Panther Commando

Chapter 3679: no big demands

At this time, Xiaoya stared at the black car on the side and said, "This car should be from the provincial government. Could it be that they are here too?" Wan Lin heard Xiaoya's voice, turned his head and glanced at the black car hurriedly, He whispered, "Let's hurry in, they must be waiting for us."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and strode towards the door of the experimental building on the side. Xiaoya and Lingling quickly followed, with nervous expressions on their faces. The two ministers of the Military Region's Operations Department appeared here at the same time, and the vehicles of the National Security Bureau also appeared at the same time, which made Wan Lin and the three feel a little nervous. At this time, they have realized that something unexpected must have occurred!

The laboratory building was quiet and no one could be seen in the corridor. Wan Lin and the three hurried to the door of Yu Jing's office. Wan Lin raised his hand and knocked on the door lightly, followed by shouting in a low voice, "Report!" This is a research institution, and everyone who comes here will have a sense of awe in their hearts and unconsciously, so the voice he speaks is all the same. Pressed low, for fear of destroying the academic atmosphere here.

As soon as Wan Lin's voice fell, the heavy door of the office had been pulled open, and two pretty faces that could be broken by bullets suddenly appeared in front of Wan Lin and the three of them. "Yingying, Mengmeng!" Lingling and Xiaoya exclaimed in surprise. They stepped into the office one step at a time and happily hugged these two little friends who depended on each other for life and death on the battlefield.

Wan Lin also walked into the office with a smile. He saw at a glance that Wang Molin, deputy director of the State Security Administration, Gao Li, director of the military operations department, and Li Dongsheng, deputy director, were about to sit upright on the sofa in the side reception area when Yu Jing was standing up. He looked at a few people with a smile.

"Stand at attention, salute!" Wan Lin hurriedly shouted at Xiaoya and Lingling, then raised his hand to salute the few people sitting on the sofa, Xiaoya and Lingling also quickly let go of Wu Xueying and Wen Meng, and stood at the door facing each other saluted by several generals. Wang Molin raised his hand and waved it between his foreheads. He smiled and waved to several people and said, "Come here quickly and let me take a good look at you!" After saying that, he got up and walked towards Wanlin.

He walked over to Wan Lin and took a careful look, raised his hand and patted his shoulder heavily and said, "You kid scared me! When I heard that you lost contact overseas for a few days, I was anxious. While strictly ordering Lao Wang and his intelligence station to search urgently, he asked President Yu to locate you urgently according to the locator on your body. I finally found you, and said that you were seriously injured and in critical condition, but it really scared me to death at that time!"

Wan Lin saw that the experienced old Guoan team member cared so much about him, and he said moved: "I'm fine! You don't know me, I have a big life, and those spies can't take my life away!" Wang Molin He dragged him to the sofa, pressed him onto the sofa, and said with a smile: "Stinky boy, it's still blowing up! Has your body recovered yet?"

Wan Lin hurriedly looked up at Wang Molin who was sitting down and replied, "Report: I'm already well! Thanks to my little sister Mamin who rescued me in time, Xiaohua hurried to the Scimitar tribe to find the old patriarch and the others. Here we come! During this time, my team members and I also helped Captain Wang Tiecheng and the Provincial Police Department to clean up a group of drug dealers."

Wang Molin sat down, took a cup of tea from Wen Meng and handed it to Wan Lin, and said, "I have heard Ye Feng report to me. He said that you took the old man's nest of Kunsha overseas, and He also killed the two big drug lords he colluded with in China, well, well done, as expected of our leopards!"

He then raised his head, looked at Xiaoya and Lingling who were still standing in the room whispering to Wu Xueying and Wen Meng, and said, "Xiaoya, Lingling, don't stand, all sit down. Yingying, Wen Meng, move quickly. Here are some chairs, and you all sit next to us."

He then looked at Wan Lin again and said, "I already know about Ma Min. By the way, she has now changed her name to Wan Min. Well, for such a loving little sister who is kind to us in China, we Be sure to help her! Has she completed all the formalities here?"

Wan Lin looked at him and replied: "Director Ye and Deputy Director Qi of the Provincial Public Security Department have personally asked Wan Min to go through the household registration procedures and have contacted the school for her. Now she has gone to school with Xiao Miao and the others. After returning home, I learned martial arts and other knowledge with my grandfather and Professor Chang. My younger sister is very sensible, and she helps my eldest sister take care of her younger siblings when she returns home."

Wang Molin said with relief: "Okay, I heard that your grandfather has accepted her as a granddaughter. Hehehe, with your grandfather and Professor Chang, two old seniors teaching them, they will definitely be a little Wanlin in the future! Hahahaha..." Gao Li and Li Dongsheng laughed when they heard Wang Molin's hearty laughter. They know that the two old people, the old man Wanjia and Professor Chang, who have unique skills, teach them personally, and these children will definitely become the pillars of defending the family and the country like Wan Lin and the others in the future.

At this time, Yu Jing looked at Wang Molin and said with a smile: "Seeing Wan Lin, we are so happy to see you, we can't even talk." After speaking, she stood up and said to Wan Lin, "Wan Lin, this time In the process of detecting espionage you ensured the safety of our institute, on behalf of the institute and myself, thank you leopards!"

Lingling, who was whispering to Wu Xueying and Wen Meng, heard Yu Jing thank Wanlin, she quickly raised her head and said, "Sister Yu, why don't you thank the four of us? We have also been busy for a long time." Wang Molin listened to several people. She burst into laughter when she said that,

Yu Jing said with a smile: "Thank you, of course I have to thank you! I'm not polite to my big brother first. You stinky girl, you even picked me up. Tell me, how can I thank you?" Lingling said with a smile: " Hee hee, we don't have any big requirements, just treat us to a big meal!"

Yingying and Wen Meng said in a frenzy, "Yes, yes, just have a big meal, our conditions are not high." Yu Jing reached out and touched Yingying's delicate face, and said with a smile: "You foodies I’m still eating, and your little faces are all round. No problem, I’ll treat you to a big meal after I finish my work. Well, let’s get down to business first.” She followed around and asked in surprise, “Hey, Why didn't Xiaohua and Xiaobai come?"

Xiaoya looked at her and smiled: "The two little babies went into the mountains to play and haven't come back. Hehe, they are at home, I guess they won't come to you with us either." Gao Li looked at Yu with some surprise Jing asked: "Why, when did you offend these two leopards? Didn't you get along well with the two leopards in the past?"

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