Panther Commando

Chapter 3703: gunshots in the fog

Wan Lin hid behind the tree trunk, stretched out his sniper rifle from the side of the tree trunk and scanned the mountains in front of him with white mist. There is a green bamboo forest growing on the hillside, and the straight bamboos seem to be stuck in the white mist and remain motionless. The white mist, the green bamboo shoots, and the white clouds rolling in the air are as charming as a vivid oil painting.

At this moment, among the thick bamboo leaves above the bamboo forest on the hillside, a faint blue light suddenly flashed towards Wan Lin. Wan Lin immediately raised his gun and looked, Xiao Hua was leaning on a thin bamboo tip and looking towards him, her right paw was pointing at a grassy bush below the hillside.

Wan Lin immediately moved the barrel and looked carefully in the direction Xiao Hua pointed. In the white fog, four or five shadowy shadows were walking down the hill in front of them. A few people were not moving very fast. They stopped and walked, as if they were walking and looking down for something?

Wan Lin stared at the other person's figure and pondered for a while. He raised his hand and made a "surveillance on the spot" gesture to Zhang Wa and the others on the side. Then he withdrew his sniper rifle and bent over to move slowly towards the bamboo forest on the side. . After moving sideways for a dozen meters, avoiding the opponent's field of vision, he suddenly accelerated and ran behind the bamboo forest, followed by disappearing into the bamboo forest filled with white mist.

Wan Lin rushed into the bamboo forest and quickly ran over to the forest edge in front of him carefully. Seeing Wan Lin running, Xiao Hua immediately swayed from the soft bamboo shoots, and then jumped lightly onto Wan Lin's left shoulder, and then it stretched out its right paw and pointed towards the foggy woods on the side.

Wan Lin turned his head to look, a faint smell of blood was rising from the white mist on the side. He immediately understood that the gunshots just now must have been the people in front of them shooting at a beast here.

He stretched out his hand and swung at Xiaohua, then pointed to the edge of the bamboo forest in front of him, and then he raised his foot and ran to the edge of the forest cautiously, lest he make a noise to alarm the few people under the hill in front of him.

Wan Lin lightly ran to the bamboo forest near the bottom of the hillside. He stopped, raised his gun and looked down through the gaps in the thick bamboo trunks in front of him.

At this point, he could see clearly that there were five people below, four of whom were actually big-nosed foreigners wearing taupe jackets, the other was a short-statured Asian holding a shotgun, and he and the other were holding Westerners with assault rifles are looking around vigilantly.

Wan Lin moved the muzzle and looked at the other three. These three also carried long guns on their shoulders. They were gathering together, staring at one person holding a long strip detector and discussing what?

Wan Lin took a light breath and listened intently. At this moment, a huge black shadow suddenly jumped up from the white fog on the side, and rushed straight to the few people below the mountain with a gust of wind, with two canine teeth shining with cold light in its wide open mouth.

"Da Da Da", "Bang", the two men with guns on the side immediately took a step back, raised their guns and pulled the trigger against the rushing shadow. The two-meter-long black shadow in the air let out a miserable howl, and then fell into the white mist below.

"Ow..." A wolf howling sounded from the surrounding mountains, and the mist suddenly rolled on the hillside filled with white mist. A dozen taupe-brown wolves suddenly burst out from the surrounding rolling hills, and their green eyes stared fiercely at the figures at the foot of the mountain.

"Da da da", "da da da", "bang bang", a chaotic gunshot followed, and the few figures under the hillside immediately raised their guns and pulled the trigger towards the big wolf that appeared around. One of them swept out a string of bullets, then raised his right hand and vigorously threw a black ball in front of him.

"Boom", an explosion sounded from the mountains in front. In a flash of fire, two wolf shadows flew backwards on their backs, and then fell into the mist. The surrounding wolves immediately let out a wailing sound, then turned around and fled to the mountains behind.

At this time, the mountain also heard a shout in Y language, "Come on!" Several people at the foot of the mountain turned around and ran towards the mountains in front of them. It didn't take long for them to disappear in a thick white fog. middle.

At this time, Xiaohua stood up from Wan Lin's shoulders in anger. Obviously, it saw those people shoot at the wolves recklessly, and there was a fierce blue light in its eyes. Wan Lin felt the murderous aura emerging from Xiao Hua's body, and quickly reached out to hold it down to prevent it from escaping from his shoulders.

At this moment, he was holding a sniper rifle in his left hand and pressing the little flower standing on his left shoulder with his right hand. These people not only carry powerful military-style weapons, but also carry guns. This shows that these people came here with weapons, not just for self-defense, they must have ulterior motives!

Wan Lin watched the other party disappear into the thick fog, and then looked solemnly towards the direction in which the wolves fled. He had seen just now that the size of the wolves was huge, far exceeding the size of normal wolves. , which shows that this group of wolves, like the mountain mice just seen, received some kind of strong stimulation from the impact of the alien celestial body.

Judging from the situation of the black wolf jumping up and attacking just now, this wolf has not only grown in size, but also has become more violent and fierce in This shows that all kinds of animals here may have strong attacks Sex, which really made Wan Lin worried about the few expedition team members who lost contact.

He looked worriedly at the misty mountains in the distance, and thought to himself: "The expedition team members are all researchers, although they can go to such a difficult place to conduct scientific expeditions, their physical fitness should be good, but they definitely don't have the self-confidence. The ability to protect them. The shotguns in the hands of the two hunters may not be able to protect them in a critical moment, so we must find them as soon as possible."

At this time, a group of Cheng Ru in the woods behind saw that the other party had disappeared, and they ran over with guns one after another. Xiaoya and the others surrounded Yu Jing and ran to Wan Lin. Cheng Ru, Feng Dao, and Zhang Wa also followed. The rest of the team scattered in the dim bamboo forest and aimed their guns at the surroundings.

Wan Lin turned his head to look at the running team members, Yu Jing stopped and asked in a low voice, "Leopard head, what happened just now?" They could only vaguely see those figures in the woods just now, but They couldn't see the wolves that appeared later. They only heard gunshots and wolf howls, and they didn't know what happened.

Wan Lin glanced at the Chengru people who came over and replied in a low voice, "The other party has five people, four Westerners, and one should be a guide from the surrounding countries. All of them are carrying assault rifles and shotguns. There was one just now. The little wolves suddenly emerged from the fog."

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