the mountains. When I was injured in the wild, I often pulled some grass roots and applied them to the wound. It really worked."

He followed with admiration and said, "No wonder your sniping skills are good. It turns out that you used to be a hunter. It was the first time you participated in actual combat and you performed like this, not bad! You look young, right?"

After Xie Chao listened to Xu Liang's translation, he hesitated and replied, "Eighteen." Instructor Scorpion was stunned for a moment: "How much?" At this time, Xu Liang looked at Xie Chao and said with a smile: "You haven't reached eighteen yet. What." He followed and looked at the instructor and said, "This kid will only be eighteen in a few months, and he is now 17 years old."

He looked at Xie Chao and gave a thumbs up, with a smile on his icy face: "Okay, it really is a boy from a hero." He then looked at Xu Liang and Yan Ying and said, "You two are also very good, Huaxia soldiers don't have it. You bastard!" He then smiled and raised his finger to Xu Liang's crotch.

Xie Chao and Yan Ying looked at Scorpion inexplicably, not understanding what he was talking about? Xu Liang smiled and translated it in a low voice, Xie Chao and Yan Ying also covered their mouths in the dark and laughed softly.

When Lingling said this, she first covered her mouth and laughed "giggling", her eyes unconsciously looking at Cheng Ru's crotch. Cheng Ru glared at me and said, "Why are you looking at me? I'm not a coward!" Several people around heard Cheng Ru's voice and all laughed, Wei Chao pointed at Cheng Ru and said with a smile: "Hahaha, who Do you know if your kid's egg is cowardly?"

Xiaoya and Lingling also burst out laughing, and the two of them looked at Chengru with flushed faces. Cheng Ru hurriedly pointed at Lingling and shouted, "Hurry up, hurry up, tell me quickly, why are you all looking at me?"

Lingling's face was flushed with a smile, and she quickly changed the subject and said, "Yes, yes, hurry up, hurry up." She then showed off her excellent language talent and told it vividly, as if she had experienced this situation herself. everything.

Xu Liang and the others followed the instructor to dine and sleep in the barren mountains, and walked for another seven days. In the evening of the seventh day, when they turned around the foot of a mountain, a canyon suddenly appeared in front of them. Xie Chao, who was walking in the front, raised his eyes and glanced forward. He suddenly raised his hand to the back and made a "" "Warning" gesture, and then accelerated to the side of a large tree that was more than half a person thick. He hid behind the thick trunk, raised his sniper rifle from the side of the trunk and aimed at the hillsides on both sides of the canyon, looking very nervous. .

Xu Liang and Yan Ying, who had just turned around the foot of the mountain, saw Xie Chao's movements, and they immediately rushed towards the two trees on the side nervously. They then gently pulled the gun bolts, and also raised their guns to Taniguchi, a few hundred meters in front. Aim away.

The terrain of the canyon is dangerous. On both sides of the mouth of the valley stands a steep peak of 400 to 500 meters high. The slopes on both sides of the mouth of the valley are covered with jagged boulders. There are black cracks all over it.

Taniguchi's rugged mountains are littered with boulders, and a crooked stream is flowing along the gap between the rocks at the mouth of the valley.

Yan Ying and Xu Liang raised their guns to observe Taniguchi for a while and found nothing unusual. They both turned their heads to look at Xie Chao on the side. Xie Chao held his sniper rifle and hid behind a tree to aim at the cliffs on the side of the canyon motionless. At this time, his face was a little pale, and he was emitting cold air, and his expression was very nervous.

Seeing Xie Chao's expression, Xu Liang and the two immediately understood that this kid had mentioned that gloomy inner strength. He must have discovered something, otherwise he would not have mentioned inner strength for no reason! The two quickly followed the direction of Xie Chao's sniper rifle and raised their guns to look at the steep cliff on the left side of the canyon.

At this time, the sun was already hanging on the top of the mountain in the distance, and the light between the mountains became a little blurry. Xu Liang and Yan Ying raised their guns and stared at the cliff on the left side of the mouth of the valley. There were pieces of dark brown rocks on the cliff. There were deep rock crevices all over the steep cliff. Drilling out of the crack, it was like being inserted upside down on a dark rock, and there was no one figure on the rock wall.

After observing for a while, Xu Liang still found nothing unusual. He turned his head in surprise and looked at the scorpion instructor behind him. At this time, he realized that the instructor did not hide his figure, but stood quietly on the open space at the foot of the mountain, staring at Xie Chao who was motionless in front of him, with a look of admiration in his eyes.

Scorpion saw Xu Liang looking at him, he waved his hand and strode to the open space in front of Xie Chao, then suddenly looked up at the cliff on the left side of the canyon and shouted in Y language: "Come out, you have already let me The sniper student took aim!"

Following his shout, a black shadow suddenly emerged from the rock crevice behind a small tree on the steep rock wall on the left side of Taniguchi He raised a sniper rifle in his hand and dangled it below, and then quickly disappeared into the dark crevice of the rock.

Only now did Xu Liang and Yan Ying realize that the place where Xie Chao's sniper rifle was aimed just now was the small tree more than 30 meters above the ground. Obviously, he had already sensed the danger hidden behind the small tree.

At this time, Scorpion turned around and walked to Xie Chao, who was still raising his gun to observe Taniguchi. He patted Xie Chao on the shoulder and said, "Not bad! We're home, let's go!" Xie Chao put down the sniper rifle he was holding in surprise. Although he didn't understand what the instructor was saying? But he has realized that this is the resident of the Eagle Falcon Base, and they finally arrived at this destination safely after rushing around for more than ten days!

When Xu Liang heard the instructor's shout, he pulled Yan Ying to Xie Chao's side in surprise and shouted, "Xiao Chao, hurry up, I've starved to death along the way, we're finally home!" After passing the backpack on Instructor Scorpion, he smiled and said in Y language: "Hahaha, finally arrived at the destination!"

Xu Liang has a bold personality and a flexible mind, and he has already had a hot fight with this scorpion instructor along the way. Seeing Xu Liang's actions, Yan Ying quickly stepped forward to take the assault rifle from Scorpion's hand. Scorpion saw that Yan Ying was about to take his assault rifle, his face changed and he suddenly raised his hand and pushed him away vigorously.

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