Panther Commando

Chapter 3687: enraged beast

When Yu Jing said this, her long eyelashes flashed twice, and she listened attentively to the steaming teacup on the coffee table in front of her, as if the danger happened in front of her.

She continued in a low voice: "With a loud 'bang' sound from the shotgun, the giant bear that was rushing up the hillside like a tank suddenly let out a miserable howl, its heavy and huge body swayed slightly, and immediately brought A patch of blood splattered from the shoulders rushed towards the people above at an extremely fast speed. The nearly one-ton behemoth was running wildly on the hillside, and the whole hillside trembled like an earthquake, and the momentum was extremely frightening."

At this time, the hands of several people around were clenched into fists, their eyes were fixed on Yu Jing, and their expressions were very nervous. They have all experienced similar scenes in their missions, and they know that under such circumstances, it is really difficult for ordinary people to deal with such ferocious animals.

Yu Jing followed and said: "The three male colleagues who were running down from the top of the mountain panicked when they saw the fierce appearance of this giant bear. The three immediately raised their assault rifles and shotguns, 'Da Da Da Da'. , 'bang bang bang' pulled the trigger on the giant bear rushing down below, and they turned around and fled to the top of the mountain in panic."

At this time, Wu Xueying's face was already pale, and she nervously grabbed Yu Jing's arm and called out, "Your male colleagues are too flustered, how could you have hit the giant bear with such a random shot? They are not Looking for death!"

The expressions of several of them also became more and more nervous. They all understood that when the male team members shot in this panic, even if the bullet hit the body of the giant bear, they would definitely not be able to hit the high-speed running. The giant bear is vital, and ordinary gunshot wounds can't affect the pursuit speed of this beast at all, but will irritate it even more.

Yu Jing turned her head to look at Wu Xueying who was beside her and nodded and said, "Yes, at that time, the bullets swept away a cloud of dust from the hillside around the giant bear, and several bullets from the assault rifle and shotguns in the shotgun did hit the giant bear. The body, but the thick-skinned giant bear didn't seem to notice it at all. It roared wildly and rushed towards the top of the mountain, but its speed was faster than before..." She then continued to narrate the thrilling scene that happened later. .

At the sound of gunfire, the Alaskan giant bear was completely irritated. The huge body was like an indestructible tank, rushing towards the few people who were fleeing to the top of the mountain. The rocks on the hillside were all under the bear that fell heavily. The palms shattered, and the hillside was dusty.

Yu Jing, who was on the hillside below, and her female companion who ran over were shocked to see this scene! Yu Jing bent down and took out two cylinders from the bag placed beside the stream, turned around and ran up the hillside. As she ran, she shouted loudly to the three male colleagues who had panicked: "*, *, hurry, hurry up!"

With her sharp shout, her right hand suddenly raised towards the galloping giant bear above the side, the metal tube in her hand was emitting a stream of yellow smoke, and it flew straight to the hillside in front of the giant bear. "Boom", a dull explosion sounded from the hillside above the giant bear, and a thick cloud of yellow smoke rolled out from the bursting metal tube, and a strong pungent smell suddenly filled the hillside.

The sudden sound of the explosion surprised the giant bear who was rushing towards the top of the mountain wildly! It suddenly stopped the body that was rushing forward, but the huge inertia immediately made it staggered to the side on the hillside for several steps, and it immediately turned around and looked at Yu Jing. , the two small eyes on its head have turned blood red, and it opened its **** mouth, raised its head and made a huge roar at Yu Jing.

At this moment, the thick yellow smoke had already enveloped the huge body of the giant bear, and the pungent smell caused it to make a series of painful roars. "Ow!" An extremely furious roar sounded from the yellow smoke, and a mountain-shaking rushing sound also sounded from the smoke, rushing straight to the lower hillside where Yu Jing was.

"Yu Jing, run!" The female colleague at the foot of the hill had already heard from the voice that the behemoth had turned around and rushed towards Yu Jing. She shouted in panic while grabbing two * from the bag beside the stream, He turned around and ran down the mountain. When Yu Jing heard the roar from the giant bear, she also hurriedly threw out the other cylinder in her hand, turned around and ran down the mountain.

At this time, several male colleagues on the hillside above had also calmed down. They pulled out * vigorously from their waists and threw them to the hillside below, shouting at the same time: "Yu Jing, Jenny, run!" At that time, Yu Jing threw out the * in her hand, turned around and ran towards the hillside below. She quickly ran to her female colleague Jenny, snatched one of the **** in her hand, turned around and threw it at the giant bear rushing behind. Jenny also threw out the other dagger in her hand in a panic, and the two of them immediately Like a frightened rabbit, it rushed down the hillside quickly.

The explosions of "Boom", "Boom" and "Boom" came one after another, and a thick yellow fog rose on the hillside. At this time, Yu Jing, who had just run down the mountain with Jenny, suddenly heard a loud bang on the hillside shrouded in dense fog behind her, followed by a tragic howl, and the huge brown bear rolled over. Rolling down the hillside on the Yu Jing had already understood during her escape that the giant bear must have hit a boulder beside the creek amid the thick smoke and pungent smell. So he let out a miserable howl and rolled down. At this time, she and a few companions could no longer turn their heads and watch, and several people fled in the direction of the helicopter outside the valley in panic.

When Wu Xueying heard this, her nervous mood was relieved. She looked at Yu Jing and let out a long sigh and said, "My mother, you scared me to death! I thought your colleagues would suffer. By the way, why are you carrying so many *? What is the pungent smell?"

The people around Wan Lin also looked at Yu Jing with a puzzled look in their eyes. It is understandable that Yu Jing and the others went to the dangerous field for scientific investigation and carried firearms with them to protect their own safety. But why do they carry a lot of *? It really confuses them and doesn't understand their intentions.

Yu Jing looked at several people and said with a smile: "At that time, we often went to the wilderness to investigate. Because we were worried about encountering these ferocious large animals, and at the same time, we had to guard against those illegal poaching hunters, so we had to carry weapons every time we went out. At the same time, in order to prevent being bitten by venomous snakes and attacked by wild animals, we also bring all kinds of emergency items. Such as various first-aid medicines, serum for common local venomous snakes, and the kind of bear repellent*."

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