Panther Commando

Chapter 3716: attract

It turned out that Feng Dao and several people had already noticed these people who were secretly following in the mountains on the side, so he just approached each other personally, found out the whereabouts of these people, and also guessed the purpose of their tracking.

After listening to Feng Dao's report, Wan Lin looked up at the white lake in the mountains in the distance, then shook his head and replied, "We don't have time to pay attention to them now, as long as they don't come close to pose a threat to us, we will do it first. Don't worry about them, the main goal of our trip is not them. Let Zisheng and Xiaobai pay attention to their whereabouts, and once they find out that they are plotting badly, they will be brought over to kill them immediately!"

At this time, Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa, who had been walking in the mountains in front, suddenly ran towards the back with Xiao Hua. Cheng Ru and the two ran to Wan Lin, and Cheng Ru reported in a low voice: "Leopard head, Xiao Hua arrived five kilometers to scout just now, and just now it ran back and reported that a large number of people were found in front. You asked Xiao Hua to give Report it, Zhang Wa and I didn't quite understand what it detected?"

At this time, Xiaohua had already rushed to the rock in front of Wan Lin and the others. It stood up and stretched out its two front paws and gestured towards Wan Lin. As it gestured, it twisted and pointed at the mountain behind him. Wan Lin and the others stared at Xiaohua, Yu Jing watched Xiaohua's gestures for a while, and asked Xiaoya beside her in a puzzled whisper, "What did Xiaohua say?"

Xiaoya looked at Xiaohua with a dignified expression, and she translated in a low voice: "Xiaohua said that there were several groups of people of unknown origin around the mountain in front of them, all of whom were carrying weapons. It seemed that they were waiting for us to pass by. The other groups of people scattered and walked quickly in the direction of the lake in the distance, with an unknown purpose."

After listening to Xiaoya's translation, Yu Jing said in amazement: "There are so many people, how come there are so many people?" At this time Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa looked at each other, and Zhang Wa whispered, "No wonder Xiaohua gestured me for a long time. I didn't understand, it turned out to be several groups of people, and among them, there are still ambush waiting for us. Grandma, they are really looking for death! "

Just now, he and Cheng Ru had basically understood the meaning of Xiaohua's gesture, and they knew that there were people of unknown origin in the mountains ahead, but they didn't see that several groups of people gathered in the mountains in front, and there were still people lurking on the spot. Now that they heard Xiaoya's analysis, they completely understood the situation of Xiaohua's reconnaissance.

After watching Xiaohua's gestures, Wanlin reached out and asked Xiaohua about the situation. He then turned his head to look at Zhang Wa and asked, "Did you send someone over to reconnaissance?" Zhang Wa immediately replied, "Already sent Lao Bao and Zhang Wa. Yu Wenfeng went to covert reconnaissance."

As soon as Zhang Wa's voice fell, two series of gunshots, "Da Da Da" and "Da Da Da" were suddenly heard in the mountains ahead. Wan Lin and the others quickly raised their guns and aimed forward. On the **** of a big mountain about three kilometers away, there are several clusters of fire from the muzzle. Immediately, they saw a few black dots suddenly emerge from the hillside, sweeping out a few strings of flames towards a forest below the hill.

Zhang Wa quickly swept across the distant hillside through the scope on the assault rifle. He said hurriedly, "Leopard Head, Bao Ya and Yu Wenfeng must have been discovered by potential opponents." Wan Lin heard the sound, and a flash of light flashed across his face immediately. Murderous, he ordered in a low voice: "Zhang Wa, Cheng Ru, take your people to detour from both sides, and kill these **** who dare to shoot at Lao Bao and them!" "Yes!" Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa immediately Answering, the two of them turned and ran forward.

At this time, Wen Meng and Wu Xueying, who were standing guard, turned their heads to look at Wan Lin. Wu Xueying said in a low voice, "Leopard head, let's go too. I feel that Zhang Wa and the others have less troops." Wan Lin glanced at him. At the bamboo forest at the back, he pondered for a moment and ordered in a low voice: "Bao Ya and Yu Wenfeng must be suppressed by the firepower of their opponents now. You bring Xiaohua there too, and kill the enemies who are close to them first."

"Yes!" Wu Xueying and Wen Meng exclaimed excitedly, and the two greeted Xiaohua, then followed Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa to bend over and run towards the mountains ahead.

Wan Lin saw Cheng Ru and a few people running out, and he whispered to Feng Dao, Xiaoya and Lingling beside him: "Pay attention to the few enemies in the rear right, they are most likely to attack by taking advantage of the lack of troops on our side. Ya, Lingling, you are responsible for protecting President Yu's safety."

"Yes!" Xiaoya and Lingling replied immediately. Wan Lin then pointed to a dense grove on the side of the mountain and said, "Go, let's go there to avoid each other's sight."

At this time, the wind knife had already stepped behind a cluster of thick grass on the side, raised the gun and looked at the rolling hills behind to the right, he followed in a low voice and said: "Leopard head, Yu Wenyu reported in sign language, the one in the bamboo forest on the right rear. The five boys are now stealthily approaching us."

An icy look immediately appeared on Wan Lin's face, and he commanded in a low voice, "Order your people not to disturb the other party, just set up an ambush in this mountain, and I, President Yu, Lingling, and Xiaoya will be used as bait to take this group of people. The **** are here! Xiaoya, Lingling, you protect President Yu from entering the woods in front of you, let's go." "Yes!" Xiaoya and Fengdao replied in a low voice, with excitement in their eyes. look.

Just now, Yu Jing and the others heard that the boys in the back right were always following behind them, and they all had a feeling of being stuck in their throats. Now that they heard Wan Lin's order to clean up these boys, everyone felt a sense of excitement in their The gunshots in the mountains in front of them were still intermittently heard, and the green mountains flashed from time to time. A few clusters of fire. Obviously, Bao Ya and Yu Wenfeng were taking advantage of the undulating terrain to deal with a group of enemies in ambush in front, and were waiting for reinforcements from behind to come.

Wan Lin took Yu Jing, Xiaoya, and Lingling to the forest in front of them with a quick walk. None of them were hiding. It seemed that they quickly entered the forest in front of them after hearing the sound of gunfire.

At this time, the wind knife was already lying on the ground behind a tree on the side, and he quickly crawled out dozens of meters to the side of the mountain under the cover of the surrounding grass, and then bent over and stood in a high wormwood. Get up and quickly run to the side of the mountain.

At this time, the rising sun was already hanging high above the top of the mountain in the east, and there were a few soft white clouds floating in the blue sky.

Wan Lin took Xiaoya and the three into the woods in front of him. Wan Lin ordered Xiaoya and Lingling in a low voice: "You take Xiaobai to hide on the spot and protect Mr. Yu. I will hide on the side of the hillside. Lead the opponent over." After he finished speaking, he turned around and ran towards the side of the wood with his sniper rifle, and then crawled up a hillside in the grass beside the forest.

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