Panther Commando

Chapter 3707: escaped little devil

The green mountains have an excellent view, and the sudden sound of gunshots is very harsh in the silent mountains. Pieces of colorful birds, "hula la", fly up from the surrounding mountains of the green grass, screaming towards the mountains. Fly away from the mountains.

At this time, Yu Jing heard the conversation between Wan Lin and Feng Dao, and turned her head to look at the two in astonishment. She did not expect Wan Lin and the other special forces to have such good eyesight. The telescope she held in her hand had the same magnification as the scope on Wan Lin's gun, but she couldn't see the appearance of the other party clearly at all. However, Wan Lin and the others have clearly distinguished the type of weapon in the opponent's hand.

At this moment, Wan Lin suddenly ordered in a low voice, "Hide!" Then he squatted down in the bamboo forest, knelt down on one knee in the tall grass, raised his gun and aimed forward.

Yu Jing also quickly squatted on the ground, and then she stuck out her head from the side of the bamboo stem and looked forward. At this time, she could see clearly through the binoculars. Several figures were running out from the foot of the mountain in front of the gunfire. The few people turned around and swept out a string of bullets behind them, and then ran towards the foot of the mountain here.

Wan Lin saw the opponent running towards the foot of the mountain with a gun on his side, he immediately lay down in the grass and ordered: "Get down, don't disturb the opponent!" The one who was squatting beside Yu Jing quickly pulled Yu Jing to lie down on the spot. . The surrounding team members also got down on the spot from their guarded positions one after another, and the black muzzles of the guns quietly stretched out towards the mountains in front of them. Everyone paid close attention to the shadows running and the mountains behind them.

At this time, Xiaohua looked at Wanlin with glowing eyes. Wanlin quickly reached out and held Xiaohua's head to prevent it from running out with Xiaobai. He followed and looked up at the mountains ahead. At this time, he could see clearly that there were eight people running. The eight people were divided into two groups and were running towards the foot of the mountain. The four behind them lay on the mountain and shot back from time to time. Run ahead.

Wan Lin stared at the shooting and running of these people at the foot of the mountain, and secretly said in his heart: "These people are very agile, and at first glance they are people who have received military training. They are alternately covering and retreating in battle, and their tactical movements are so unexpected. Skilled, it looks like a group of veterans who have been on the battlefield." He thought to himself, and immediately moved the muzzle to look at the few people running in front.

The four people in front had just reached the foot of the mountain below, and Wan Lin could clearly see each other's face through the scope. All four were Asian faces, wearing grass-green camouflage uniforms and carrying a large travel backpack behind them. Three of them held AK47 assault rifles in their hands and looked very nervous.

Wan Lin's muzzle followed to look at the person running at the front. This person was holding an assault rifle in his left hand, and his right hand was holding something tightly in front of his chest. He looked very flustered. Wan Lin's muzzle immediately looked towards the man's chest, and a black metal box the size of a biscuit box clearly appeared in his scope. Judging from the situation, the following people should be protecting this person and holding something in their hands.

At this moment, more than a dozen black shadows suddenly rushed out from the mountains behind the foot of the mountain in the distance. In a burst of violent gunfire, one of the two shadows running towards the foot of the mountain stumbled into the grass, and the other two quickly lay on the ground. In the grass, he raised his gun and swept a rain of bullets behind him. The sound of gunshots suddenly erupted in the mountains, and a rain of bullets flew through the air, and the mud blocks that were hit by the bullets kept rising on the uplifted soil slopes in the mountains.

The four boys who had already reached the foot of the mountain where Wanlin and the others were, immediately fought back in the rain of bullets, turned around and ran up the hillside. Obviously, they had seen this thick bamboo forest on the hillside and wanted to escape with the help of this thick bamboo forest.

At this moment, more than a dozen black shadows drilled out in the distance while shooting at the front, while swearing in foreign languages ​​during the pursuit? At this time, Yu Jing, who was lying beside Wan Lin, said to Wan Lin in a low voice: "Leopard head, the group of people in the back used the F language and the Y language. They were calling the people in front of them thieves and little devils. They immediately put down what they took, or kill them!"

When Wan Lin heard Yu Jing's translation, he immediately understood the whole story. The eight Asian-faced boys below must be from the R country. They must have snatched away the treasures from the group of pursuers in the mountains in front of them when they were surprised. The iron box, so the other party chased up with a gun angrily.

At this time, Yu Jing held up the binoculars and stared at the metal box in the man's arms below, she continued to whisper to Wan Lin: "Leopard head, the first person to run up the hill is holding a metal box, which should be them. The items that this group of people are fighting for are most likely fragments of unknown objects found from us, and we can't let them take them away!"

When Wan Lin heard Yu Jing's judgment, a murderous look suddenly appeared on his face. He raised his right hand and gently pulled the bolt of the sniper rifle, and whispered to the team members hidden in the forest: "Prepare to fight! Feng Dao, you one group will deal with these people who came; Cheng Ru, you two group The group of pursuers behind the opponent; Xiaoya, your team will protect the safety of President Yu and cooperate with a group of actions. Remember, if you encounter resistance, shoot them on the spot!"

At this time, the other party has already plundered the treasures belonging to our Huaxia on our Chinese territory, and also used firearms recklessly, which really made Wan Lin and the others murderous!

Following Wan Lin's command, a low sound of pulling the gun bolt suddenly came from the forest, followed by a strong murderous aura rising from the forest. The wind knife took the sniper Lin Zisheng, and the machine gun sounded loudly, and immediately crawled towards the edge of the bamboo forest on the side. Cheng Ru took Wang Dali and Yu Wenyu to crawl to Wan Lin's side, and several of them raised their guns and aimed at the dozen or so black shadows chasing in the distance.

The dozen or so people chasing from behind, while strafing the black shadows running in front, chased forward among the rolling hills. At this time, they had discovered that the four people in front were running towards the bamboo forest on the hillside. The other party immediately separated four or five people to hide beside the rocks and soil slopes in the mountains, raised their guns and shot at the two boys who were blocking them in front of them, suppressing the firepower of the other party. The other people bent down and ran to the side of the mountain, raising their guns and sweeping a rain of bullets at the hillside where Wan Lin and the others were.

In the rain of bullets, the four boys on the hillside, under the cover of the rocks and depressions on the hillside, shot sideways and rearwards, while rushing up and down to the bamboo forest above.

Amid the intense gunshots, the bamboo forest where Wan Lin and the others were already shaking violently in the whistling rain of bullets. The bullets shot through the gaps in the bamboo stems also made a shrill sound of breaking through the air, whistling and flying over the backs of Wan Lin and the others. The bamboo forest echoed with the sound of "cracks" as the bullets hit the bamboo stems.

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