Panther Commando

Chapter 3691: gunshots in the dark

In the dim night sky hundreds of meters above the ground, Wan Lin clasped the umbrella strap with both hands and stared down attentively. In the dim starlight, the undulating mountains were under him, and the black peaks in the distance were like sharp swords reaching into the air, appearing extremely steep.

Below them is a relatively gentle hillside, with thick trees standing on the side of the dark hillside, and some dry, sparse branches and leaves are swaying slightly in the mountain wind.

Here is their pre-planned parachute landing location based on the military map. Although this landing point is a hillside, and there are some towering trees on the side of the hillside, the terrain here is relatively flat, and their planned landing area is on the hillside on the side of those big trees. In such rugged and steep mountains, it is indeed difficult to find a flat area that is completely suitable for landing.

In the thick night, Wan Lin quickly observed the blurred landing area, and then he swept over the positions of the umbrella flowers below. At this time, the umbrella flowers were rapidly falling towards the predetermined hillside. All the team members skillfully manipulated the umbrella belt to control the direction, and quickly fell to the uneven hillside below.

Wan Lin raised his head in satisfaction, knowing that the team members were all accurately falling towards the predetermined location. In this operation, the parachute was carried out at an altitude of 800 meters, mainly considering the safety of Yu Jing, because they really did not know what Yu Jing's skydiving level was. So choose skydiving to minimize the danger of Yu Jing.

Usually, when they perform emergency missions, they choose to parachute at a height of two or three hundred meters, and rarely exceed a height of four hundred meters. The purpose is to shorten the airborne time as much as possible and avoid being discovered by opponents.

In the dim night sky, a white umbrella flower quickly fell to the hillside. Just when Wan Lin, Yu Jing and Xiaoya, who jumped off at the end, landed only more than 200 meters away from the hillside below, a crosswind suddenly blew from the middle of the two mountains behind them. The parachute above Lin's head blew sideways.

Wan Lin hurriedly adjusted the umbrella strap and turned his head to look at Yu Jing's direction. At this time, Yu Jing's parachute was tilting in the sudden crosswind, and then flew down diagonally, deviating from the predetermined landing slope.

Wan Lin was secretly surprised! He quickly pulled the umbrella strap to adjust the direction and chased to the side. Xiaoya below also found out about Yu Jing's danger. She quickly adjusted her direction in the dark, and followed Yu Jing's parachute to fall diagonally downward.

In the dim night sky, the Chengru group who jumped first have already landed on the hillside below one after another. Cheng Ru and a group of people who landed on the hillside had just unfastened the parachute straps on their bodies, when they suddenly found that the three parachutes above their heads were rushing towards the side hillside.

They immediately realized that Yu Jing's parachute must have lost control. Wan Lin and Xiaoya were adjusting their direction in the air to chase after them, and the direction they landed was flying straight to the side of the hillside. According to the sign on the map, the foot of the hill behind It is a scattered forest.

In the dark, everyone quickly turned around and ran towards the dark side of the hillside. At this time, Lingling's parachute had also fallen, and Xiaobai's eyes, who had been lying on her shoulders, flashed red, and suddenly a low roar sounded. He jumped out from Lingling's shoulder, landed on the hillside, and ran towards the side hillside like white smoke.

Lingling hurriedly shouted sharply: "Xiao Bai, wait for me!" In her voice, her knees were slightly bent and she had fallen diagonally into a grass on the hillside in the breeze. She ran two steps to the side in inertia, followed quickly. Unfasten the umbrella strap fixed to the body, turn around and chase after Xiaobai.

At this moment, the three parachutes in the air had already quickly dropped to the side slopes, disappearing behind the canopy of several dense trees in a blink of an eye. At this time, Cheng Ru had already led the team members who had landed and ran to the side hillside in a scattered manner, and black shadows rose and fell one after another on the dim hillside, and the movements were very fast.

At this time, Wan Lin had already flown over the dense canopy of the trees below, and fell diagonally to the open space between the big trees on the side. He hurriedly shouted to the little flower with blue eyes on his shoulders in the air, "Go and protect it. Mr. Yu!" In the voice, Xiaohua's figure jumped out with a "swoosh", jumped directly from the sky to the dense canopy of a big tree on the side, and jumped straight to the side of the hillside and rushed out.

Xiaoya's parachute had also landed in a piece of grass 100 meters away in front of Wanlin, but Yu Jing's parachute slid across the canopy of trees around her from the air, and drifted diagonally to the foot of the side of the mountain in the dimness. Disappeared from her and Wan Lin's sight!

There was a look of anxiety in Wan Lin's eyes. As soon as he landed, he pulled off the umbrella strap fixed to his body, slammed out to the side in inertia, and carried his gun to the side of the pitch-black hillside like smoke. Dash down.

Yu Jing is the key protection object of their trip. If there is an accident during the skydiving, then the operation has been declared a failure, and they have no time to rescue the scientific expedition team members in that mysterious area, let alone to investigate that. This is a mysterious area, which really makes Wan Lin anxious!

On the dim Wan Lin quickly caught up with Xiaoya in front. He whispered, "Be vigilant, you will follow Xiaobai with you." In his voice, he was already carrying a gust of wind. Sheng rushed past Xiaoya and went straight to Xiaohua, who was up and down on the hillside in front of her.

Xiaoya answered and quickly held the assault rifle in her hand while running. At this time, a white shadow has jumped over from behind. Xiaobai rushed to Xiaoya, immediately stopped and turned to look at her, making a low "Haha" sound. Xiaoya quickly turned around and looked back, a group of black shadows had already appeared on the hillside behind, and Lingling and Chengru were chasing up from the hillside.

Xiaoya immediately turned her head to look at the hillside below. At this time, Yu Jing's parachute had been blown to the foot of the hillside, and Wan Lin and Xiaohua were rushing down like black smoke. She hurriedly pointed at the foot of the mountain to Xiaobai in front of her, and ordered in a hurried voice, "Come on!" Xiaobai's eyes flashed red, and he turned around and chased behind Wan Lin and Xiao Hua.

Just as Wanlin's group of people rushed to the foot of the mountain in a hurry, two crisp gunshots suddenly came from the dark mountain at the foot of the mountain.

Wan Lin, who ran at the front, was shocked! He had already heard that it was the firing sound of the pistol that Yu Jing was carrying. As he accelerated and ran forward, he stared at the foot of the mountain below the side through the night vision goggles on his left eye.

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