Panther Commando

Chapter 3660: expensive equipment

A group of students followed the two instructors, Johnny and Scorpion, and ran quickly to Taniguchi. The two instructors suddenly raised their hands and made a "stop forward" gesture to the back. They followed and ran under a big tree on the side of Taniguchi.

Xu Liang and the others looked up. The cliffs on both sides of the valley's crevices and the bunkers of the valley had already revealed the figures of soldiers. The muzzles of the black holes were aimed at all directions outside the valley, smearing them one by one. The faces with tactical paint all looked very serious.

The masked principal was standing under the Taniguchi tree holding a telescope and looking into the distance, behind him stood two heavily armed men. At this time, he heard footsteps behind him, put down the telescope and turned around to watch Johnny and Scorpion whisper a few words, followed by striding to the front of the group of students standing in Taniguchi.

He stopped at Taniguchi, glanced sharply at the nervous students, and said in a deep voice, "The tribesmen in this mountainous area have a good relationship with us, they know the 30 kilometers around the canyon. The interior is a restricted area, so they never take the initiative to enter our sphere of influence to make trouble. But now someone is hitting our door, you go and drive these **** out!"

After he finished speaking in a strong voice, his sharp eyes swept across the faces of each student again. He fixed his gaze on Xie Chao, who was holding the sniper rifle tightly, and continued: "The bullet has no eyes, you all pay attention to me. Be safe, you must come back alive. I wish you good luck!" He raised his big hand and waved towards the outside of the valley.

Seeing his gesture, Johnny immediately shouted: "Battle team formation, go!" Following his shout, more than 20 students immediately followed the grouped combat formation arranged in the training and ran to the side of the mountain with guns. go.

In the evening, the vision of the mountains gradually became blurred. More than 20 students from the Eagle Base have appeared in the mountains more than ten kilometers away. The fierce gunfire and explosions they heard on the road have become sparse. Behind the mountain two kilometers ahead, it is slowly rising. Puffs of black smoke.

Apparently, the battle behind the mountain had been going on for hours, and it was now drawing to a close. At this time, the two instructors in the middle of the queue suddenly raised their hands and followed the surrounding students to make a "stop progress, be alert on the spot" gesture, and then they ran to the front of a rock more than half a person high and stopped. down.

The two of them lay on the rock and raised their guns to look at the front hillside and the foot of the mountain through the scope for a while, and then they whispered a few words, followed by the scorpion and whispered to the microphone next to his mouth: "Xu Liang, your team is with me. Approach for reconnaissance. The rest of the team is concealed and ready for battle, and snipers establish sniper positions."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly rushed out from Johnny's side, bent down and ran straight to the foot of the mountain in front of him. At this time, Xu Liang had already translated the instructor's order to Xie Chao and Yan Ying, who were lying not far away. The three of them followed with their guns and stood up and rushed out. The surrounding students also heard the sound of lying on various concealed objects in the mountains, and the mule and another sniper flew to the hills on both sides.

Yan Ying, who had excellent agility, rushed to the instructor at a high speed, Xie Chao and Xu Liang also rushed to Yan Ying's wings, and the three surrounded the Scorpion instructor in the shape of an arrow. Taking the cover of the rocks and trees in the mountains, the few people ran to the foot of the mountain in front of them, moving left and right, ups and downs, and their movements were very concealed and fast.

Instructor Scorpion took Xu Liang and the three to the foot of the mountain, and Yan Ying suddenly accelerated and rushed up the hillside. Scorpion ran a few steps and rushed to the tree twenty meters away from the foot of the mountain, turned around and pointed to the sniper Xie Chao, pointing to the top of the mountain more than 300 meters high. He then made a cover gesture to Xu Liang on the right side, and several people immediately hid behind trees and under rocks, aiming at the direction of the top of the mountain and between the mountains on both sides through the scope on the gun.

Xie Chao stealthily raised his gun behind the tree and aimed at the direction of the top of the mountain to prevent anyone above from harming Yan Ying, who was serving as a scout. At this time, the sniper rifle in his hand was not the loot he had captured when he came, but a brand-new * sniper rifle that was redistributed.

On the night they reported, Instructor Johnny took them to the weapons depot to collect equipment. At that time, Instructor Johnny took the sniper rifle he was holding and said to Xie Chao, "This is an SVD sniper rifle, and the rifling has been worn. , and we don't have a special sniper cartridge equipped with this kind of sniper rifle here, you can change it."

He followed up and said something to the weapon manager. The manager glanced at Xie Chao, who was short in stature, in amazement, then turned around and took out a brand-new sniper rifle from the arsenal.

Xie Chao looked at the sniper rifle handed over by the administrator and exclaimed in surprise: "*!" In the special operations brigade, Wan Lin and the others captured this kind of sniper rifle in the past, so he is very familiar with this kind of sniper rifle known as the king of sniping, and it can Skilled use. He immediately reached out and took the sniper rifle from the administrator, and skillfully pulled the bolt to check it.

Instructor Johnny, who can understand Chinese, heard his surprised cry, and then saw his skilled gun inspection, and asked in surprise: "As far as I know, all your Chinese troops are issued with domestic production. weapons, you also have such expensive sniper rifles there?"

Xie Chao lowered his head and checked the gun He blurted out: "Our special forces brigade has it. It is said that my master and the others captured it from some Black Hawk sniper." Xu Liang, who arrived at the new assault rifle, suddenly coughed. When Xie Chao heard Xu Liang's reminder, he suddenly realized that he had leaked his words, and quickly stopped talking and looked up at Instructor Johnny.

At this time, Instructor Johnny was looking thoughtfully at the sniper rifle in Xie Chao's hand, he saw Xie Chao looking at him, and quickly said: "Very well, since you are familiar with this sniper rifle, then use him Come on." He followed a bulletproof vest handed by the administrator and handed it to Xie Chao and said: "This is a special operations body armor with a small vest, which can block the shooting of AK47. However, it can block up to three shots. Training You must wear it when you are fighting."

After speaking, he picked up the other two body armors and handed them to Xu Liang and Yan Ying: "This area is very dangerous, so we have equipped you with the best weapons and safety equipment. But you must pay attention. , No matter how excellent weapons and equipment are, they can't guarantee your safety, and only practicing excellent military skills is the most effective means to ensure your own safety."

The three of Xu Liang gratefully took the body armor, Xu Liang whispered: "No wonder your tuition is so expensive, these equipment really cost a lot of money." Johnny heard his muttering and said with a smile: "I listen The principal said that the offer to you Huaxia people is the lowest, so please be content!"

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