Panther Commando

Chapter 3714: kill without mercy

The sudden roar of the two leopards was deafening, and the roar shook the mountains violently! The two dazzling beams of light were like two sharp swords born out of the sky, piercing the dark clouds in the sky straight into the sky. At the same time, a dazzling white light seemed to echo the red and blue light column that suddenly flew out, and it suddenly shot out from the dark mountains in the distance, and went straight to the dark clouds!

In an instant, three dazzling beams of red, blue, and white light have converged in the sky, piercing the clouds like lightning and piercing the sky straight into the sky. With the three dazzling colored beams of light that suddenly shot, the lightning flashes like silver snakes in the dark clouds suddenly disappeared, the deafening thunder suddenly became silent, and the noisy mountains became deadly silent!

In the three dazzling beams of light, a huge hole appeared in the thick cloud layer pressing on the mountains, and the cloud layer around the hole rolled violently and dispersed to the surroundings. In the blink of an eye, the pitch-black clouds flew into the distance, and a blue sky suddenly appeared in front of Wanlin's group of people.

Amidst the deafening roars of the two leopards, Yu Jing's group stared at the dramatically changing sky. At this moment, a dazzling light suddenly appeared in Wan Lin's eyes, and a fierce murderous aura burst out from his body.

He stood up from the grass at the foot of the mountain, raised his head and made a deafening roar in the air: "This is my land in China, anyone who enters without permission, please get out of here immediately. Here, otherwise I will be killed without mercy!" The roars of Wan Lin and the two leopards suppressed the sound of the flood running in the mountains. The roar of "Kill Wushe" with a strong and true energy echoed over and over in the rolling mountains.

The mountains suddenly became silent, only the thunderous roars of two leopards and Wan Lin echoed in the mountains! At this moment, three dazzling beams of light suddenly disappeared, the dark clouds seemed to have disappeared without a trace suddenly, the undulating and dim mountains suddenly became clear, and the sky that had just rolled over with dark clouds suddenly turned blue. , only a few silky white clouds floated over the high mountain tops!

Amid the deafening roars from Wan Lin and Hua Leopard, Cheng Ru, Feng Dao, Zhang Wa and Xiao Ya also stood up from the grass. He raised his gun sharply and pulled the trigger in the air. The gunshots of "Da Da Da" and "Da Da Da" were crisp and deafening. Following Wan Lin's roar of "Kill Wushe" that echoed over and over in the mountains, Shooting towards the surrounding mountains with a strong murderous aura!

"Let's go!" Wan Lin raised his eyes and glanced at the blue sky and ordered, he followed with his spear and strode forward. The torrential rain in the mountains suddenly came and dissipated suddenly, and the mountains that had been baptized by the heavy rain appeared more crisp. The streams running on the hillside are very clear in the morning light.

Wan Lin took a group of leopard team members to stride forward in the crisp mountains. A group of people were scattered in the mountains like an expanding arrow. The figures of everyone appeared and disappeared in the rolling mountains. The muzzles were vigilantly aimed at the surrounding mountains.

At this time, Yu Jing strode forward beside Xiaoya and Lingling. She stared at the rolling mountains around her as she walked, her big eyes flashing with a contemplative look.

As Lingling walked, she glanced at the blue sky in surprise, she followed and turned to look at Yu Jing and asked in a low voice, "Sister Yu, the dazzling white light shot from a distance just now seems to follow Xiaohua and Xiaobaiyan. The beam of light burst out, what the **** is going on? Why did the thick clouds in the sky disappear in the blink of an eye?"

Xiaoya also said with some puzzlement: "It's so strange, it seems that this sudden rainstorm was dispelled by these three beams of light. Sister Yu, what is that beam of light in the distance?"

Yu Jing heard Xiaoya and Lingling's questioning, she thoughtfully walked behind a rock in front of her and stopped, then raised her binoculars and looked into the distance. While staring at the bright light in the morning light in the distance, she replied in a low voice: "The rainstorm just now was indeed dispelled by the beams of light emitted by Xiaohua. At that time, I had noticed that the three beams of light shot into the air At that time, the raindrops that fell in the air were evaporated into a mist of water in an instant, and then they were dispelled by the dazzling beams of light. amazing."

Xiaoya and Lingling glanced at each other after hearing Yu Jing's explanation, their faces showed a look of astonishment. At that time, they only noticed that the three beams of light suddenly shot towards the thick cloud layer. Their attention was focused on the cloud layer that was penetrated by the beam of light, and no one paid attention to what was happening around the beam of light.

At this time, Wan Lin also stopped and turned his head to look at Yu Jing, Yu Jing followed and analyzed: "We know that Xiao Hua and Xiao Bai's eyes can emit light beams with energy. The white light that followed in the distance should be I was stimulated by the huge power that Xiaohua and Xiaobai suddenly emitted, so that white light with energy was emitted. This is a mutual induction between energies, and I can't explain the reason now. she turned around and took out the metal box in the backpack behind her, and continued: "When the three white lights suddenly shot into the air just now, I also felt a sudden heat from behind me, as if There is a strong feeling of electric shock. It should be the gem in this metal box, which also suddenly reacted in the three energy beams in the air, and the metal box became hot due to the sudden reaction of the gem. Come on, touch this metal box."

Wan Lin, Xiaoya, and Lingling heard Yu Jing's story, and the three quickly extended their right hand to Metal. Sure enough, a heat wave was emitting from the metal box. Wan Lin quickly took the metal box from Yu Jing and said, "The temperature is really high! You weren't hurt just now, were you?"

Yu Jing waved his hand and replied: "No. The energy column that Xiaohua and the others shot at that time did not directly shoot at the gems in this box, so it should just feel the energy change outside, and did not directly emit more violent energy. "

She looked at Wan Lin and the three of them and asked, "I wonder if you have noticed? At that time, the beam of light shot out of Xiaohua and Xiaobai's eyes shot diagonally into the air, just merging with the white light just now and penetrating together. Thick clouds."

Wan Lin immediately looked at Yu Jing and replied: "Yes, I noticed that the beam of light emitted by Xiaohua and Xiaobai just passed the position where the lake should be, and the white energy column should also be emitted from that area. of."

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